Uses of Skdol Caffeine

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Skdol caffeine is an over-the-counter drug that is often recommended for use in the treatment of pain relief and fever reduction in cases of headache, toothache, bone and joint pain, menstrual pain,... Skdol drug Caffeine will work optimally if you use it exactly as directed by your pharmacist or doctor.

1. What is the drug Skdol caffeine?

What is the drug Skdol caffeine? Skdol caffeine belongs to the group of OTC drugs (over-the-counter drugs), which provide quick and effective pain relief. Skdol caffeine medicine is often recommended by experts to relieve migraine pain, toothache, bone and joint pain,...
Currently, Skdol caffeine is a product of Phuong Dong Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company. , is available in the form of film-coated tablets. In each box of Skdol caffeine pills, there are 3 blisters, 6 blisters or 10 blisters x 10 tablets; In addition, the drug is also packaged in bottles of 100, 200 or 500 tablets. Each film-coated tablet of Skdol caffeine contains 2 main ingredients: Paracetamol (500mg), Caffeine (50mg) and other excipients with adequate concentrations.

2. What effect does the drug Skdol caffeine have?

2.1 Uses of the drug Skdol caffeine Skdol caffeine medicine is a combination of 2 main ingredients, Paracetamol and Caffeine, which helps to relieve pain quickly, and has a very effective antipyretic effect, specifically:
Paracetamol: Yes analgesic - antipyretic and acts on the central - peripheral system thanks to the mechanism of blocking the activity of cyclooxygenase enzyme in the synthesis process, so Prostaglandin causes inflammation, pain and fever in the body. Paracetamol has a strong hypothermic effect by acting on the hypothalamus and increasing peripheral blood flow. Caffeine: It is a mild stimulant of the central nervous system, helping to quickly relieve pain and help muscles work more easily. 2.2 Indications for using Skdol caffeine Currently, Skdol caffeine is commonly used to treat mild to moderate pain, including:
Migraine headaches. Headache. Dysmenorrhea. Musculoskeletal pain. Sore throat . Fever with pain after vaccination. Pain after tooth extraction or other dental procedures. Toothache. Pain from osteoarthritis. 2.3 Contraindications to the use of the drug Skdol caffeine Skdol caffeine should not be used in the following patients:
Patients with a history of hypersensitivity or allergy to Caffeine, Paracetamol or other excipients in the drug. Skdol caffeine should not be used by people diagnosed with severe kidney or liver failure. Skdol caffeine is contraindicated in patients with repeated anemia, heart disease, kidney, lung or liver disease. Avoid using Skdol caffeine for people with glucose-6 - phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Skdol caffeine should not be used by pregnant women or nursing mothers.

3. Dosage and instructions for using Skdol caffeine

3.1 Dosage of the drug Skdol caffeine The following is the dose of Skdol caffeine drug according to the general recommendations of the doctor, specifically:
Adults, children > 12 years old and the elderly: Use 500 / 65mg - 1000 / 120mg (Paracetamol / Caffeine), equivalent to 1-2 tablets, each dose is spaced every 4-6 hours. The minimum time to take a repeat dose of Skdol caffeine is 4 hours. Maximum daily dose: Take 4000mg Paracetamol / 520mg Caffeine - 8 tablets. 3.2 How to effectively use the drug Skdol caffeine Skdol caffeine drug is prepared in the form of tablets, so the patient will take the drug orally with a sufficient amount of water. The specific time and dosage of the drug will be recommended by the doctor for each patient.
Some cases of inappropriate use of Skdol caffeine may experience drug overdose symptoms. At that time, the patient should be applied measures to quickly determine the drug concentration in the blood plasma. While waiting for test results, treatment of overdose should not be delayed, especially in case of severe overdose.
For patients with severe intoxication when taking Skdol caffeine, it is essential to apply active supportive treatment measures. In most situations, gastric lavage will be the option to perform and is best done within 4 hours of ingestion.

4. Possible side effects when taking the drug Skdol caffeine

In fact, the drug Skdol caffeine usually causes less side effects during treatment. However, some patients with a sensitive site may experience the following reactions caused by Skdol caffeine:
Uncommon side effects: Skin rash, nausea, vomiting, hematopoietic disorders, pancytopenia, neutropenia, leukopenia, anemia, increased nephrotoxicity due to long-term use, kidney disease,... Rare side effects: Hypersensitivity reactions to Skdol caffeine, Hepatocellular necrosis at high doses. Although these side effects are rare, they often have the risk of serious progression if not detected and treated early. When you notice any unusual signs during the use of Skdol caffeine, you need to temporarily stop taking the drug and discuss specifically with your doctor to take measures.

5. Precautions and interactions of the drug Skdol caffeine with other drugs

5.1 What should be noted when using the drug Skdol caffeine? You can refer to the following tips to ensure safe and effective use of Skdol caffeine:
Use Skdol caffeine with caution if you have severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance less than 10ml/min) or liver failure. Skdol caffeine is not recommended for children under 6 years of age. If after a period of using Skdol caffeine, the symptoms do not improve, you should discuss specifically with your doctor to find out the cause and have a treatment. You may experience signs of severe skin reactions during treatment with Skdol caffeine, such as toxic skin necrosis syndrome (TEN), Steven Johnson syndrome (SJS), exanthematous pustular syndrome. acute systemic disease (AGEP) or Lyell's syndrome. If you are pregnant or starting to breastfeed, it is best not to use Skdol caffeine or talk to your doctor before deciding on treatment. If you have a job that involves operating machinery or driving a vehicle, use Skdol caffeine with caution, as it can cause adverse effects. Store the medicine in a cool, dry area with suitable humidity and avoid exposure to direct sunlight. 5.2 What drugs interact with Skdol caffeine? The interaction of Skdol caffeine with other drugs or substances can affect the effectiveness of the drug, even increase the risk of experiencing side effects. You need to tell your doctor the list of medications you are taking at the moment to avoid the risk of drug interactions. The following are drugs and substances when combined with Skdol caffeine will lead to interactions, specifically:
Long-term use of high doses of Paracetamol may slightly increase the anticoagulant effect of Indandion derivatives. and Coumarin. When combining the drug Skdol caffeine at the same time with other drugs that are toxic on the liver, patients will be susceptible to liver toxicity. Prolonged use of Skdol caffeine with alcohol may increase the risk of hepatotoxicity of the active ingredient Paracetamol. Co-administration of Skdol caffeine with anticonvulsants such as Carbamazepine, Barbiturates and Phenytoin may increase the hepatotoxicity of Paracetamol, due to increased metabolism of the drug into hepatotoxic substances. Concomitant use of Isoniazid with Paracetamol may increase the risk of hepatotoxicity. This tends to occur more often in patients taking higher than recommended doses of Paracetamol while being treated with Isoniazid. Ideally, patients should consult with their doctor to reduce the dose of the drug or change to another more suitable drug. Skdol caffeine is a drug without a doctor's prescription, often recommended to treat pain and reduce fever for cases of headache, toothache, bone and joint pain, menstrual pain,... To ensure To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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