Abnormal vision warning symptoms

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The article was professionally consulted by an eye doctor - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital
Vision can have many different problems, to varying degrees. Let's find out the warning symptoms of common vision problems through the article below.

1. What is abnormal vision?

The human eye is a very delicate and complex organ, responsible for one of the most important functions of seeing. Normal vision helps people to perceive their surroundings clearly, orienting people to perform activities in the most accurate way.
However, vision can become abnormal due to many different problems, stemming from many different causes. Refractive error is the most common condition, the most common, besides it is also caused by pathological causes such as: pathology of the conjunctiva - cornea, cataract, glaucoma, uveitis ...

2. Symptoms of common vision abnormalities

2.1 Myopia Myopia is a very common refractive error, especially in school age, with the manifestation of being unable to see clearly objects at a certain distance (the farther the object, the less clear it is). However, the ability to see close objects is not affected, even in some cases, the ability to see close is very good.
2.2 Farsightedness Farsightedness is also a refractive error, however, in contrast to myopia, people with farsightedness cannot clearly see near objects, and distant objects can still be seen normally.

Biểu hiện của viễn thị thường khó nhìn vật ở xa
Biểu hiện của viễn thị thường khó nhìn vật ở xa
2.3 Astigmatism Astigmatism also belongs to the group of refractive errors, people with astigmatism can see blurred or double vision at any distance. Astigmatism can be accompanied by nearsightedness or farsightedness.
2.4 Retinal detachment The typical warning sign of retinal detachment is a sudden flash of light, and is often accompanied by dark patches that obstruct vision. This situation is completely painless, often the sufferer will initially see his or her market as partially covered by a black curtain. Use your hand to cover each eye in turn to compare the market and eyesight between the two.
2.5 Color blindness Color blindness is the inability of the eye to perceive certain colors. People with color blindness themselves may not realize they have it until they see a doctor. Color blindness is hereditary and affects mainly men.

Người mắc bệnh mù màu thường khó phân biệt được màu sắc
Người mắc bệnh mù màu thường khó phân biệt được màu sắc
2.6 Night blindness Night blindness is common in some people, where it is difficult for them to see things clearly in the evening or in low light conditions.
2.7 Cataracts Cataracts are a slow, progressive condition, so the first symptoms are often subtle, often first detected during a routine eye exam. Symptoms of cataracts include:
Decreased vision, blurred vision, and worsening in bright light situations. Vision is poor at night, or especially when driving. Difficulty observing moving objects, details or objects (especially signs). Loss of vision or glare is very annoying when exposed to auto lights or strong sunlight. Stronger light is needed to read the text clearly. Colors look dark or yellow. Double or triple vision, but the condition appears in only one eye. The pupil is normally black, but gradually turns cloudy or opaque (in advanced cases). Painful inflammation, feeling of tightness in the eye (in very advanced cases). 2.8 Strabismus Two eyes of normal people work together to create maximum observation efficiency. However, in people with strabismus, this combination is not available, or the coordination is less effective. The condition can occur in one eye, or both eyes.
Cross-eye can be observed at an early age, with manifestations in children such as frequent eye rubbing (one eye or two eyes), squinting, tilting the head, or closing one eye, ... (are those actions that children take to be able to observe the goal better).
2.9 Glaucoma

Glôcôm thường gây nên áp lực trong mắt thường gây tổn hại thần kinh thị giác
Glôcôm thường gây nên áp lực trong mắt thường gây tổn hại thần kinh thị giác
Glaucoma has many different forms, and symptoms will depend on the type you have:
Chronic Open Angle Glaucoma : Often this form of glaucoma does not show symptoms until there has been severe eye damage. A , nausea and vomiting. Acute glaucoma is an ophthalmic emergency. Secondary Glaucoma: Glaucoma that occurs after a wound, eye injury, infection, medication, cataract, or diabetes. Symptoms will depend on the cause of the glaucoma that manifests itself. Congenital Glaucoma: Congenital glaucoma affects young children, and adults can observe signs in children such as wet eyes, blurred vision, unusual sensitivity to light, and dilated corneas. Congenital glaucoma can be present in one or both eyes. 2.10 Macular Degeneration Macular degeneration is a common disease when the eyes are aging, with the following symptoms:
Vision gradually decreases, blurred vision, unclear, especially when reading words. Straight lines are often distorted when viewed. Gradual loss of central vision, painless. See gaps in the middle of the field of view.

Thoái hóa điểm vàng là một bệnh lý thường gặp khi mắt bị lão hóa
Thoái hóa điểm vàng là một bệnh lý thường gặp khi mắt bị lão hóa

3. When to get medical help?

Whenever there are signs and symptoms of abnormality in eyes or vision, visit a specialist as soon as possible to quickly determine the cause and have timely treatment intervention, avoiding these complications. possible consequences for vision.
Go to the emergency room right away if:
When you have eye pain accompanied by headache, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision (think glaucoma) Sudden loss of vision (Think then) to central retinal artery occlusion (emergency in the first 1-2 hours) Recent trauma, eye injury. In other cases, if possible, go to an ophthalmologist for examination and treatment advice as soon as possible Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of medical professionals. leading doctors, a system of modern equipment and technology, but also outstanding with comprehensive and professional medical examination, consulting and treatment services; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space.

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Article reference source: webmd.com
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