Beauty benefits of olive oil

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Olive oil is a staple of the Mediterranean diet. Olive oil is rich in antioxidants and the fat is mostly monounsaturated fatty acids, which experts consider healthy fats. So what are the beauty benefits of olive oil?

1. Olive oil

Olive oil is extracted from the fruit of the olive tree, a traditional crop of the people of the Mediterranean region. Olive oil is also a staple of the diet here. The antioxidants in olive oil work to protect the body from damage from cells to improve health and prevent disease
Extra virgin olive oil has a bitter taste but contains many antioxidants chemical than refined oils because it undergoes the least amount of processing. Olive oil can be used in cooking, cosmetics, medicine, soap, or as an ingredient for oil lamps. Olive oil originally appeared only in the Mediterranean region, but now due to its wonderful effects, it has become popular all over the world.
In the diet, one can use olive oil mixed with salt water and eat with other dishes such as bread, pasta or salad.
Some important effects of olive oil can be mentioned as:
Neutralize free radicals: Free radicals are substances that the body produces during metabolism and metabolism. If the body accumulates too many free radicals, it can lead to damage to cells, thereby accelerating the aging process or leading to the appearance of certain diseases, including cancer. The antioxidants in extra virgin olive oil neutralize these free radicals, slowing down oxidation in the body.

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Đầu ô liu có thể giúp trung hòa các gốc tự do

Olive oil for the heart: Olive oil is the main source of fat in the Mediterranean diet. People who use a diet high in olive oil often have a longer life expectancy and risk of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart failure. .. much lower than others. Olive oil and metabolic syndrome: Metabolic syndrome is a collection of factors that increase the risk of diseases such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes. ... Incorporating olive oil into the diet helps to reduce sugar and cholesterol levels as well as lower "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and increase "good" cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. A 2013 study also showed that components in extra virgin olive oil have the ability to protect the nervous system, useful in the treatment of depression. Olive oil helps reduce the risk of breast cancer. The antioxidants in olive oil help protect cells from oxidative damage, thereby limiting the formation of abnormal cell types, which are the cause of malignant tumors. Alzheimer's disease: Many experts suggest that extra virgin olive oil may help prevent Alzheimer's disease through its protective mechanism for brain blood vessels.
Olive oil and liver: The substances in virgin olive oil can prevent or even actively participate in the liver's recovery process. Specifically, oleic acid and phenolic compounds help prevent inflammation, oxidation, insulin resistance, and changes that lead to liver damage. Enhance intestinal immunity: Phenolic in olive oil has the ability to enhance the activity of beneficial intestinal bacteria, actively supporting the treatment of gastrointestinal inflammation, ulcerative colitis....

Dầu ô liu giúp tăng cường miễn dịch đường ruột
Dầu ô liu giúp tăng cường miễn dịch đường ruột

2. Olive oil for skin care

Olive oil can support the prevention of cardiovascular disease, neutralize free radicals to slow down the aging process or support the immune system. ... However, there is another effect of olive oil that not many people know about, which is beauty.
In fact, when studying the effects of olive oil on the skin on mice, scientists discovered that olive oil actually has the ability to fight tumors. The incidence of cancer was significantly lower in the mice that had olive oil applied to their skin when exposed to ultraviolet light.
The benefits of olive oil for the skin:
Rich source of vitamins: Olive oil contains many vitamins including A, D, K and E. With the antioxidant properties of phenolic, olive oil Olive oil has the ability to slow down the skin aging process, limit the appearance of wrinkles, and prevent damage from ultraviolet rays. In addition, olive oil's antioxidant capacity is further enhanced by containing a substance called squalene than other fats or oils. Moisturizing and killing bacteria: Using soap made with olive oil has the ability to moisturize, kill bacteria as well as clean pores, prevent the appearance of acne. Olive oil can be used as a moisturizer without any added chemicals. In addition, olive oil can also be included in the ingredients of some cosmetics or face washes or in soaps, shower gels and lotions...

3. Olive oil for hair care

If you have never used olive oil for hair, try it once, you will get a noticeable effect. Here are the steps to incubate hair with olive oil:
Choose the dose to use: Depending on the length, thickness of the hair as well as the desired level of moisturizing of the user. Usually only 1 to 2 tablespoons of olive oil should be used for the first use. Massage the scalp to help the olive oil penetrate each strand of hair, then cover your hair with a towel or shower cap to let the oil soak for at least 15 minutes. minute. Brush your hair with a wide tooth comb before rinsing it with water 1 to 2 times. Then blow-dry your hair and enjoy the results. Hair conditioner with olive oil is not harmful to the scalp so it is recommended to use it at least once a week for best results.

Ủ tóc bằng dầu ô liu đem lại lợi ích cho việc làm đẹp của phụ nữ
Ủ tóc bằng dầu ô liu đem lại lợi ích cho việc làm đẹp của phụ nữ

However, olive oil may not be suitable for some hair types that are able to hold the oil longer. Here are some hair types that are recommended to use olive oil for moisturizing:
Thick hair: Olive oil works best for people with dry, thick hair, helping to keep hair moist and healthy. People who regularly use forms of styling such as curling or dyeing their hair may need olive oil to keep it moisturized. Note that olive oil should only be used 72 hours after perm, hair dye to avoid unwanted side effects. Split ends: Olive oil can help smooth out broken or split ends. In addition, using olive oil to condition your hair can help eliminate the appearance of dandruff on oily skin just as much as advertised anti-dandruff shampoos.
Besides the good health effects, another advantage of olive oil that experts are focusing on exploiting is its ability to support beauty. The ingredients in olive oil help neutralize free radicals thereby slowing down the aging process as well as limiting the appearance of acne and wrinkles, keeping the skin healthy and smooth. Besides, olive oil is also a product that supports moisturizing and protecting hair very well, helping to make hair strong and clean from dandruff.
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