Aldosterone and renin tests diagnose the cause of high blood pressure

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The aldosterone test and the renin test are two types of tests that are often done together in diagnosing the cause of high blood. So what does the renin and aldosterone test mean?

1. What is the aldosterone and renin test?

The aldosterone test is conducted to evaluate the proper amount of aldosterone being made in the body. From there, there is a basis and distinguishing potential causes of deficiency or excess.
Renin blood test is a test conducted in combination with aldosterone test to detect and determine the cause of high blood pressure.
Aldosterone can be measured in urine or plasma, while renin can only be measured in plasma. These two tests are highly recommended in screening for Conn's syndrome (primary aldosteronism) - the cause of high blood pressure.

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Xét nghiệm huyết tương chẩn đoán nguyên nhân gây tăng huyết áp

2. Indication of aldosterone and renin test

When is the Renin and aldosterone test indicated? Aldosterone and renin tests are often ordered by doctors in the following cases:
People with high blood pressure, especially those with low K+ status; Cases of patients with high blood pressure or hypertension develop at an early age that cannot be controlled with conventional medicines. Primary hyperaldosteronism, if diagnosed early and properly treated, is curable; Patients with suspected adrenal insufficiency are ordered to have aldosterone and renin tests along with a number of other tests.

3. How are aldosterone and renin tests done?

Aldosterone and renin tests use venous blood samples, so the blood collection procedure is similar to other blood tests.
However, 1-2 hours before blood collection, patients are advised to lie down or sit down to relax, helping to obtain the most accurate test results.
Medical staff will disinfect the blood collection site on the patient's hand and insert a needle into the vein to take a sufficient amount of blood. Once enough blood has been collected, withdraw the needle and place a cotton ball or gauze over the blood collection site, while applying pressure to stop bleeding, and finally cover.
The blood sample will then be placed in a tube containing anticoagulant and immediately transported to the laboratory for analysis.

Sử dụng máu tĩnh mạch để tiến hành xét nghiệm aldosterone và renin
Sử dụng máu tĩnh mạch để tiến hành xét nghiệm aldosterone và renin

4. Clinical significance of aldosterone and renin tests

Aldosterone and renin tests are indicated to diagnose the cause of high blood pressure. Therefore, all activities of the day such as position and time of standing, sitting, lying down before blood draw, along with blood sodium level and age of the patient can affect the test results.
4.1 Normal values ​​Depending on the laboratory, the normal values ​​of aldosterone and renin tests will vary more or less. Therefore, the normal range of values ​​mentioned here is only a reference range for reference.
Also, the following normal values ​​are used for adults.
People on a normal sodium diet (standing): 0.7 - 3.3 nanograms per ml per hour (ng/mL/hour) or 0.7 - 3.3 micrograms per liter per hour (mcg/ L/hour) People with normal sodium diet (lying position): 0.2 - 1.6 ng/mL/hour or 0.2 - 1.6 mcg/L/hour. People on a low-sodium diet (standing): 4.2 - 19.8 ng/mL/hour or 4.2 - 19.8 mcg/L/hour. People on a low-sodium diet (sitting position): 0.4 - 3.2 ng/mL/hour or 0.4 - 3.2 mcg/L/hour. 4.2 High Values ​​Patients with high renin values ​​often have liver and kidney problems (such as cirrhosis, blockage of an artery leading to the kidney), Addison's disease, malignant high blood pressure, or bleeding. (excessive bleeding).
4.3 Low value If the aldosterone and renin test results are low, it could be a sign of kidney problems or Conn's syndrome.

5. Some notes when doing aldosterone and renin tests

When doing aldosterone and renin tests, patients should note a number of factors that can affect test results such as:
Amount of salt in the daily diet; Position (standing, lying, sitting) before the test and the time of blood collection; Use of certain medications: diuretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, beta-blockers, steroids, high blood pressure medications, licorice or birth control pills; Nervous tension, excessive exercise or pregnancy can also affect test results; Certain beverages such as tea, coffee or carbonated water.

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Cà phê cũng gây ảnh hưởng tới kết quả xét nghiệm

In particular, in severely ill people aldosterone levels are often very low. Therefore, testing for aldosterone and renin is not recommended in these cases.
In addition, to confirm the diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism, an aldosterone suppression test is sometimes required. The aldosterone or ACTH stimulation test and the aldosterone and cortisol tests are also useful in diagnosing pituitary function, pituitary tumor, or Addison's disease.
Besides aldosterone and renin tests, in case of necessity, patients can also be ordered to perform magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), angiography, MRA or duplex Doppler ultrasound to be able to Accurately diagnose the cause of high blood pressure.
High blood pressure is very dangerous, so the renin and aldosterone test is very important. Finding the cause of the disease early will mean that the patient will have a standard and effective treatment regimen. For the most accurate test results, you should perform them at medical centers with advanced and modern equipment and a team of highly qualified doctors.
Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the medical centers with the most modern and advanced equipment in the country. The team of doctors are all highly educated, reputable in the industry and experienced, providing accurate diagnoses and the most effective treatment regimens.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact the nationwide Vinmec Health System Hotline, or register online HERE.
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