Uses of Metronidazole Stada 500 mg

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Metronidazole Stada 500 mg belongs to the group of anti-infectives, antivirals and fungi. This is a drug to treat patients with many levels of infection, so it is necessary to have a prescription from a doctor. The following is some information to help you better understand what Metronidazole Stada 500 mg is.

1. The effect of the drug Metronidazole Stada 500 mg

Cases of infections caused by fungi, bacteria or other health effects are usually prescribed using anti-infective drugs or antibiotics. Each drug in the subclass may be used in other patients. together. When using Metronidazole Stada 500 mg you should carefully check the use and suitability.
The drug Metronidazole Stada 500 mg is used to fight infections and prevent fungi. But not all cases should be used drugs. You should only use it for the following few common indications:
Amib infection Giardia lambia infection Oral ulceration Urinary tract infection Trichomoniasis Prevention of infections caused by anaerobic viruses Prophylaxis of the risk of infection in patients recently performed surgery related to the gastrointestinal tract Cases outside the above indications, if prescribed by a doctor, can still be treated with Metronidazole Stada 500 mg. It is best for patients to have specific instructions from a medical professional before using Metronidazole Stada 500 mg to reduce dangerous effects on health.

2. Dosage and how to use Metronidazole Stada 500 mg

Metronidazole Stada 500 mg is used orally. The right time for the drug to be well absorbed is after a meal. You can talk more with your doctor to plan to use the medicine on a specific schedule. The following are some suggested drug dosages for patients for reference and treatment.
Patients with anaerobic infections Anaerobic infections should be treated for a 7-day course. Young children usually take a dose of 20 - 30 mg/kg per day and divided into 4 times. Adults also divided into 4 times / day, but the daily dose increased to 30-40 mg / kg.
Intestinal amoebic dysentery infections Metronidazole Stada 500 mg when treating intestinal infections should be treated for 7-10 days with dysentery bacteria and 5 days with intestinal bacteria. Adults use a dose of 1.5 - 2 g / day and children use a rate of 40 - 50 mg / kg per day. The daily dose should be divided into 4 doses.
Trichomonas infection in the genitals In case of Trichomonas infection, use according to the actual level of infection. Normally, patients will take a dose of 0.25 g / time x 3 times / day. The duration of treatment at this dose is 1 week. For pregnant women, it is necessary to add vaginal suppositories to increase effectiveness.
Giardia infection Use 4 times / day with a total dose of 2g. Treatment for Giardia infection should last for about 3 days.
In addition to the above doses, you need to consult a doctor if prescribed for other diseases. Please note that you should always carefully check the instructions and dosage of Giardia before using it to ensure safety for your health and avoid interactions that affect the effects of Giardia.

3. Precautions before taking Metronidazole Stada 500 mg

Metronidazole Stada 500 mg can affect your health if you are in the group of contraindications. Please refer to the drug information carefully to prevent the risk of allergies. In particular, patients with a known history of allergy to pharmaceutical ingredients in the drug should notify their doctor and change to a drug that has the same effect but does not cause irritation or dangerous interactions.
Women and children when using Metronidazole Stada 500 mg should be careful. Pregnant and postpartum women are not allowed to use. This subject is contraindicated to use because research has found that there is a risk of adverse effects on health. In addition, elderly people or patients with impaired liver and kidney function should be careful when using Metronidazole Stada 500 mg. You only use as directed and regularly check your health to ensure that the drug does not have any adverse effects on health during use.

4. Side effects of the drug Metronidazole Stada 500 mg

Headache Dry mouth Diarrhea Nausea Bitter mouth The side effects mentioned above are for reference only. In addition, you may experience dangerous side effects with complications that do not appear. Use caution with health when taking Metronidazole Stada 500 mg to control unwanted interactions.

5. Interaction with Metronidazole Stada 500 mg

Metronidazole Stada 500 mg may affect when used with anticoagulants in the Coumain class. Metronidazole Stada 500 mg is contraindicated for concomitant use with Sulfiram. In addition, the dose of Metronidazole Stada 500 mg needs to be adjusted if you have impaired liver and kidney function or are addicted to alcohol.
Above are the shares to help you better understand what Metronidazole Stada 500 mg is. Always take your medicine as directed by your doctor to make sure it works as intended.

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