Are raisins good for you?

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Are raisins good for you? All in all, and when you consume it in moderation, raisins are a delicious and healthy food to add to your diet because of the nutritional benefits it provides. Read more to understand more about the benefits of raisins and how to consume them sensibly.

1. Overview of raisins

Raisins are actually fresh grapes that are dried in a food dehydrator or dried in the sun.
Raisins are often used for:
Part of a salad Mix with oats Mix with yogurt As a topping in cookies, bread, muffins. Raisins are naturally sweet, high in sugar and calories, but they are beneficial to our health when eaten in moderation. Many studies have proven raisins can aid digestion, boost iron levels and keep your bones strong.
So the next time you're craving candy or sweets, consider nibbling on some raisins.

2. Nutritional value

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the nutritional elements in the range of 40 - 50 grams:
Năng lượng 299 Kcal 15%
Carbohydrate 79,18 g 61%
Chất đạm 3,07 g 5,5%
Tổng số chất béo 0,46 g 1,5%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Chất xơ 3,7 g 10%
Folates 5 µg 1%
Niacin 0,766 mg 5%
Axit pantothenic 0,095 mg 2%
Pyridoxine 0,0174 mg 13%
Riboflavin 0,125 mg 10%
Thiamin (Vitamin B1) 0,106 mg 9%
Vitamin A 0 IU 0%
Vitamin C 2,3 mg 4%
Vitamin E 0,12 mg 1%
Vitamin K 3,5 µg 3%
Natri 11% 1 mg
Kali 749 mg 16%
Canxi 50 mg 5%
Đồng 0,318 mg 35%
Bàn là 1,88 mg 23%
Magiê 7 mg 2%
Mangan 0,299 mg 12%
Phốt pho 101 mg 15%
Selen 0,6 µg 1%
Kẽm 0,22 mg 2%
Carotene-a 0 µg -
Carotene-ß 0 µg -
Crypto-xanthin-ß 0 µg -
Lutein-zeaxanthin 0 µg -
There are many nutrients in raisins with many benefits. Below, we'll give you both the good and the bad in raisins, to determine if the benefits outweigh the risks.
2.1. Sugar and Calories 1/2 cup of raisins has about 217 calories and 47 grams of sugar. Meanwhile, a 350ml can of soda has about 150 calories and 33 grams of sugar, depending on the brand.
High sugar and calories are typical of dried fruit, which is why it's important to keep track of how much raisins you're eating in one sitting.
Raisins are usually sold in small boxes, each containing about 100 calories. If you have trouble with portion control, try buying these prepackaged raisins to control your intake.
For endurance athletes, raisins are a great alternative to expensive sports gels or chews. They provide a quick source of much-needed carbohydrates and can improve your performance.
2011 study, which found that raisins were just as effective as a sports jelly brand in improving performance for athletes engaged in moderate-intensity endurance training exercises to high.
2.2. Fiber 100 grams of raisins gives you about 3.8 grams of fiber, or 10-24% of your daily needs, depending on your age and gender.
Fiber helps support your digestion by softening and increasing the weight and size of stools. Looser stools are easier to pass through the intestinal tract and can help prevent constipation. Fiber also keeps you fuller for longer because it slows down the emptying of the stomach. If you're trying to lose weight, eating foods with fiber can help.
Fiber also plays a big role in your body's cholesterol levels. Dietary fiber is known to reduce levels of the "bad" type of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.
2.3. Iron Raisins are considered a rich source of iron. 100 grams of raisins contain about 1.3 mg of iron or 7% of the recommended daily intake for most adult women and 16% of the recommended daily intake for most adult men.
Iron is important for making red blood cells and helping them transport oxygen to your body's cells. Providing enough iron for the body is one way to prevent iron deficiency anemia.

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Nho khô được coi là nguồn cung cấp sắt dồi dào
2.4. Calcium and Bones A 100-gram serving of raisins contains about 45 mg of calcium or 4% of your daily requirement. Calcium is essential for your healthy bones and teeth.
For women who have gone through menopause, raisins are a great snack for you because calcium helps prevent the development of osteoporosis.
Plus, raisins contain a high amount of the trace element boron. The combination of Bo, vitamin D and calcium makes your bones stronger. It's also part of the treatment for osteoporosis
2.5. Antioxidants Raisins are an exceptional source of natural chemicals known as phytonutrients, such as phenols and polyphenols. These nutrients are also known as antioxidants – substances that help remove free radicals from your blood and can prevent damage to your cells and DNA. This can lead to diseases such as cancer, metabolic heart disease and stroke.
2.6. Antibacterial compounds A 2009 study showed that raisins contain phytochemicals that promote healthy teeth and gums. The oleanolic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid, present in raisins, work against bacteria in the mouth that lead to tooth decay.

3. 13 benefits of raisins

3.1. Aids in digestion Consuming a few raisins per day is good for your stomach. The fiber in raisins has a laxative effect on the stomach and relieves constipation. In addition, eating raisins daily helps regular bowel movements and the fiber helps to remove toxins and waste from your body. In addition, raisins contain tartaric acid - a protein with anti-inflammatory properties, improving intestinal function and helping to regulate the balance of bacteria in your gut. One study found that this acid may work to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.
3.2. Helps reduce acidity Raisins contain a significant amount of potassium and magnesium. These substances help reduce acidity and help remove toxins from the body, preventing diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, kidney stones and heart disease.
3.3. Helps Fight Anemia Raisins are high in iron and vitamin B-Complex which plays an important role in the treatment of anemia. The body's production of red blood cells requires copper, and raisins contain no small amount of this mineral.
3.4. Helps prevent cancer Antioxidants - catechins in raisins help protect against the action of free radicals that can cause tumors and colon cancer.
3.5. Helps treat infections Polyphenolic substances are known as anti-inflammatory antioxidants. Their properties are antibacterial, helping to reduce the risk of fever and kill bacteria. The composition of raisins was found to contain this type of active ingredient. Therefore, eating a few raisins a day can keep you safe from colds and other infections.

Chất Polyphenolic trong nho khô có thể giúp điều trị nhiễm trùng
Chất Polyphenolic trong nho khô có thể giúp điều trị nhiễm trùng
3.6. Reduces sexual weakness Consuming raisins is also very good for your sex life. Raisins contain an amino acid called Arginine that increases libido and induces arousal. In addition, the additional energy of raisins will greatly help your sex life.
3.7. With your eyesight Raisins are rich in polyphenolic phytonutrients - antioxidants that help keep your eyesight healthy. The antioxidants in raisins help protect the eyes by reducing the effects of free radicals that weaken vision and can lead to cataracts. Also, raisins have vitamin A, beta carotene and A-Carotenoid and they are super good for eyes
3.8. Oral Health Raisins contain oleanolic acid which is one of the phytochemicals needed to keep your teeth safe from decay, cavities as well as brittle teeth. Raisins prevent the growth of bacteria in the mouth to prevent tooth decay. At the same time, raisins also help strengthen teeth because they contain calcium. The boron present in raisins is great for keeping the bacteria buildup in the mouth low
3.9. Cardiovascular health Research shows that raisins may reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels. The fiber in raisins works to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, which helps reduce stress on your heart.
Raisins are also a good source of potassium. Studies have found that low potassium intake contributes to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. The amount of potassium our body needs increases if our sodium intake is high, which is common in many people's diets these days. As a low-sodium food, raisins are a great way to make sure you're getting enough potassium.
3.10. Reduced risk of chronic disease Raisins have a higher antioxidant content than other dried fruits. The drying process also preserves these antioxidants, promoting greater activity than fresh grapes.
Antioxidants prevent cell damage caused by natural factors such as aging and lifestyle behaviors. Some of the more powerful antioxidants in raisins are known as phytonutrients. These plant-based compounds have been shown to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and cancer.
Research shows that phytonutrients may also have anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and brain-protective properties.
3.11. Benefits for your bones Raisins contain a large amount of calcium which is good for your bone health. They help you get rid of arthritis and gout.

Nho khô là loại thực phẩm có tác dụng tốt cho xương của bạn
Nho khô là loại thực phẩm có tác dụng tốt cho xương của bạn
3.12. Skin Benefits Nourishing raisins provide high levels of energy and are low in fat. Here are some benefits of raisins for the skin:
Unlike skin creams, raisins protect the skin from within by protecting the cells from any damage. They contain phenol - an antioxidant that works to prevent free radicals from damaging skin cells, boosting collagen and elastin. This helps delay the appearance of signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, and blemishes. The antioxidants in raisins accelerate the skin's repair system, plump the skin, and prevent damage. They help rejuvenate skin cells and prevent sagging of the skin. Raisins contain resveratrol - a substance very beneficial for maintaining the health of the skin. Helps remove harmful substances and black cells from the blood to filter the blood. It also contributes significantly to the production of red cells in the body. Makes your skin look more radiant and full of life. Blood poisoning, also known as acidosis, is an increased level of acid in the body that can lead to skin complications such as boils, boils, and psoriasis. Acid in the stomach will be neutralized by the magnesium and potassium available in raisins. This helps to cure acidosis and keep the skin healthy Eating black raisins helps to speed up the functions of the liver to detoxify the body. This helps to flush out toxins from the body for clear and glowing skin. Raisins can protect the skin from sun damage. Phytochemicals present in raisins protect our skin cells from damage caused by sun exposure. The amino acids in raisins promote skin renewal and form a protective barrier against sun damage. Very good to prevent skin cancer. The antioxidants present in the composition of raisins fight free radicals in the body. This slows down oxidation and prevents the breakdown of DNA in our skin. Raisins contain vitamin A and vitamin E that help stimulate the growth of new cells in the top layer of the skin. They improve the skin's moisture content to make it softer and more youthful. Eating raisins regularly can also make the skin brighter and more beautiful. 3.13. Benefits for Hair Raisins contain many nutrients that are beneficial for hair such as B vitamins, iron, potassium and antioxidants that are needed to improve hair condition. Some of the hair benefits of raisins include:
Iron in raisins is considered an essential nutrient to maintain healthy hair. Iron deficiency can cause dull, lifeless hair and severe hair loss. Iron improves blood circulation in the body and stimulates the hair follicle cells. This makes the hair strong and strong. Therefore, eat raisins daily to get enough iron Raisins contain a large amount of vitamin C - favorable conditions to help absorb minerals and provide nutrients to maintain the natural color of hair. Daily raisins will strengthen blood vessels. Helps reduce flaking, dandruff and itchy scalp. Resveratrol present in raisins inhibits scalp inflammation and dead cells to prevent hair loss. Raisins also fight hair loss caused by environmental damage. Eating foods rich in antioxidants can prevent hair loss well. The antioxidants in raisins prevent hair damage by stimulating healthier hair follicles. It also promotes healthy cells needed for hair growth. Vitamin C in raisins helps maintain the connective tissue of the follicles, also known as collagen that promotes hair growth. Vitamin E strengthens cell membranes and prevents free radicals from attacking hair follicles.

Nho khô chứa nhiều chất dinh dưỡng như sắt, vitamin C,... có lợi có tóc
Nho khô chứa nhiều chất dinh dưỡng như sắt, vitamin C,... có lợi có tóc

4. Is it safe to eat raisins?

Although raisins have many benefits, sometimes raisins are not the best snack.
For example, people who want to reduce their calorie intake should be careful when eating large amounts of raisins. While a single raisin contains the same number of calories as a fresh grape, raisins are much smaller. This easily leads to eating too many calories and will make you gain unwanted weight.
Another concern that is overeating raisins is the increase in soluble fiber. Too much fiber can cause gastrointestinal upset, such as cramps, bloating and gas, or worse, diarrhea. However, it's important to note that this only happens when you eat a significant amount of raisins because they don't contain too much fiber.
And finally, because of the small size, it is easy to suffocate, especially for children. Therefore, it is recommended to replace raisins with fresh grapes when used for children.
However, eating raisins in moderation is generally safe.
Remember commercially grown raisins are most likely treated with sulfur dioxide to extend shelf life, prevent oxidation, and bleach color. In particular, people with asthma and are sensitive to sulfites may experience adverse reactions. So be careful when you want to buy organic raisins but are sensitive to sulfites.
Plus, small amounts of pesticides, found in raisins, can have effects on your health. They interfere with the liver's ability to process other toxins, inhibiting the cells' ability to produce energy.

5. You can make your own raisins

Standard raisins are usually derived from seedless grapes, although raisins can be produced from most grapes.
The processing of raisins from fresh grapes is not too picky, you just need to spend some time and get a delicious grape that ensures food hygiene and safety.
You need to follow these steps to dry grapes in a dehydrator or oven:
Wash grapes, remove damaged grapes. Strain excess water in a colander. Bring a pot of water to a boil and then let the grapes blanch for just enough time to soften the skins. Strain the grapes again and remove any excess moisture. Place the grapes in an oiled baking tray or a clean dehydrator. For the oven, cook the grapes at 107 °C for about 3 hours. For the dehydrator, set the temperature to 57°C and dehydrate for about 24 hours or until excess moisture is gone. Store raisins in an airtight container and enjoy them

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