What is Bonjesta?

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Bonjesta is a line of antihistamines that are used quite commonly in the world, supporting and improving the health of pregnant women during morning sickness. Let's find out more details about Bonjesta medicine for what? How to use and what to note when using Bonjesta through the article below.

1. Bonjesta . drug definition

Bonjesta drug is made in the form of tablets, the main ingredients in the drug are the active ingredients Doxylamine and Pyridoxine.
Doxylamine - an antihistamine, the mechanism of action affects some natural substances such as Serotonin, Acetylcholine in the body or directly affects certain areas of the brain.
Pyridoxine (B6) is a type of Vitamin B that plays a very important role in health. Normally, the body can provide enough Pyridoxine in the daily diet, but in some subjects such as pregnant women, people on a diet, alcoholics, etc., there may be vitamin deficiency. This B.
With the above 2 main ingredients, Bonjesta is used as a medicine to relieve nausea/vomiting during pregnancy or morning sickness. Helps improve health and nutrition during pregnancy.

2. How to use Bonjesta

Proper use of Bonjesta as listed on the product packaging or as prescribed by a pharmacist, your doctor will help increase the absorption of Doxylamine and Pyridoxine and Bonjesta will promote maximum effects, ensuring maximum effectiveness. safe for consumers. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the following notes before using Bonjesta:
Bonjesta is made in the form of tablets and is used orally. You should swallow the tablet whole, do not crush/chew or split the tablet unless there is an indicator line on the tablet or your doctor tells you to split the tablet. Taking the whole pill can release all of the active ingredients in the pill at once while increasing the risk of side effects. You should take Bonjesta on an empty stomach with a full glass of water and drink it before going to bed. The specific dosage will be based on the individual's medical condition, subject, and response to treatment. The usual dose is 1-2 tablets / day and taken 1 time / day. If you have persistent nausea, your doctor may direct you to increase your dose to twice a day and take it in the morning and at night before bed. However, it is not recommended to take more than 2 tablets per day.

3. Bonjesta . side effects

During the use of Bonjesta, you may experience some unwanted side effects such as: Drowsiness, dizziness, dizziness.
Tell your doctor or pharmacist right away if you experience any of the following serious side effects while taking this medicine:
Moodiness such as confusion, mental changes, irritability or anxiety Difficulty urinating severe allergic reaction: rash, difficulty breathing, itching swelling of the face - tongue - throat, severe dizziness. Bonjesta may affect the results of some tests. So, if you are taking medication, tell your doctor or pharmacist before going to the doctor. This is not a complete list of the side effects that may occur when you take Bonjesta. If you experience any other side effects not listed above or any serious, prolonged, life-threatening side effect, stop taking the medicine and call your healthcare professional right away for advice and treatment. Adjust medication more appropriately.
Before you use this medicine tell your doctor or pharmacist your allergy history to Doxylamine or Pyridoxine and other similar drugs, eye problems such as glaucoma, history of asthma asthma, gastrointestinal problems such as stomach ulcers, blockage of the digestive tract; urination problems. Thereby, the doctor, pharmacist will advise and adjust the dose that is most suitable for you.

4. Bonjesta . drug interactions

Drug interactions can change the way the medication works, effectiveness, or even increase the risk of serious unwanted side effects. Therefore, before using Bonjesta, tell your doctor about all drugs (prescription, non-prescription) or other pharmaceuticals and supplements that you are using.
Here are some drugs that, when combined with Bonjesta, may increase the risk of drug interactions, including:
Topical antihistamines such as: ointments, creams, sprays containing the active ingredient Diphenhydramine . Other products that cause drowsiness such as: Opioid pain relievers or cough suppressants such as Hydrocodone, Codeine, alcohol, marijuana. Sedatives such as Zolpidem, Lorazepam, Alprazolam. Muscle relaxants such as Cyclobenzaprine, Carisoprodol. Other antihistamines such as Diphenhydramine, Cetirizine.

5. Some notes when using Bonjesta

If you abuse Bonjesta, it can lead to an overdose and be accompanied by serious symptoms such as: dry mouth, restlessness, severe drowsiness, heart palpitations, confusion, weakness, convulsions, even fainting or having trouble breathing.
If you forget to take a dose of Bonjesta, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it is far from the time of taking the next dose, it is advisable to make up for it, and vice versa, if it is time to take the next dose, do not make up for the missed dose and take the next dose as usual.
For Bonjesta to be effective and safe for treatment, you need to store the medicine at a temperature < 30 degrees Celsius, avoid direct sunlight on the medicine, avoid moldy and humid places. Absolutely do not store medicine in the bathroom and keep it out of reach of children and family pets.
To ensure safety and avoid unwanted side effects of Bonjesta, you should read the leaflet carefully before using or strictly follow the instructions of your doctor or pharmacist. If you use Bonjesta but do not see any effect, you should go to medical facilities for examination and more appropriate treatment.

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