Blood test detects gonorrhea

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Gonorrhea is classified as a sensitive but dangerous disease, very commonly transmitted through sexual contact. If not detected and treated promptly, gonorrhea will leave very serious complications to the patient's health.

1. Gonorrhea and its unpredictable consequences

Gonorrhea is an infection caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae that is spread through the vagina, mouth, or anus with an infected person through sexual contact. Besides, it can also be passed from a pregnant woman to her baby during childbirth. Gonorrhea can infect both men and women and is most common in young people from 15 to 24 years old.
According to medical experts, gonorrhea can cause very serious complications. Typical problems are:
Causes urethritis: Gonorrhea attacks the body causing symptoms of urethritis. Patients often have typical symptoms such as painful urination, frequent urination, pus or discharge with a very unpleasant odor. Besides, when gonorrhea occurs in women, they can also suffer from other diseases. other such as: inflammation of the Bartholin gland, vagina, uterus. Fallopian tubes, ovaries, ... In men, the patient has to deal with testicular inflammation, prostatitis, seminal cystitis, vasculitis... Prolonged illness can affect seriously affect fertility. Many cases have faced the risk of infertility because of complications of the disease without timely intervention. Although gonorrhea is a dangerous disease, it is quite sensitive, so many people are still hesitant to go to the doctor. In case, the test results are negative, you will no longer live in a state of anxiety, lack of confidence. However, if the result is positive, you do not need to be too scared because based on that, doctors will have a timely and effective treatment plan. Since then the disease will not last long, causing dangerous complications. If the sick person does not know his or her condition, but still comes into contact with people around, it can spread to the community. Therefore, in order to prevent effectively, the first thing to do is to get tested for gonorrhea to know if you have the disease or not, but you will take measures for yourself and everyone.

Bệnh lậu tuy là bệnh nguy hiểm nhưng khá nhạy cảm vì thế nhiều người vẫn ngần ngại đi khám
Bệnh lậu tuy là bệnh nguy hiểm nhưng khá nhạy cảm vì thế nhiều người vẫn ngần ngại đi khám

2. When should gonorrhea test?

Through the symptoms and daily living habits, the patient decides whether to go for a gonorrhea test or not:
Firstly, unsafe sex is one of the fastest ways to spread gonorrhea and gonorrhea. most common. Therefore, people who have had sex with many different partners and have unprotected sex, especially those who have had gonorrhea, need to be tested for gonorrhea as soon as possible.
Secondly, people who have been living, sharing personal items, needles or having direct contact with secretions of people with gonorrhea may still be at risk of infection. Third, people with gonorrhea have abnormal symptoms as follows: When urinating, feel pain when urinating, urinating blood, urinating pus, genital organs are infected, or the urethral area is swollen, ... These symptoms also warn you that you may have gonorrhea and need to see a doctor for effective treatment. Fourth, people who have had social diseases (genital warts, syphilis, genital warts, ...) should also visit regularly and periodically.

Qua n hệ tình dục không an toàn là nguyên nhân gây ra bệnh lậu
Qua n hệ tình dục không an toàn là nguyên nhân gây ra bệnh lậu

3. Can a blood test detect gonorrhea?

When entering the body, gonorrhea will attack the blood. Therefore, a blood test can completely help detect the existence of gonorrhea bacteria in the blood of a patient. Besides, the doctor will combine with the performance of a number of other tests to determine the status and extent of typical gonorrhea such as:
Test of urethral fluid. This is a common test method today to identify the disease. Doctors take samples, examine them with a microscope to find gonorrhea bacteria, help determine if you are infected with gonorrhea.
Urine test This is a step that helps doctors determine whether gonorrhea bacteria still exist in the patient's body, and this method also helps doctors determine the level of disease development.
It can be seen that determining whether you are infected with gonorrhea is not quite simple. The test is usually quick and simple and gives early results, from which, doctors will have a basis to specify the timely and accurate treatment of gonorrhea in order to quickly end the disease. this reason. With the development of digital technology, when entering a keyword to search for a blood test to detect gonorrhea, there are many addresses and the examination is not difficult. However, for accurate testing, you need to carefully choose reputable specialized facilities, secure facilities and especially a team of qualified and experienced medical staff.

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Xét nghiệm nước tiểu có thể xác định được bệnh lậu

Vinmec International General Hospital offers a Package of Examination and Screening for social diseases to help customers detect diseases early and have effective treatment and prevent dangerous complications. The screening package for social diseases at Vinmec is for all ages, both men and women.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
How long does gonorrhea incubate? Can gonorrhea be cured? Symptoms of gonorrhea in men
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