Uses of Megaduo

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Megaduo drug is prepared under the gel. The product is used to treat post-acne bruises, treat acne forms by drying acne, prevent inflammatory acne, acne, and melanoma spots after acne treatment.

1. Uses of the drug Megaduo

Megaduo drug is prepared in the form of gel, with ingredients including: Deionized Water, Carbomer, Glycolic acid, Azelaic acid, Sodium hydroxide, EDTA, Potassium sorbate.
Indications of Megaduo gel include:
Preventing types of acne: Blackheads, whiteheads, sebaceous cysts, acne scars; Prevent dark spots left by acne; Lotion.

2. Instructions for using the drug Megaduo

How to use: First, users need to wash their hands before using Mega duo medicine. After that, wash and dry the damaged skin to apply the medicine. Next, take an appropriate amount of the drug on your fingertip, and apply it evenly to the affected skin. Note that you should take a sufficient amount of the drug, focusing on applying it to the acne-affected skin.
Dosage: Apply the drug to the skin 2 times / day. To make it easier to remember, users should apply the drug in the morning and evening times.
Missed dose: When you remember, you should take Megaduo right away. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take it on schedule.

3. Side effects of the drug Megaduo

Megaduo acne gel can cause some side effects on the user's skin such as:
Itching in the skin, rash and hives all over the body; Appearance of erythema multiforme; Change, loss of skin pigmentation; Burns in the area where the medicine is applied. If any allergic reaction or unusual symptoms appear, the patient should immediately notify the doctor for timely treatment and support.

4. Note when using the drug Megaduo

Contraindications: Do not use Megaduo for people who are allergic to the ingredients contained in the drug.
Some notes when using the drug Megaduo:
Megaduo is a drug that can be used in the form of a topical gel, for external use only; Each time, the patient should only take a sufficient amount of the drug, apply only to the area to be treated, do not spread to other skin areas; Do not let the drug Megaduo get into the eyes, nose, mouth. In case the drug is attached to the above positions, the patient should wash the medicine with clean water to avoid irritation; Apply the drug regularly continuously for 1-2 months to ensure the best treatment effect; Caution, careful consideration, consult a doctor before using Megaduo in pregnant women and nursing mothers. Notes when storing the drug Megaduo:
Keep the medicine out of reach of children and the range of activities of pets; Store the medicine in a cool, dry place, avoid direct sunlight, do not leave the medicine in a humid place. The best drug storage temperature is not more than 30 degrees Celsius; Pay attention to the expiration date of the medicine on the box label. Do not use the drug Megaduo has expired; With drugs that are no longer in use, it is necessary to learn about how to handle them to avoid negative effects on the environment.

5. Megaduo drug interactions

There are currently no reports of drug interactions when used with Megaduo acne gel. However, patients still need to fully inform their doctors about the drugs they are using so that they can be advised on how to use them safely and effectively.
Megaduo drug is an acne product that is trusted by many people because of its safe, effective, and less irritating properties. This product line helps to inhibit and kill bacteria that exist in the acne nucleus and sebaceous follicles, solve the root cause of acne formation, and push the acne cores hidden deep under the skin. When using the drug, if there are any unusual symptoms, the user should immediately notify the doctor for timely treatment and support.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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