Uses of Stratuma

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Stratuma is indicated in the treatment of primary hypercholesterolemia or mixed dyslipidemia,... Statuma has been shown to be effective in the group of patients with hypercholesterolemia with or without hypertriglyceridemia, sex. , race or age and effects on special patient groups such as familial hypercholesterolemia and diabetes What is the use of stratuma?

1. What effect does stratuma have?

Stratuma belongs to the group of cardiovascular drugs with the main ingredient being calcium rosuvastatin 20mg. In particular, rosuvastatin is a selective and competitive inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase, which catalyzes the conversion of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A to mevalonater, a precursor of cholesterol. The liver is the main site of action of rosuvastatin, the target organ of cholesterol lowering. Rosuvastatin has been shown to be effective in patients with hypercholesterolemia with or without hypertriglyceridemia, sex, race or age, and in specific patient populations such as familial hypercholesterolemia and diabetes mellitus. Disconnect the road.

2. Indications and contraindications to the drug Stratuma

2.1 Indication for use of stratuma Drugs stratuma are effective in the treatment of cases such as:
Primary hypercholesterolemia Mixed dyslipidemia Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia In addition to the above uses, stratuma drugs may also be indicated for treatment or in combination with other drugs in the treatment of diseases not mentioned above.
2.2 Contraindications to the use of stratuma Contraindications to the use of stratuma include:
Hypersensitivity to any component of stratuma Progressive liver disease including persistent elevation of serum transaminases of unknown etiology core. When transaminases increased to 3 times the upper limit of normal. Severe kidney failure Myopathy Patients taking cyclosporin Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding

3. Usage and dosage of stratuma

Stratuma is available as a film-coated tablet and is therefore taken orally. The patient should swallow the whole tablet, do not break or crush it because it can release all active ingredients at once. The dose of stratuma will depend on the medical condition and may vary with the patient's ability to respond to the drug. The recommended starting dose is 5-10mg once a day, which can be adjusted every 4 weeks. When severe hypercholesterolemia and high risk of cardiovascular disease do not achieve the treatment goal at the 20mg dose, the dose of 40mg should be used, and the patient will need to be monitored regularly.

4. Undesirable effects when taking stratuma

In the process of using stratuma drugs, some side effects cannot be avoided. Some of the side effects of stratuma include:
You should tell your doctor about your history of hypersensitivity to stratuma or any other allergies. Stratuma may contain inactive ingredients and could cause an allergic reaction or other serious problems. List some of the medications you are taking on a daily basis for your doctor to understand including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, preservatives, other foods or supplements, herbs, dyes, ... Like other statin drugs, caution should be exercised in patients with predisposing factors for rhabdomyolysis such as hypothyroidism, renal failure, family and personal history of hereditary muscle disease, history of muscle toxicity due to other HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors or fibrates, alcoholic patients, over 70 years of age, increased drug levels in the blood and concomitant use of fibrates. Stop using the drug if the test index is CK > 5 x ULN or severe muscle symptoms. Stratuma should not be used in the presence of sepsis, hypotension, trauma, major surgery, electrolyte disturbances, severe metabolic, endocrine, or uncontrolled convulsions. While in the course of treatment, the patient should not arbitrarily skip the dose or stop the drug, even though the symptoms have improved somewhat. If you miss a dose, take it back as soon as possible. Also, when it's not too close to your next dose to take the missed dose, you can skip that dose and continue taking it as scheduled.

5. Drug interactions

Drug interactions will change the way the drug works, more seriously it can increase the risk of side effects. In addition, there are a few medications that should not be used at the time of stratuma treatment. However, in some other cases it is two different drugs that can be used together, even though they do interact. When encountering such cases, the doctor needs to take new precautions and change the dosage. Therefore, the patient needs to list to the doctor what drugs and supplements you are using.

6. How to store stratuma

Stratuma drugs are stored under the following conditions:
Store at room temperature; Avoid light; Avoid humid places; Do not store stratuma in a humid place or in the freezer. Since each stratuma drug will have its own storage method, please read the instructions for use and storage carefully. Keep medicine in high places out of reach of small children. However, after the drug has expired or has been damaged, it should be disposed of according to the correct procedure. Do not arbitrarily dispose of stratuma into an environment such as a water pipe or toilet unless requested to do so. To dispose of stratuma safely and to help protect the environment, please consult your waste disposal company or pharmacist on how to dispose of stratuma.
In summary, stratuma drugs are effective in the treatment of primary hypercholesterolemia or mixed dyslipidemia,... In the course of drug use, undesirable side effects cannot be avoided. So, when you see abnormal signs in your body, go to a medical facility immediately for timely treatment.

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