128-sequence CT scanning technology: What you need to know

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Le Thao Tram - Diagnostic Imaging Doctor - Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
128-sequence CT scanning technology is one of the extremely useful imaging techniques in disease diagnosis and treatment. This is also a non-invasive diagnostic method with high accuracy results, thereby helping doctors come up with the best treatment regimen for patients.

1. What is a 128-sequence CT scan?

128-sequence CT scanner is one of the technical technologies adapted to provide three-dimensional images for almost all ages of patients. They are used for people with heart or respiratory conditions that are difficult for other types of scanners.
128-sequence CT scanning technology performs quickly while providing clear images of the body with high accuracy. They have the potential to help doctors eliminate the need for follow-up tests, while also helping patients shorten hospital stays. In addition, this technology also integrates a shield to regulate radiation exposure. At the same time, it also prevents unnecessary radiation doses before and after the procedure.
During the procedure, the system provides all diagnostic information that allows the doctor to distinguish characteristics as well as distinguish tissues in the body, making it easier to identify the disease. The imaging results can also show blood flow over time throughout the muscles. In the case of a stroke patient, doctors can use whole-organ imaging to show blood circulation not only in a small part of the brain but to see the entire brain.

Máy chụp CT 128 dãy được sử dụng cho người mắc bệnh tim
Máy chụp CT 128 dãy được sử dụng cho người mắc bệnh tim

2. Advantages of performing 128-sequence CT scan

Clear image results: Most of the previous imaging methods such as X-ray, computerized tomography usually give 2D images mainly. Therefore, the observed images will be limited and these images will not be clear. However, with 128-sequence CT scanning technology, in addition to being taken in many layers, it is also integrated with advanced tools to help make the resulting images extremely clear. There are many diseases related to the heart that are recommended to use this technology for diagnosis and treatment. This technology has the ability to resolve soft tissues: Compared with previous technologies, almost all soft tissues cannot be resolved, which makes it difficult for doctors in the process of diagnosis and treatment. However, with 128-sequence CT scanning technology, it is possible to obtain these high-resolution images with high sharpness. Fast processing time: With 128-sequence CT scanning technology, the time for a motion rotation takes less than 1⁄3 seconds, so patients can save a lot of time for their examination process. . At the same time, this technology is also suitable for emergencies, because it has the ability to give fast and accurate results, making early diagnosis and treatment easier.

Máy chụp CT 128 dãy
Máy chụp CT 128 dãy

3. What diseases are 128-sequence CT scans used to diagnose?

CT scans in general and 128-sequence CT scans in particular are both considered as effective support methods in diagnostic imaging to help doctors quickly make definitive diagnoses and effective treatment protocols. . However, with the advantages of 128-sequence CT technology, it will give priority to use for diagnosis in diseases such as:
3.1. Cancer
● This technology helps in early and extremely accurate diagnosis of malignant tumors to have a definitive diagnosis for whether the patient is having cancer or not.
● Monitor and draw conclusions about what stage the cancer is in. At the same time, the doctor can rely on the CT scan results to decide whether to change the treatment regimen or evaluate the results of the current treatment regimen.
● Used in combination with radiation therapy to monitor the body's response to the effects of the treatment regimen.
● Help the doctor monitor the patient's scar tissue after completing the cancer treatment to see if it has deteriorated into recurrent tissue. In particular, this technology also helps doctors control the metastasis caused by cancer.

Công nghệ mới giúp chẩn đoán chính xác các bệnh ung thư
Công nghệ mới giúp chẩn đoán chính xác các bệnh ung thư

3.2. Cardiovascular disease
128-sequence CT scanning technology is extremely important for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular-related diseases. This is the most obvious method to assess whether the heart muscle is able to recover after treatment or not.
3.3. Neurological disease
Technology helps doctors to first monitor the disease through imaging and evaluate for tumors growing in the brain or signs of internal infection. It will then assist in the assessment of memory-related diseases such as dementia, dementia or Alzheimer's.
Bringing many advantages such as 256-segment tomography technology, 128-sequence tomography technology is also chosen and prescribed by many doctors for patients to bring accurate image results, and at the same time save time in bed. institute. In addition, this technology also integrates a shield to regulate radiation exposure. At the same time, it also prevents unnecessary radiation doses before and after the procedure.
Vinmec International General Hospital is a general hospital that has brought modern standard machinery systems to serve the work of imaging diagnosis, early detection and treatment of diseases, bringing the best treatment results. optimal, minimizing complications for users. With a team of experienced and qualified medical professionals, capable of performing diagnostic imaging techniques, patients will feel secure.
To be examined and treated for Vinmec disease, please come directly to Vinmec Health System or register online HERE.
Reference source: midmichigan.org
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