Uses of Paciflam

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Paciflam is known as a drug in the group of sedatives causing sleep. On the market today, Paciflam has different dosages, suitable for each patient. Therefore, before intending to use, it is necessary to learn about Paciflam medicine.

1. What is Paciflam?

Paciflam belongs to the group of sedatives causing sleep, with short-term effects. The drug is prepared in the form of an injection solution containing the main ingredient is Midazolam hydrochloride 1mg/ml or 5mg/ml. In addition, the drug also contains other excipients such as: sodium chloride, hydrochloric acid, distilled water for injection just enough. In this content you will learn about the drug Paciflam 5mg.
With the ingredient Midazolam, Paciflam 5mg has a sedative effect, selectively induces sleep and is safer than some other sedative-hypnotic groups.

2. In what cases is Paciflam indicated and contraindicated?

According to the recommendations of the manufacturer and the doctor and pharmacist, Paciflam is indicated in the following cases:
The drug is indicated in the following cases:
For adults
Sedation: before and during diagnosis diagnosis or treatment with or without local anesthesia. Pre-anesthesia, induction of anesthesia, acute convulsions. Sedation in general anesthesia, sedation in the intensive care unit. Before surgery. 2.5 mg IV injection 5 - 10 minutes before the procedure, if necessary repeat dose 1mg, total dose 5 mg Elderly reduce dose to 1-1.5 mg; or IM injection: 30 minutes before anesthesia for surgery Adults 0.07 -0.1 mg/kg, For children
Sedation: before and during diagnosis or treatment with or without anesthesia Local. Anesthesia and pre-anesthesia before induction. Sedation in the intensive care unit. Control of seizures in pediatric subjects. Children: 0.15 - 0.20 mg/kg. Induction intravenous injection 10 - 15 mg, in children IM 0.15 - 0.20 mg/kg + ketamine 4 - 8 mg/kg.

3. Contraindications when using Paciflam

Paciflam is contraindicated in the following patients. Users need to pay attention to ensure their health and safety.
Respiratory diseases such as: asthma, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ... Be careful about dosage with patients with liver disease, kidney disease, alcoholism need to be very careful when using the drug. People who are taking narcotic substances Pregnant and lactating women.. Do not use for patients who are sensitive to any of the ingredients of the drug.

4. What side effects may occur when taking Paciflam 5mg?

During the use of the drug, patients encountering side effects are not too rare. However, depending on the medical condition, age, and health, each person will have different reactions. Some common side effects when taking the drug can be listed as:
Hiccups, cough, nausea, and vomiting, drowsiness, dizziness, confusion or forgetfulness Cough, wheezing, weak breathing Slow heart rate. Prolonged memory loss, drowsiness, hangover, ataxia, easy to fall,... May lower blood pressure with rapid intravenous injection. In addition, when experiencing other side effects not mentioned above, patients should contact the prescribing doctor for timely advice.
Above are important information about Paciflam 5mg that patients need to pay attention to. The use of drugs in the right dosage and purpose always brings good treatment results to any object.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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