Abdominal pain, belching with water, unable to defecate are signs of what disease?

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Doctor, I ate a bowl of vermicelli noodles before, after eating I rinsed my mouth and went to sleep immediately because it was late at night. When I sleep I have an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. The next morning I still had stomach pain so I was very tired, felt like fever but not hot, no nausea, couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, I always felt bloated, belched up with water, I didn't go to the toilet for a few days. It's convenient, I'm most afraid when I sleep, I feel very uncomfortable, especially in the abdomen, near the hydrocephalus, can you tell me what this is?
Le Van An (1991)
Hello. These symptoms suggest a lot of gastroesophageal disease, for example, reflux esophagitis or gastritis ... you should register for an examination at a gastroenterology clinic so that the doctor will examine and perform procedures. testing and more appropriate treatment!
Thank you for your question to Vinmec.com website. Best regards.
MSc Mai Vien Phuong - Gastroenterologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital
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