Home Tag Gastroesophageal disease

Articles in Gastroesophageal disease

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Abdominal pain, belching with water, unable to defecate are signs of what disease?
Doctor, I had a bowl of vermicelli noodles before, after eating I rinsed my mouth and went to sleep because it was late at night. When I sleep I have an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. The next morning I still had stomach pain so I was very tired, felt like fever but not hot, no nausea, couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, I always felt bloated, belched up with water, I didn't go to the toilet for a few days. It's convenient, I'm most afraid when I sleep, I feel very uncomfortable, especially in the abdomen, near the hydrocephalus, can you tell me what this is?
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How is Helicobacter pylori treated? Can the disease progress to cancer?
Hi doctor. I had chest pain and went to endoscopy, the doctor concluded that I had grade A reflux esophagitis, antral erosions and was positive for HP bacteria. Please tell me what should I do now, and will the bacteria progress to cancer, how long will it take to cure? Thank you doctor
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Severe abdominal pain around the navel, what to do?
Hi doctor. I have severe abdominal pain around the navel, cramping in waves but no accompanying symptoms. The doctor asked me what was wrong with me?
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