29-month-old baby: Nutrition and oral care

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.

29-month-old anorexia is a very common condition. Building a menu for a 29-year-old child to both provide adequate nutrients for the child and stimulate the child's appetite and joy in eating is the concern of many parents.

1. Development of a 29-month-old baby

A characteristic of a 29-month-old baby is that they are very focused and like to repeat the same thing over and over again. Children sing over and over again a favorite song, tell a story over and over, enjoy the same food over and over, or like to wear the same clothes day in and day out. Children also like to do things in a certain order. This is a natural cognitive development of children, children want to keep everything the same to gradually control their perception and safety of the world around them. When things follow a pattern, children feel more secure. To encourage children's independence, parents should understand and sympathize with the mess they create, which is very important because it helps increase children's self-esteem, helps children feel in control of themselves. body and its environment.
Your 29-month-old baby continues her journey in discovering the world around her. Children are constantly curious, discovering objects in the house. At this time, children also begin to develop symbolic thinking. Experiences and habits will form links in memory, creating the ability to recall and describe what children have seen such as what to eat yesterday, how to go to school,...
Mode Nutrition for a 29-month-old baby is the concern of many parents. Good nutrition in this period will create conditions for children to grow and develop optimally, ensuring good physical health for later stages.

Chế độ dinh dưỡng cần được đảm bảo khoa học giúp đem lại cho trẻ sự tăng trưởng cân đối
Chế độ dinh dưỡng cần được đảm bảo khoa học giúp đem lại cho trẻ sự tăng trưởng cân đối

2. Nutrition for 29-month-old baby

Most babies at 29 months have enough teeth and they can eat rice. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen 2-3 snacks per day with dishes such as porridge, vermicelli, soup, .. For anorexic children who can eat little rice, these snacks are very important in providing energy for children. young.
The menu for a 29-month-old baby can be built as follows:
Three main meals: parents feed the child rice with foods made from meat, fish, eggs, shrimp, crab, and tubers such as eggplant. carrot, potato, pumpkin, carrot,..green vegetables and oil (sesame oil, sachi oil, olive oil...) Two side meals including porridge, soup, vermicelli, noodle soup, noodles, milk, yogurt . Fruit ripens 30 minutes after meals, depending on the child's needs. Parents can refer to the daily food intake in the menu for a 29-month-old child as follows:
Rice from 150-200 g/day, the amount of rice can be reduced if the child eats vermicelli, noodles, and pho. Meat each meal 10g. Fish and shrimp from 120-150g divided into 4 meals a day. Green vegetables 150-200g/day Milk 400-500ml/day Fat 30ml/day Anorexia 29-month-old children are very common, especially children who are very lazy to eat vegetables and fruits. While this can be stressful for parents who fear their children are not getting enough nutrition, parents need to be patient with their children. Children should not be forced to eat all the food because it can create negative psychology in children. Children will not like that food even more. Instead, parents should diversify foods, replace them with vegetables and fruits that children like to eat or process them into dishes that are suitable for children's tastes.
Parents should not let children eat candies, soft drinks, popcorn, snacks, ... and sweet fruits before meals. Parents should distribute meals accordingly, children's (main-side) meals should be spaced 2-3 hours apart.

Cha mẹ có thể cho trẻ ăn sữa chua vào các bữa phụ trong ngày
Cha mẹ có thể cho trẻ ăn sữa chua vào các bữa phụ trong ngày

3. Dental care for 29-month-old children

To take good care of the oral health of a 29-month-old child, parents need to maintain brushing twice a day for their child, each brushing should last about 2 minutes to ensure cleaning the entire tooth surface. . Parents can brush their children's teeth or teach them to brush their own teeth. Many children do not like to brush their teeth, so parents should try to make brushing fun for children by:
Brushing together with children: children tend to imitate adults, so brushing together with parents will Make children more interested in brushing their teeth. Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles and the right size for your child. Choose a toothpaste with a flavor your child likes. Praise your child after he finishes brushing his teeth. To prevent tooth decay, parents do not give their children milk, soft drinks, juices and sugary drinks before going to bed. Because the sugar and acids from these drinks will stay on the teeth, eroding tooth enamel and leading to tooth decay. Parents also do not give children cakes or other drinks, except water, after brushing their teeth.
When the child has health abnormalities, parents can take the child to Vinmec Health system for timely examination and treatment.
In addition, parents should also apply some methods of changing habits and improving nutrition to support the child's teeth to develop better.
Besides, parents also need to supplement their children with essential micro-minerals such as zinc, lysine, chromium, selenium, vitamin B1, ... to fully meet the nutritional needs of children. The addition of these essential vitamins also supports digestion, enhances nutrient absorption, improves anorexia, and helps children eat well. Parents can simultaneously apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption. The most important thing is that improving your baby's symptoms often takes a long time. Combining many types of functional foods at the same time or changing many types in a short time can make the baby's digestive system unable to adapt and completely not good. Therefore, parents must be really patient with their children and regularly visit the website vimec.com to update useful baby care information.
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