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Sex is a necessary need and plays an important role in creating a connection between men and women. Besides, sex has been shown to have a number of health benefits related to stress relief and good circulation. Some experts even emphasize that sex also helps prevent aging. So does sex really make you younger?

1. The aging process of cells

As we age, some signs of aging such as gray hair, wrinkles, freckles, age-related diseases such as joint pain, diabetes, arthritis ... will begin to attack the body. . This is because the cells in your body begin to degenerate as you age. You may have noticed that, in your 30s, your hair is just a few gray hairs. However, when you turn 40, your number of gray hair will become a lot. This shows that, after a certain age, the process of cell degeneration occurs very quickly.
In some people, premature aging of cells can occur if they lead an unhealthy lifestyle with an unhealthy diet, little exercise, excessive stress... In In such cases, they will begin to experience the above signs of aging even at a very young age
None of us want to age and all want to stay healthy for a long time. If you want to do that, you need to stop the premature aging of cells for as long as possible. Research has found that, along with healthy lifestyle habits, regular sex can also help prevent premature aging of cells.

Theo thời gian, các chức năng của cơ thể sẽ dần lão hóa
Theo thời gian, các chức năng của cơ thể sẽ dần lão hóa

2. Sex in the elderly

Age is not a big obstacle to having sex. Sex drive may even stay the same or even increase in middle age. However, in general, as you get older, the frequency of sex can decrease. A Duke University study published in the November 1974 Journal of the American Geriatric Society found that "by age 68, about 70% of men are sexually active" but this number drops to 25% by age 78.
While men may experience a gradual decrease in sex drive as testosterone levels drop, women experience a range of effects due to the more complex hormonal changes that occur with menopause. Some people do not experience a decrease in sex drive for many years. Partly because of the increased prevalence of hormone replacement therapy, which helps relieve symptoms of menopause, it may also help improve sexual function in women. Other women may respond to low-dose double testosterone medications that improve libido.

Việc giảm testosterone khiến đàn ông giảm ham muốn quan hệ tình dục
Việc giảm testosterone khiến đàn ông giảm ham muốn quan hệ tình dục

3. Sex and aging

Several studies have cited the anti-aging effects of sex after survey and analysis from the available data. Having sex at least twice a week can make your biological age 1.6 years younger than if you had sex only once a week. Biological age is the age estimated by biological indicators, not by time.
A study conducted in Caerphilly, Wales and published in the British Medical Journal December 1997, investigated the relationship between sex and mortality. The study found that surveyed men who had at least two orgasms per week at the time of the study halved their risk of all-cause mortality over 10 years of follow-up compared with those with the highest frequency. lower orgasms. This means that the more orgasms men have, the longer they are likely to live.

4. How sex can keep you young

One of the first long-term studies on aging started at Duke University in the 50s and was reported in the December 1982 issue of Gerontologist showing sex frequency (for men) and sexual enjoyment (for women) to predict life expectancy. Studies have found that sexual dissatisfaction is a predictor of the onset of cardiovascular disease. A study published in the November 1976 issue of Psychology compared 100 women with heart disease (acute myocardial infarction) with a control group and found apathy and dissatisfaction about their health. sex in 65% of patients with coronary artery disease but only 24% of controls. In these studies, although a correlation was found between frequency and/or enjoyment of sex with life expectancy and other outcomes, the study failed to demonstrate cause and effect. fruit. This means whether sexual dissatisfaction increases the risk of cardiovascular events or whether the occurrence of these cardiovascular events reduces the frequency and enjoyment of sex.
In a long-term study at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland, research into sexuality in old age found that "the key components that influence youthfulness are the ability to function and maintain youthfulness. sex life is good among older adults.In a study of 3,500 people aged 30 to 101, sex made you look four to seven years younger than your actual age in years. This result is postulated because sex significantly reduces stress, psychological satisfaction is greater, research subjects have better sleep.

Quan hệ tình dục giúp bạn duy trì được sự trẻ trung
Quan hệ tình dục giúp bạn duy trì được sự trẻ trung

Indeed, several other studies also show that sex helps us stay younger because it reduces stress, relaxes the body, enhances intimacy, and helps improve personal relationships. Although no studies have proven a cause-and-effect relationship between good sex and longevity, there seems to be a beneficial correlation between the two.

5. Health benefits of sex

During sex some beneficial hormones, such as endorphins and serotonin, are released in the body. They can help improve immunity, aid in the treatment of depression, along with other benefits like aiding weight loss, reducing stress, and improving skin health.
However, due to many reasons many people do not have sex often. Busy times, stress, sexual dysfunction like erectile dysfunction, low sex drive... are some of the reasons why many people don't have sex
Not having sex sex can cause you to miss out on the benefits mentioned above. In addition to these benefits, did you know that regular sex can also slow down the premature aging of cells and keep you young for longer.
Regular sex can prevent cell aging. The fact that hormones like endorphins and serotonin are released in the body during sex has a lot of health benefits. Endorphin and serotonin are 2 hormones that have the ability to slow down the degeneration of cells, thereby helping to slow down the aging process.
Another study conducted at the University of California (USA) also found that regular sex can also significantly improve life expectancy. This study shows that frequent sex can maintain the length of telomeres (repeated sequences of DNA at the ends of chromosomes responsible for aging and longevity). human), thereby helping to prevent premature aging and increase your lifespan.
Usually, telomeres shorten with age due to various lifestyle factors. However, regular sex habits can keep their length for a long time. This is why having sex regularly can help prevent premature aging and can keep you looking younger and healthier in the long run.

Một lợi ích khác của quan hệ tình dục là giúp giảm căng thẳng
Một lợi ích khác của quan hệ tình dục là giúp giảm căng thẳng

International General Hospital now has a package of examination and counseling on sexual dysfunction in women, for female customers between the ages of 18 and 65 years old or older who need examination and advice. counseling, and treatment of sexual dysfunction.
When registering for the package of examination and counseling for female sexual dysfunction, customers will receive:
Gynecological examination Gynecological examination, breast examination Transabdominal ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries Perform tests .... To register for the fastest examination and treatment, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
Reference source:

See also:
Stages of orgasm during sex
What is safe sex
Sex in the elderly: What to know
Patients Stories