4-year-old children with severe constipation, what to do?

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Severe constipation in a 4-year-old child can have many causes. Although this disease does not seriously affect the health of children, parents should not be subjective when children have constipation. Therefore, it is still necessary to learn effective prevention and treatment measures to help children improve this uncomfortable condition.

1. Constipation in 4-year-old children and causes

Constipation is known as a disease related to the digestive system of children, making it difficult for children to have a bowel movement. When a 4-year-old child is constipated, there will often be some manifestations such as: the child has fewer than 3 bowel movements in a week, the amount of stools passed in one time is quite small, and the stool is hard. Children have pain in the anus every time they have a bowel movement; Children with bloating, gas, discomfort.
The main causes of constipation in children can be mentioned as:
Children's daily diet due to lack of necessary fiber content such as vegetables, tubers, fruits or children eating too much starch Flour and fats make stools solid and difficult to pass during defecation. The daily amount of water used by children is not enough to meet the recommended needs. The body needs an adequate amount of water to carry out its daily activities. When children do not drink enough water, it will make their stools dry and solid, and over time, it will easily form constipation. Little physical activity: Children often sit watching TV or use phones or computers, so it will reduce the intensity of children's motor activities, and also affect the child's digestive system. Moreover, children use more food than they need, making the digestive system work poorly and causing constipation. Children have a habit of holding back from defecation: In case many children are busy playing, when they are sad to defecate, they do not go but hold back to continue playing. This process happens many times, causing the baby's body to receive the wrong signal and easily cause constipation. When the baby uses some medicines to treat diseases such as cough, runny nose, ... can leave side effects causing bloating, gas, and lead to constipation in children. A small cause related to the disease the child has acquired: Children with certain diseases such as anemia or diseases related to the rectum, nerves... may also be a risk factor for 4-year-old children's apple. long-term fertilization.

Trẻ 4 tuổi bị táo bón có thể do chế độ ăn chưa hợp lý
Trẻ 4 tuổi bị táo bón có thể do chế độ ăn chưa hợp lý

2. Some correction methods help improve constipation in 4-year-old children

Children 4 years old with severe or mild constipation need to find out the cause as well as changes in eating and living to help the child improve the condition. Some methods to improve the state of constipation parents can apply:
Adjust the child's diet: When a 4-year-old child is constipated, what should he eat? Changing and adjusting a child's daily diet can be quite necessary at this stage. Because using inappropriate food in the process of preparing food for children can make the child's condition worse. And to improve the condition of children, parents need to pay much attention to foods rich in fiber, rich in vitamins and minerals ... to help provide children with enough recommended needs. In addition, parents can also use some laxative foods, to help prevent constipation for children such as vegetables, cabbage, apples, strawberries, bananas, sweet potatoes, carrots, yogurt...More Parents need to remind their children to drink enough water every day to help their intestines work more efficiently, and the stools in the large intestine also become softer and easier to pass out when having a bowel movement. Living habits: 4-year-old children with constipation, parents should help children change their daily living habits, such as: creating conditions for children to be more active by gentle exercise, or walking or yoga. Teach children to have a habit of going to the toilet on time and it is best to do it in the morning. Guide children to sleep at the right time, get enough sleep and should not snack at night. Parents should encourage children to go to the toilet when the child's body needs, should not let the child's situation of repeated defecation lead to influence. In addition to changing the diet and lifestyle, parents should also try to apply some folk methods to help improve the child's constipation such as: Soak the child's buttocks in warm water when the child has difficulty in the process. defecation process. Or use spinach to pick the anus that can be viscous in the stalks, which will help the stools to come out more easily. Parents note that when using the stalks, they need to choose the young tops and wash them thoroughly, then remove the outer shell and gently put the stalks into the child's anus and pick about 3 to 4 times. Or you can use abdominal massage for children. This method is actually quite familiar to help improve children's constipation. When performing the method, remember to rub your hands in a clockwise direction around the navel and do it about 2 to 3 times a day. Using probiotics helps children's intestinal function work better. Parents can learn and consult a doctor to choose the right probiotic product for their child to help improve and support their child's digestive function. Probiotics are known as probiotics containing beneficial bacteria that help balance the intestinal microflora of children. When supplementing with probiotics, the child's digestive system will work healthier, minimizing constipation and diseases related to the digestive system. Probiotics also help children absorb food as well as nutrients better, making children eat more delicious.

Sử dụng men vi sinh giúp cải thiện tình trạng trẻ 4 tuổi bị táo bón
Sử dụng men vi sinh giúp cải thiện tình trạng trẻ 4 tuổi bị táo bón

Some notes parents need to take to help children improve constipation:
Parents should not get angry or scold, which affects the child's psyche. Don't make your child sit on the toilet for too long until the child is able to have a bowel movement: bowel movements kick in when the body is ready. So when forcing children to try to defecate will make them inhibited. Do not give your child a lot of foods that are likely to cause constipation. High consumption of sugar and refined carbs is considered to be the culprit causing constipation in children. Along with finding solutions to treat constipation in children 4, parents need to learn more preventive measures to help children not experience this uncomfortable condition. In case if the child's constipation is prolonged, causing discomfort and affecting health and life, parents should take their child to a medical facility to be examined for appropriate indications.
In order to limit the child's constipation, parents should pay attention to the nutrition that improves the child's resistance. At the same time, add supporting foods containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, B vitamins,... snacks and less digestive problems.
Parents can learn more:
Why do you need to supplement Lysine for your baby?
The role of zinc - Guidelines for reasonable zinc supplementation
Please visit the website Vinmec.com regularly and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.
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