Bad habits are not good for the heart

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Please review your lifestyle and limit the following bad habits to ensure the health of your heart! Watching TV Sitting for long hours increases the risk of heart attack and stroke despite regular exercise. MSc. Harmony R. Reynolds, Associate Director of the Center for Clinical Cardiovascular Research (NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, USA) said: "Discontinuous exercise can't make up for the amount of time you sit to watch a movie." . Because lack of exercise will affect the amount of fat and sugar in the blood. Advice: Take regular walks. If you work at an office, take the time to get up and move around. Depression and uncontrolled pressure

Are you feeling stress, irritability, pressure and depression? All will affect your heart. MSc. “How you process and manage your emotions can affect your heart health,” says Renolds. And people who are stressed are more prone to heart disease.” Advice: It's best to talk to those around you about the problem you're having to keep your mind at ease. Snoring can be a warning sign of a dangerous condition such as sleep apnea because it can cause blood pressure to spike abnormally. More than 18 million people in the US are at risk of heart disease due to sleep apnea. Obese and overweight people are also very susceptible to this disease. However, skinny people are no exception. Advice: MSc. Robert Ostfeld, clinical medicine specialist, Montefiore Medical Center (New York, USA) said: "If you snore and wake up feeling tired, you should see a doctor for advice. There are many ways to manage sleep apnea." Separation from the community Realistic people who have good relationships with family, friends and society will live longer with much better health. We all need our own space, but that doesn't mean isolating ourselves from the outside world. Stay in touch and build a good relationship whenever possible. Drinking a lot of alcohol

Studies show that a small amount of alcohol can be good for the heart but too much is counterproductive. Drinking too much alcohol will increase blood pressure, blood fats and weaken the heart. Add to that, too many calories can also be dangerous for your heart. Advice: drink in moderation and don't drink too much. Eating too much Being overweight is also a risk factor for the heart. In fact, 72% of men and 64% of women in the US are overweight and obesity is strongly linked to heart disease. Tip: Eat enough nutrients but don't overeat. It is best to replace soft drinks with white filtered water. Smoking or living in smoke-free environments “Smoking is a disaster for your heart,” says Dr. Ostfeld. Smoking increases the risk of blood clots, which can keep blood from reaching the heart and contribute to plaque buildup in the arteries. In addition, people living in smoke-free environments are also affected. In fact, 46,000 passive smokers die from heart disease each year because of harmful secondhand smoke. Advice: Quit smoking immediately and stay away from smoky environments for a healthy heart.

According to Dan Tri

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