9 months baby weighing 7.5 kg is malnourished?

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Your baby's weight in the first year will change continuously. And 9-month-old babies are no exception to this rule. Parents are almost always very concerned about the weight of their children during this period. "Is a 9-month-old baby weighing 7.5kg malnourished?", this question will be answered in the article below.

1. Changes when your baby is 9 months old

Before answering the question "Is a 9-month-old baby weighing 7.5kg malnourished?" Parents need to know what changes in 9-month-old babies?. Thereby, to understand whether the child's development is really good or not?
Each baby will have its own rate of development, the change of a 9-month-old baby depends on gender. Children at this stage all know how to play on their own, know how to hold objects, wave goodbye, know how to say a a a a.... This is also a way children express their emotions by sounds, gestures and body language. Parents can see children crawling all over the house, but their actions are still clumsy and not yet fully flexible. However, parents are not too worried because the time it takes for a child to develop can be extended to each child.

2. Weight of 9 month old baby

First-time parents often have a lot of questions about child development. It is also not out of the question of how much a 9-month-old baby weighs and a 9-month-old baby weighing 7.5 kg meet the standards or not? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 9-month-old boys have an average weight between 8.1 and 10 kg, and 9-month-old girls have an average weight between 7.3 and 9.3 kg.
Based on the parameters of the World Health Organization, when a 9-month-old baby weighs 7.5kg, it is necessary to clearly identify the child's sex so that a specific argument can be made according to this standard.
"Bé 9 tháng nặng bao nhiêu" là vấn đề được nhiều phụ huynh quan tâm

In order for children to gain weight according to the standards of the World Health Organization, it is necessary to maintain a scientific diet so that children can continue to grow healthy. At this stage, the mother should continue to breastfeed the baby a lot and should not force the baby to drink formula if the baby does not like it. Each meal of a 9-month-old child, parents need to try to meet the nutritional source of the child and is provided through four food groups including: protein-rich food group - meat, fish, eggs, shrimp, crab, eel frog... to help build the body and synthesize antibodies to protect the body; foods rich in fat - cooking oil, animal fat, butter, cheese... help provide energy in the most concentrated form. Fat helps the baby's body have good skin, and helps absorb fat-soluble vitamins well, and develop brain cells and nervous system; food groups rich in carbohydrates - flour, rice, vermicelli, noodles, rice noodles... help provide necessary energy and fiber for children; food group rich in vitamins and minerals - green vegetables, ripe fruits... help provide vitamins and minerals to regulate the activities of the child's body, especially rich in fiber to prevent constipation.
9-month-old babies should be advised to use solid and coarser foods. Because at this stage, the baby has teeth and to form the habit and skills of chewing and swallowing well. Therefore, parents should prepare raw food for the baby so that the baby can practice more.
If the child's weight exceeds the standards of the World Health Organization, the mother also needs to do some things:
If the child has a higher weight than normal, parents need to pay attention. The child may be at risk of obesity and should be taken to the doctor for a physical examination and assessment of how to feed the child. Moreover, the doctor will guide the child's nutritional rehabilitation. The child's diet at this time is also carefully considered and should be limited in ingredients that can cause excess energy. However, children at this stage are developing rapidly in terms of brain, so they also need quite a lot of fat. Therefore, parents need to be consulted by a doctor specifically for the use of foods with high energy capacity. Moreover, children still need to be provided with enough other nutritional components such as protein, calcium, micronutrients to complete the development of the immune system... If the child's weight is below the standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO), Parents need to find out the cause to have an improvement plan: 9-month-old children gain weight slowly, maybe parents are not in a hurry to worry. Because every child has different growth. It is possible that the child's stage of development is slower than that of other children. However, if this period is prolonged, it may signal a child's poor nutritional status. It is possible that children are at risk of malnutrition - a condition in which the body is not provided with enough energy and nutrients as well as micronutrients to ensure the child's development. Children with a weight below the World Health Organization standard should be taken by their parents to a nutritionist to check and assess the child's condition.

Các bé 9 tháng tuổi được khuyên sử dụng các loại thức ăn đặc và thô hơn
Các bé 9 tháng tuổi được khuyên sử dụng các loại thức ăn đặc và thô hơn

3. Some ways parents need to do when their children are malnourished

When the child is at risk of malnutrition, parents can do some of the following:
Give the child reasonable complementary foods: Parents need to ensure that their children's meals are diversified with foods including the fatty group. required. In addition, it is necessary to use more foods rich in animal protein such as meat, fish, eggs, milk ... And it is necessary to increase the energy density as well as liquefy the children's complementary meals by adding more. grease, bean sprouts,...
Supplementing children with micronutrients at preventive doses to help children strengthen their resistance, to improve anorexia in children. In addition, parents need to increase vitamin-rich fresh fruits, calcium-rich foods such as fish, shrimp and crabs... in their children's meals. In addition, having the effect of increasing the height of children, micronutrients also help children strengthen the immune system, especially for malnourished children. This is a major issue in the care of 9-month-olds and includes those at risk of malnutrition.
Some dietary menus for children:
Cheese porridge: Use a small bowl of porridge and add 5g of shredded cheese to the porridge. Then bring it to a boil and let the kids use it. This dish not only provides the necessary nutrients from milk, but also has a delicious taste to help children enjoy the food more. Beef porridge: Beef contains a rich content of nutrients. And beef porridge also belongs to the group of delicious and nutritious dishes. Parents can use 20 grams of beef tenderloin, 1⁄8 of potatoes, a cup of beef broth 1⁄4 of rice. After the preparation is complete, it is cooked into porridge for children to eat. Minced meat with tomato sauce: Parents can use 20 grams of carrots, 10 grams of ground beef, 1⁄2 eggs, ginger onions and vegetable oil. Carrots are washed, then vegetable oil is added to fried carrots and then chopped. Mix ground beef with a little vegetable oil, ginger onion, egg, salt and flour then steam it. It is very important to care for and monitor a child's growth especially during the first year of life. Parents should spend time caring and learning to be able to nurture children to develop well both physically and intellectually. In the case of children with prolonged anorexia, malabsorption, and growth retardation, parents should supplement children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins. help meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well. Parents can simultaneously apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption. The most important thing is that improving your baby's symptoms often takes a long time. Combining many types of functional foods at the same time or changing many types in a short time can make the baby's digestive system unable to adapt and completely not good. Therefore, parents must be really patient with their children and regularly visit the website vimec.com to update useful baby care information.
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