10 months baby 7kg: Malnutrition warning

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7 kg of 10 month old baby is a warning sign that the child is malnourished. Parents need to immediately take the child to the doctor and have reasonable interventions for the child to develop well mentally and physically.

1. Standard height and weight of 10-month-old children

Many parents ask the question, how much does a 10-month-old boy or girl weigh? For 10-month-old children, the standard weight of boys is 8.3 - 10.2kg; for girls is 8.5 - 9.6 kg. The standard height of a 10-month-old boy is 73.3 - 80.1cm; for girls is 71.5 - 78.9cm.
This index only applies to babies born at full term, with an average birth weight of 2.9 - 3.8kg and an average length of 50cm. In terms of weight, the average gain of children 0-6 months old is 125-600g/week; for children 7-12 months old is 500g/month. In terms of height, the average increase of children 0-6 months old is 2.5cm/month; For children from 7 to 12 months old, it is 1.5cm/month.
Every month, parents should measure the child's weight and height once to understand the baby's development. When weighing, it is advisable to subtract 200-400g from the baby's clothes and diapers and weigh after the baby has just finished urinating / defecating. When measuring height, it should be taken in the morning. Boys are usually slightly taller and heavier than girls.

2. A 10-month-old child gains 7kg - a sign of malnutrition

A 10-month-old baby weighing 7.5kg or around 7kg warns of malnutrition (whether a boy or a girl). Because according to the standard, a 10-month-old baby needs to have a weight of 8.3kg or more (for boys) and 8.5kg or more (for girls).
Malnutrition is a condition in which the body lacks essential nutrients, affecting normal growth. Children are often malnourished between 6-24 months of age. This is the period when children have high nutritional needs, are learning to adapt to the environment and are very sensitive to diseases.
There are many causes of malnutrition in children such as: Not having enough breast milk, eating solid foods early (before 4 months of age); the food is not to taste or the child is not allowed to eat a variety of foods; children with infectious diseases (pneumonia, diarrhea, helminths,...) must use drugs, causing malabsorption and loss of appetite; children with psychological problems caused by family pressure,...
Malnourished children are susceptible to intestinal and respiratory infections. At the same time, children are also at risk of physical and mental retardation. Malnutrition causes the development of organs to decrease, especially the musculoskeletal system, which directly affects children's stature. Accordingly, children also have slow brain development, reduced learning, receptivity, poor social communication,...

3. Treatment of malnutrition in 10-month-old children

10 months baby is 7kg is a sign of malnutrition. Depending on the cause and severity of the disease, the doctor may recommend that the parent treat the child at home or in the hospital. Usually, nutritionists often recommend parents to adjust the diet to treat malnutrition in children. Accordingly, the child's diet may need to increase the nutritional content of the food or take additional nutritional supplements according to the instructions of the doctor.

Trẻ 10 tháng được 7kg là dấu hiệu suy dinh dưỡng
Trẻ 10 tháng được 7kg là dấu hiệu suy dinh dưỡng

4. Measures to prevent the risk of malnutrition in children

To prevent the risk of malnutrition in children, parents need to pay attention to:
Breastfeed your baby right after birth, lasting from 18-24 months. If the mother does not have enough milk, it is necessary to find a suitable alternative milk source for the child; Have a suitable diet for children to gain healthy weight. Children should be given solid foods when they are 6 months old, full of the main food groups: starch, sugar, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. At the same time, should choose fresh foods, limit processed foods, cook food thoroughly for children to prevent intestinal diseases; Monitor children's monthly growth chart to detect early and prevent the risk of malnutrition in children; Do not abuse antibiotics during treatment for children. Use only the full dose of antibiotics for the time recommended by your doctor. During the treatment period, parents need to pay attention to the issue of proper nutrition care for children; Vaccinations and periodic deworming for children. A 10-month-old child weighing 7 kg is a warning sign of malnutrition. Parents should soon take their children to a nutrition center to be examined by doctors to find out the specific cause of this condition and have the most appropriate treatment. Besides, parents also need to pay attention to supplement the necessary micronutrients: Selenium, Chromium, Vitamins B1 and B6, Ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C),... Especially the biological zinc to improve taste, help children eat well, reach the correct height and weight, and exceed the standard, have a good immune system, strengthen resistance to less sickness and less digestive problems.
For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website vimec.com and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the National General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.
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