6 tips to raise smart kids

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The article was consulted with - Doctor Le Thu Phuong - Pediatrician - Neonatologist - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
Every parent wants to raise happy, successful children, and many new parents face great challenges in raising smart kids. But there are plenty of parenting tips out there. Who should you listen to? And what advice is reliable? To answer those questions, this article will provide tips for raising smart children and activities you can do to stimulate and encourage your child's brain development.

1. Stages of Development

Cognitive development experts consider the early years of a child's life to be the most critical in the formation of intelligence and brain function. At this time when each family mainly has only one or two children, parents are willing to do everything to help their children have the opportunity to learn and absorb all knowledge as quickly as possible. With access to rich sources of information from the internet, books, media, videos, music, toys, and learning apps as easy as today, learning how to raise a child through I have never been so simple. But first, to start and plan activities, buy smart children's toys and expose their children to the education system, parents need to understand the stages of infant development. births, toddlers and school-age children. Without this foundation, parents will not be able to prepare well for the task of raising an intelligent child and their efforts will not yield the desired results.
Infants should not be overloaded with activities that are too advanced. Understanding what stage of development your baby is at will help guide activities. Stimulating your baby's mind at their current level of development helps encourage learning without overstimulating and interfering with their growth, development, and emotional well-being.
0 to 2 months old At this age, babies use their eyes to follow and recognize people and things, show boredom when activities remain unchanged, turn towards sounds and respond with whispering sound when talking.
2 to 4 months old In this state, a baby reaches for toys and other objects, uses his hands and eyes to follow moving objects with his eyes, looks closely at people, faces, and animals, use expressive babbling and sound reproduction.
4 to 6 months of age Some of the major milestones at this age are bringing objects to their mouths, passing objects from hand to hand, reaching for things that are out of reach, making sounds to react. respond to the sound, “say,” in turn, “react to being called, use expressive sounds for emotions, and begin to use consonant sounds and string vowels.
6 to 9 months of age Starting at about 6 months, a baby plays peek-a-boo, puts objects in mouth, picks up cereal or other foods with thumb and index finger, looks for hidden objects hide, understand the meaning of "No", imitate sounds and point with fingers what the child wants.
9 to 12 months of age A few months before turning one, babies explore by throwing, banging, etc., finding hidden objects, choosing the right object or picture, using the right objects (cups, spoon), follow simple instructions, try to imitate words heard, use gestures for “no” and “hello, goodbye” and respond to simple requests.
12 to 18 months of age During this developmental stage, milestones include knowing everyday objects, showing interest in toys and uses, pointing to body parts, scribbling, follow a step command, say a few words, shake your head for “no” and “yes” And point when you want something.

Trong giai đoạn phát triển này, các mốc quan trọng bao gồm biết các vật dụng hàng ngày, thể hiện sự quan tâm đến đồ chơi và sử dụng
Trong giai đoạn phát triển này, các mốc quan trọng bao gồm biết các vật dụng hàng ngày, thể hiện sự quan tâm đến đồ chơi và sử dụng
2 years old At age 2 toddlers can sort shapes and colors, complete rhymes and short word sentences, build a mini tower from blocks, follow two-step instructions, repeat words.
3 Age Child can follow instructions with about three steps, and can communicate to name familiar things and people, carry out three-sentence conversations, and can communicate well enough for people outside the family understand them. Three-year-olds can build four-piece puzzles, work with toys with moving parts, build six-block towers, and start using fountain pens or pencils.
4-6 years Children speak and walk fluently, use language to communicate, develop intelligence, independence, curious to learn about the world around themselves. Children are very active, often dismantling or breaking things to find out. Perception also develops, can distinguish right from wrong, real but not yet mature. Children have learned to distinguish genders and develop gender-specific personalities, prefer gender-biased games such as boys playing superheroes, girls playing dolls.

Trắc nghiệm: Sự phát triển tinh thần, vận động của bé thế nào là đúng chuẩn?

Khi nào bé biết nói, biết hóng chuyện hay biết cầm cốc là "đúng chuẩn"? Điểm xem bạn biết được bao nhiêu mốc phát triển tinh thần, vận động "đúng chuẩn" của bé nhé!

The following content is prepared under supervision of Thạc sĩ, Bác sĩ y khoa, Ma Văn Thấm , Nhi , Phòng khám Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Dương Đông(Phú Quốc)

Ma Văn Thấm
Ma Văn Thấm
Thạc sĩ, Bác sĩ y khoa,
Phòng khám Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Dương Đông(Phú Quốc)

2. 6 secrets to teaching a smart child

Raising an intelligent child is to develop the child's potential to the maximum, so that the child can develop his or her full potential.
Your child's brain does not automatically develop with age. It comes from the experience and exercise the brain receives. Sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell stimulate the brain's cell connections (called synapses) and create trillions of other cells. The more complex these connections, the smarter your child will be. When you provide children with early stimulation and varied experiences, you can accelerate their brain development.
Brain development does not stand still. Does it improve or decline. When a child's abilities and talents are used, brain development progresses. When the brain is not used, neural connections are lost and brain development is impaired. What your child goes through during the first few years of life shapes the person he or she becomes, affects how he gets along, how he manages his emotions, how well he does at school, the type of relationships he has. children have and even the kind of parents they will become.
Here are some suggestions supported by science and observations by child experts to help your child develop intellectually and guide parenting to become a smart child:
Get your child started early: According to research by Ronald Ferguson - director of the Achievement Gap Initiative at Harvard University, getting your child to start learning should "start in the cradle". He recommends the following activities to support early childhood development: maximize loving responsiveness and minimize stress by coming face-to-face with children so that they can preserve your images and feelings for them, talk, sing and use lots of gestures, use number and rhythm games... Read to your child: Start reading to your child now even when the child does not understand the words. This gives children a head start in developing language skills. Children who are read to at an early age are more likely to develop a lifelong love of reading, do well in school, and succeed in adult life. Reading is one of the most important activities for children to be intelligent. Talk to your child: This develops your child's strong language skills. Also, listen to your child when he or she is talking. This strengthens the child's communication and language development. One study found that children who experienced more conversation at home had more brain activity and verbal attitudes. Ask questions and wait for answers instead of just having a one-way exchange.

Nói chuyện với con giúp trẻ phát triển khả năng ngôn ngữ một cách mạnh mẽ
Nói chuyện với con giúp trẻ phát triển khả năng ngôn ngữ một cách mạnh mẽ
Interact and play with children, make them feel loved: Scientists have observed that babies who are not cuddled, played and loved will have mental retardation and even depression. . On the other hand, many studies have shown that loving, hugging, interacting and playing with children has a powerful effect on the development of children's intelligence. A loving connection is formed between you and your child and your direct interaction with your child will form the basis for your child's higher thinking skills. Parents are the ones who “respond to their child’s cues in a timely and appropriate manner” and “provide a safe base” for the child to explore the world. Turn your child into an avid reader: The love of reading has many benefits for your child. It is one of the most important qualities you can develop in your child so that he or she grows up to be intelligent. Reading develops your child's interest in knowledge. The more children enjoy reading, the more they want to know. With a passion for books your child is well prepared to grasp the intricacies of math, science, history, engineering, mechanics, political science and other knowledge needed for a productive life. Let your child play: When your child plays, he is not only having fun, but also developing his brain. Children are building the foundation for their intellectual, social, physical and emotional skills. By playing with other children, children learn to incorporate ideas, impressions, and feelings from other children.

3. Some other tips to help raise smart children

The best toys for your child don't have to be expensive: Choose toys that can be played more than one way - those that allow your child to have fun in different ways with the help of imagination for example like lego, wooden blocks. Encourage your child to exercise: Exercise not only makes your child strong, but also makes your child smart! Exercise increases blood flow to the brain and builds new brain cells. Boost Your Child's Creativity: Creativity is a valuable spiritual property in the arts, sciences, and any goal related to problem-solving in general. Children are naturally creative. Although some kids are genetically more talented than others, it can be a learned behavior and can be nurtured from childhood. Some ways to foster creativity include exposing your child to literature, music, and art, and making tools like paper and paint available for your child to be creative at any time. Make music a part of your child's life: Studies have shown that listening to music can boost memory, attention, and learning. It can also reduce harmful stress on your child's brain. Get your child involved in music lessons (if possible): Taking music classes or playing an instrument can sharpen your child's mind and may benefit his or her brain. your child later, even if he or she doesn't go on to learn music as an adult.

Tham gia các lớp học nhạc hoặc chơi một nhạc cụ có thể làm cho đầu óc của con bạn trở nên nhạy bén hơn
Tham gia các lớp học nhạc hoặc chơi một nhạc cụ có thể làm cho đầu óc của con bạn trở nên nhạy bén hơn
Let your child learn good habits: Children always imitate the behaviors of adults. If your child sees you reading, composing, painting, or doing some elaborate craft, he or she may imitate you and in the process will get smarter. Limit your child's TV viewing, phone or tablet use: Your child should not watch TV before age 2. Track your child's TV viewing and be selective about the programs he or she watches. Letting your child watch too much TV prevents them from doing activities that are more important to their developing brain, like playing, socializing, and reading. If you let your child use a smartphone or tablet, play and interact with them with educational apps. Overplaying yourself with one-way media can affect a child's development in understanding, empathy, self-expression, and connection to relationships. It can even lead to health and emotional problems. Allow your child to be bored: According to Julia Robinson, Director of Education and Training for the Association of Independent Preparatory Schools in the United States, it is entirely possible for your child to be bored. Learning to be bored is part of preparing for adulthood. Children should learn to accept unpleasant things instead of just learning or playing. Allow your child to take risks and fail: Children who don't take risks and experience setbacks or pain like falling off cars or losing competitions may develop poor self-esteem and obsessions, and have can limit creativity and self-learning. Also, don't rescue your child too quickly. Let children solve their own problems so they can learn from them. Allow your child to think for himself and solve problems: Avoid always solving problems for your child. Instead, suggest ways to solve problems on their own. Encourage your child to have a “can do” attitude: Do this even if the task your child is trying to do is difficult. Reward your child with gifts and praise if he can do a difficult task. Don't let your child hear you talk about yourself negatively. Feeding your baby the right way is important to keeping them smart: Providing your baby with the right nutrition should start while you're pregnant. For older children, a high-protein diet (eggs, fish, meat) improves attention, alertness and thinking. Carbohydrates provide the brain with the fuel it uses to think. The best varieties are those made with whole grains and fruits. Processed carbohydrates and sugars have an adverse effect on concentration and activity levels. Vitamins and minerals are also important. According to a British and Canadian study, feeding children a lot of fatty, sugary and processed foods can lower a child's IQ, while a diet rich in vitamins and nutrients can increase it. this. Make sure your child gets enough sleep : A child who is always tired from not getting enough sleep is unlikely to get a good job done.

Hãy đảm bảo rằng trẻ luôn được ngủ đủ giấc!
Hãy đảm bảo rằng trẻ luôn được ngủ đủ giấc!
Help your child develop courage: Courage is the determination to pursue long-term goals with hard work, perseverance, and stamina. Having guts is said to make the difference between a highly successful person and an unsuccessful person, and it is more important to success than innate talent or intelligence. One way to teach your child about courage is to share with him the disappointments and frustrations you've been through. Praise your child for working hard, instead of being "smart": Praise your child for trying to help your child see himself in control of his or her own success. Children who are praised for their intelligence tend to do easy tasks and avoid challenges that could jeopardize their self-image. Your child needs to challenge himself, and therefore experience setbacks from time to time. Not experiencing failure means that the child has not set his or her goals high enough. Also, give praise but not constantly to foster your child's persistence. But don't praise the child too much, or the child will become arrogant later on. Children tend to see themselves as people who are always important. Instead, give your child honest and appropriate feedback along with encouragement and support to build your child's self-esteem and humility. Set high expectations for your child: A study found that the expectations parents have for their children have a huge influence on how well children achieve what their parents expect. Consider giving your child more time to engage in free, open-minded activities instead of forcing them into a schedule. Don't Stress Your Child: Children who experience stress during their first 3 years tend to be sensitive to stress. Children's brains are immature to manage stressful situations and eventually cause them to become hyperactive, anxious, impulsive, and sometimes neurotic. Stress hormones cause scarring of the brain and shrink the important part that controls memory and emotions. Also, don't show your child that you're too stressed because it can affect them. Don't yell at your kids: A study from Harvard Medical School found that “verbal abuse by parents can damage brain pathways, which can cause depression, anxiety, and mental problems.” language processing”. Don't mistreat your child: Mistreatment of children can have lasting effects on their brains. According to research published in the Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, adolescents who were abused during childhood or neglected may have fewer brain cells in certain regions of the brain than those who were not abused. . In boys, the reduction in brain size tends to focus on brain regions involved in impulse control or substance abuse. In girls, gray matter depletion was found in brain regions associated with depression. Get your child involved in housework: Give your child age-appropriate chores. Children under 2 years old can clean up by putting toys in the toy box, or clearing the table. Older kids can do the dishes or laundry, take out the trash or vacuum the house. Children who do housework learn to contribute to the family, take responsibility, grow up to be good team players, and learn that work is not something to be ashamed of.

Những đứa trẻ làm việc nhà học được cách đóng góp cho gia đình, có trách nhiệm
Những đứa trẻ làm việc nhà học được cách đóng góp cho gia đình, có trách nhiệm
Encourage fathers to be involved in parenting: Studies have shown that children who are close to their fathers are less likely to break the law, drop out of school, have healthy relationships, and have fewer problems. more psychological. According to a 2011 study from Concordia University, published in the Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, the children of fathers who practice and use positive parenting skills tend to be less behavioral problems and do better on intelligence tests. However, some children who do not have contact with their father also develop well intellectually and emotionally because having a mother and caregiver compensates for the absence of a father. Encourage your child to talk about his or her feelings and those of others. Not only does this help children express how they feel, but it also helps develop their feelings, or more importantly, it teaches them empathy. Understanding the feelings of others will make children socially well-adjusted and will also make them adept at building relationships with others, a trait just as important as intelligence. In fact, intelligent people without empathy can be very intimidating. Teach your child social skills and emotional learning. Children who easily cooperate with their peers, help others, understand their feelings, and solve problems with others are more likely to have good jobs and less likely to participate in activities. illegal action. Teach your kids the importance of will delay: Studies show that the ability to delay personal will is one of the most effective personal traits of successful people. Learning to delay personal will will improve a child's self-control and help them achieve their goals. One way is to teach your child to save instead of spending small amounts of money on small things (like candy) so that later he can buy something bigger and more desirable (like a car). bicycle). Tell your kids that taking the time to study hard today will help them have a successful career in the future. Tell your child stories about exciting things you've experienced at work or outside the house. Tell your child about your wonderful or enjoyable childhood experiences. Discuss your story with them. This allows your child to learn life lessons from you. Discussing with your child also develops communication skills, needed in school and the workplace. Also, talk to your child about how you deal with problems in your daily life and at work. This will make them learn about dealing with problems and shape the way they see their barriers in the future. Share with him the mistakes you made when you were his age, why and how he should avoid them.

Kể lại cho trẻ những trải nghiệm của bạn là cách để trẻ học hỏi những bài học cuộc sống từ bạn
Kể lại cho trẻ những trải nghiệm của bạn là cách để trẻ học hỏi những bài học cuộc sống từ bạn
Teach your child math as early as possible: According to Northwestern University researcher Greg Duncan, “Early mastering math skills not only predicts future math achievement, it also predicts good reading achievement in the future” Orient your child to learn one or more foreign languages ​​Actively participate in your child's learning. Parental involvement is an important factor for your child's success in school. Let your child understand that self-discipline and willpower are more important than IQ in predicting who will succeed in life. Also, intelligence isn't everything. Intelligence without morality and empathy can lead to a cruel human being. Help your child imagine a happy and fulfilling future, and tell her what she needs to do to get there. In order to help children develop physically and intellectually, in addition to the nutritional regime, parents should supplement children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins. help meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, help children eat well, and develop comprehensively.
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