Are you fit to be a parent?

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Being a parent is a sacred and happy thing in everyone's life, but this is absolutely not an easy task, especially with today's modern pace of life. How to be a good parent is always a concern of young couples.

1. Difficulties in raising children

Becoming a parent can be exciting and happy in a way you never expected. At the same time, this vocation is also really difficult beyond your imagination, specifically:
Becoming a parent places strict requirements on your time and energy. You have almost no free time to rest and recharge. Moms and dads never seem to have enough time, money, spiritual encouragement or the practice to prepare to do their own thing. The child can provoke personal emotions and make you explode, "crazy" at any time. The parenting mistakes that you will inevitably make - more or less, affect the child you love most. Having a baby is a big life change. But since women are often primarily responsible for raising children, this impacts mothers more than fathers. As a parent, society sets more standards and values ​​for you to follow than in your youth.
Raising children is an extremely important task to create the next generation of quality, and it also costs a lot and affects the whole family economically. If women don't already have a good salary, support and recognition for their social contributions, becoming a mother will deepen this situation.

Nuôi dạy con cái đúng cách chưa bao giờ là điều dễ dàng đối với ba mẹ
Nuôi dạy con cái đúng cách chưa bao giờ là điều dễ dàng đối với ba mẹ

Previous generations often divided the duties of family caregiver and financial breadwinner. Meanwhile, young people today have almost participated in both roles, sharing tasks with each other. But in reality, day-to-day housework, cooking, confiding, childcare, shopping, and countless other unnamed chores still tend to rest on the shoulders of the primary caregiver (mostly women), and Completely unpaid.
So deciding how to be a good parent is not easy at all. Any adult will face a trade-off, between a promotion at work or being a good parent.
Young fathers and mothers who continue to work will have to face a sense of family responsibility, along with work responsibilities. Long hours at work can increase feelings of emotional and mental separation from children, making it impossible for them to be close to them. Many people can overcome this situation, but many young people feel frustrated because they cannot become the type of parent they once wanted.

Áp lực cuộc sống đã tạo ra một khoảng cách lớn giữa ba mẹ và con cái
Áp lực cuộc sống đã tạo ra một khoảng cách lớn giữa ba mẹ và con cái

2. What is parenting really like?

It's hard to understand the reality of being a first time parent. Here are some suggestions that can help you better imagine life when having children :
Read psychological books, share facts about how children have changed couples' lives Visit a a friend or relative has just had a baby. Stay at least 1 night to get a realistic view of parenting and child care. Try to assume that you have decided to have children, then spend a week thinking about it. , including how you feel and all possible life changes. Then suppose you decide not to have one and live with that thought for a week. Recommended video:
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Not everyone can be a good parent. Maybe you've never wanted to have children, or you may have other plans for yourself that will prevent that dream from coming true.
According to a female writer and cooking teacher who decided not to have children, human creativity is truly amazing. But a lot of people never discover their full creative potential or potential because family life gets in the way, especially women. There are certainly cases where parents, both fully married and single, regret their decision to have children when they are not ready.
On the other hand, some people really love taking care and raising children. They never thought that this vocation would be so interesting until they experienced it in real life.
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Most young people are expected by their parents to become great future mothers and fathers, fulfilling the responsibility of building a family. But the decision to have children or not will not depend on your parents, friends, religion or any other expectations from others. This is your life and it's entirely up to you.

3. Some questions to discuss

For some, it's easy to answer the question: Are you fit to be a parent? They always imagine themselves becoming parents, they can control their lives according to their own wishes and are completely ready for the birth of children. While others have wondered about this question for years or hesitated before planning an early pregnancy and delivery. Even some people never have the need to have children and raise young children.
Regardless of which group you belong to, you can make an informed decision about whether you are ready to have children and raise them for the rest of your life. One thing is for sure, you are not forced to have a baby. A child should not be created for any urgent reason. Becoming a parent is entirely up to your own hopes and preferences.
Psychologist suggests you start by asking: What do you want right now? If you are sure the answer is a child, then both of you should discuss the following questions together:
Can you spend time playing with your child? Do you like children? When you were a kid, what did you like and dislike? How do you feel about your parents' parenting style? What are the positive and negative points? What valuable lessons did your parents teach you? How do you feel answering these questions?

Nhiều bậc phụ huynh luôn băn khoăn về liệu mình đã phù hợp để trở thành cha, mẹ chưa?
Nhiều bậc phụ huynh luôn băn khoăn về liệu mình đã phù hợp để trở thành cha, mẹ chưa?

Need to focus on your own interests and desires instead of surrounding factors. In addition, to make this important decision easier, you can learn and participate in parenting skills courses, motherhood skills such as prenatal classes at prestigious addresses, whether in person or online.
With the desire to bring useful knowledge, parenting skills, motherhood and special care services to mothers and babies right from the beginning of pregnancy until delivery, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology – Vinmec International General Hospital has opened regular prenatal classes to bring necessary information and skills to mothers during pregnancy.
Vinmec prenatal class is designed with useful lessons, which are essential when entering the motherhood stage. Attend antenatal classes to prepare psychologically as well as basic knowledge to be ready to welcome your baby. At the prenatal class, pregnant women will be equipped with knowledge such as:
Notes pregnant women need to know in the first 3 months - the second 3 months - the last 3 months of pregnancy. Tips to reduce morning sickness in the first 3 months Nutrition in pregnancy: vitamin supplements with functional foods and daily diet Foods should and shouldn't in pregnancy Diseases pregnant women often encounter during pregnancy How Using drugs during pregnancy Gentle exercises for pregnant women during pregnancy Instructions on how to breathe during childbirth Care for newborn babies: Bathing the baby, guiding the feeding position Instructions for handling when the baby is choking Instructions Breastfeeding And there are many other useful lessons shared from experts, experienced obstetricians and gynecologists in childbirth and child care, neonatal nurses or doctors. In addition, mothers participating in Vinmec prenatal classes are also given gifts from reputable milk diaper brands recommended by experts. After the sessions, the mother will answer her concerns and be equipped with more knowledge to help the motherhood journey no longer be surprised and ready to welcome the baby.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Reference source:

What's so special about the prenatal class at Vinmec? First time father: What you need to know Caring for a newborn until full month
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