Learn about Sankle . eye drops

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Sankle eye drops contain mainly Hypromellose and Chondroitin sulfate ingredients that act like artificial tears. Accordingly, using Sankle to relieve dry and sore eyes, especially in cases of dry eyes due to reducing the amount of tears, helps users feel more comfortable.

1. What do Sankle eye drops do?

Sankle eye drops is a solution consisting of two main ingredients, Hypromellose and Chondroitin sulfate, in an isotonic physiological electrolyte environment. This medication is used to relieve dry, irritated eyes. Common causes of dry eyes in everyday life include wind, sun, heated or air-conditioned environments constantly, computer use, reading, and taking certain medications.
In it, the main ingredient hypromellose, is considered an artificial tear used to relieve dry eye conditions. Furthermore, the same ingredient in Sankle eye drops is also recommended for use in moistening hard contact lenses or for lubricating artificial eyes. In addition, the chondroitin sulfate ingredient in Sankle eye drops is a chemical commonly found in cartilage or connective tissue around joints in the body. In pharmaceutical manufacturing, chondroitin sulfate is usually obtained from animal sources, such as shark cartilage and bovine cartilage. The primary role of chondroitin sulfate is to be used for osteoarthritis. However, chondroitin sulfate, in combination with hypromellose, is also available as eye drops for dry eyes. In addition, this ingredient is also used in cataract surgery and as a solution to preserve corneas used for implants.

2. Things to keep in mind before using Sankle . eye drops

To make sure this is the right treatment for your eyes, before you start using Sankle eye drops it is important for your doctor or pharmacist to know:
The user wears soft contact lenses. The user is not allergic to the preservatives in any of the eye drops. Instructions for using Sankle eye drops The use of Sankle eye drops should be performed according to the following steps: Wash your hands before applying the drops. Remove the cap from the bottle (or the top of the unit if a disposable dose unit is used). Tilt your head back slightly and pull your lower eyelid down to form an eyelid pocket. Hold the bottle (or single-use dose unit) upside down near your eye. Try not to touch your eyes. Squeeze the bottle with enough pressure to put one drop in the eye. Close your eyes for a minute or two. Repeat the procedure on the other eye. Close the cap (or if you are using a single-use dose unit, throw it away). In most cases, users only need to apply one drop of Sankle eye drops to one eye when the feeling of dryness is enough. However, others may find it necessary to use two drops in each eye and repeat three or four times in a day. There is absolutely no harm in increasing the dose in these cases, as the instructions for using Sankle eye drops are that the drops can be used every hour if the eyes are very dry.
So, if you forget to use your Sankle eye drops at your usual time, don't worry, just put them in when you remember. However, do not double the number of drops used to compensate because it will be wasteful.
When first applied, Sankle eye drops may cause blurred vision. This is fleeting and vision will soon clear again. However, it is necessary to ensure that the user can see clearly again before driving and before using tools or machines.
If you are using any other eye drops or ointment, allow about 10 minutes between each application. Usually, Sankle eye drops should be used last. This is to facilitate final eye contact with the eye drops and lubricate the eye for as long as possible.
Do not wear soft contact lenses while using Sankle eye drops. This is because there is a preservative in many brands of hypromellose eye drops such as sankle eye drops that can affect soft contact lenses.

3. Can Sankle eye drops cause any problems?

The use of Sankle eye drops can sometimes cause a slight stinging sensation. However, this usually passes soon and this is not the case for everyone.
If you have any other eye problems, especially if you think it might be due to Sankle eye drops, talk to your doctor or pharmacist to find out the cause and prescribe the right product. .
In summary, Sankle eye drops are used as an eye lubricant, supplementing with artificial tears to treat dry irritated eyes. Furthermore, Sankle eye drops are also used in some eye surgeries to help maintain the shape of the eye and protect the tissues of the eye from injury during surgery. Although the use of Sankle eye drops is unlimited and poses no risks, it is also important to reduce dry eyes that patients need to limit eye factors, such as avoiding sitting for too long in front of a computer screen. blink frequently at rest to maintain the necessary moisture for the cornea.

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