15 month old anorexic what to do?

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The state of 15-month-old anorexic is no longer a strange phenomenon for families with young children. The manifestations of anorexia in young children are common such as fussiness, loss of appetite, vomiting, which puts children at risk of rickets, malnutrition, and poor resistance that make you worry.

1. Why is a 15-month-old anorexic?

Children from 1 to 6 years old often show signs of anorexia, which is a condition where the baby refuses to eat or eats very little. Therefore, the amount of food consumed in the body is not enough to meet the required amount of nutrients. There are many reasons that cause a 15-month-old baby to be lazy to eat, including:
Due to bad habits of children: Children who are lazy to eat often only want to eat liquid foods, do not need to be chewed, can be swallowed whole . Children will refuse foods that need to be chewed such as vegetables, tubers, fruits, meat, fish... These bad habits can be created by parents and have an extremely important influence on children's eating. Anorexia is often the result of parents feeding their children meals for a long time, letting them hold food for too long without chewing and swallowing... All these bad habits will make children anorexic later and more and more serious. Feeding children at the wrong time: Many parents feed their children at the wrong time. Sometimes children are fed when they are still full, so they will not be able to eat much and eat with interest. Only when children are really hungry can they eat with concentration, eat more, and enjoy eating more. Therefore, you should divide the meals appropriately. Children do not pay attention while eating: Many parents often let their children watch TV, play with toys or go for a walk while eating, because they think that the children will eat faster. However, it is these things that inadvertently make children gradually lazy to eat and only focus on watching TV or going out. Children refuse to eat foods they do not like: Children also have their own favorite foods. However, if you continue to indulge the child's preferences and do not give him other foods, it will make him deficient in nutrients. If the child eats a few foods all the time, all the favorite foods will also lead to the child feeling bored and refusing to eat. Children with anorexia due to psychology: When they see that children are lazy to eat, parents will often scold and yell at them. These things will make the child feel more afraid and afraid of meals. Doing so, only makes the child's anorexia worse. Children with anorexia due to health problems: A 15-month-old baby can face a lot of health problems. Because children are in the developing age and organs and parts are in the process of being perfected. The health problems that children may encounter during this period are teething, digestive disorders, inflammation. In addition, a 15-month-old child who refuses to eat may be due to the influence of biological and genetic factors... Whatever the cause, you should find out soon enough to be able to help your baby soon get rid of this situation.

Trẻ 15 tháng biếng ăn phải làm sao là thắc mắc của nhiều cha mẹ
Trẻ 15 tháng biếng ăn phải làm sao là thắc mắc của nhiều cha mẹ

2. Expression of a lazy 15-month-old child

Anorexia 15-month-old children often hold food for a long time in their mouth: You can see this expression very clearly during the feeding process. If it is normal when you feed it, your baby can chew and swallow right away. However, if you see a child often holding food in his mouth, it is a sign that the child is anorexic. Baby doesn't like eating: The child has not wanted to eat when it comes to meals for at least a month. Another manifestation of anorexia is that the child is bored and shows an attitude of not wanting to eat. This condition is clearly shown continuously for a month, it can be said that your baby is anorexic. Children do not show signs of hunger, do not ask for food, even try to avoid meals. Children want to climb down from the high chair, eat only what they like, or skip meals. Children showing an attitude that they only like certain foods can also be a sign of anorexia. Children lose weight or do not gain weight at a normal rate: When a child is 15 months anorexic, he or she will not eat all the foods needed to provide adequate nutrients for the body. This makes children slow to gain weight, maybe even lose weight. Children are easily distracted and distracted during mealtime: Most young children often have a playful mentality, interested in objects around them. When children are anorexic, the distractions in their meals will be very evident. When it's time to eat, children are more interested and interested in toys, nooks and crannies in the house... Children are uncomfortable, close their mouth when you feed or push food away.

Trẻ 15 tháng biếng ăn có biểu hiện không hợp tác khi ăn
Trẻ 15 tháng biếng ăn có biểu hiện không hợp tác khi ăn

3. 15 month old anorexic what to do?

If you find that your 15-month-old is lazy to eat, you should not panic, fear excessively and force or intimidate the child to eat. These things only make children more lazy to eat, even skipping meals. Therefore, you need to find out carefully what is the cause of your baby's anorexia. Only then can you have appropriate response and intervention measures.
Here are some things you can do when your 15-month-old is anorexic:
Only feed when hungry: Let your child get used to eating according to his or her needs. Do not force children to eat when they are not hungry. If the child is hungry, he will eat well. And forcing your child to eat will only make him more afraid to eat. With a 15-month-old child, you should let your child participate in more activities such as running, jumping, climbing, etc., which consumes energy, is also an effective way to help children eat better. Reduce the amount of food in each meal and eat less: When your child is anorexic, you should not give him too much. When you should reduce your food intake and reduce the number of meals in a day, you can see more positive signs. Your baby will not feel too pressured or bored when eating. Sometimes less food will make your baby interested and want to eat more. Diversity of baby food: If you let your child eat a food forever, the child will feel very tasteless and boring, so it's easy to be lazy to eat. You can often change the menu so that your child can enjoy eating more. You should flexibly change the menu by day, by week, by month... that will stimulate children to want to eat more. Decorate the dishes colorful and delicious: When the dishes are decorated eye-catching, or the color of the foods is also one of the important factors to stimulate the eating of young children. You can use dishes with strange and unique colors to attract and hold your baby's feet longer on the table. Or maybe the great taste of the food. This can help children eat more delicious. You also need to accept some of the child's preferences: When you keep an eye on them, you can tell what they like and don't like to eat. If children are given foods they like, they will be able to stimulate them to eat better. Cut down on snacks during the day: Snacks often make children more enthusiastic than eating porridge, flour, rice... Therefore, if you give your child snacks right before the meal, it will make your baby eat. I don't want to eat anymore. Children will feel full and not yet excited to enter the main meal, more seriously, the child will refuse the whole meal. Therefore, you need to limit your child's snacks before eating the main meal. In short, the state of anorexia 15-month-old children is no longer a strange phenomenon for families with young children. Therefore, if a child encounters this situation, parents need to calm down and find out carefully what is the cause of their child's anorexia, then take appropriate response and intervention measures. In the case of children with prolonged anorexia, malabsorption, and growth retardation, parents should supplement children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins. help meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well. Parents can simultaneously apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption. The most important thing is that improving your baby's symptoms often takes a long time. Combining many types of functional foods at the same time or changing many types in a short time can make the baby's digestive system unable to adapt and completely not good. Therefore, parents must be really patient with their children and regularly visit the website vimec.com to update useful baby care information.
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