Uses of Hytoxa 500mg

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Hytoxa 500 drug with the main ingredient is Hydroxyurea 500mg used in the treatment of cancer lines such as drug-resistant chronic myeloid leukemia, squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, chronic myeloid leukemia that cannot autologous marrow transplant. Understanding how to take medication helps limit unwanted effects of the drug.

1. What are the effects of Hytoxa?

Hytoxa medicine has the main ingredient Hydroxyurea 500mg.
Hytoxa 500 is used in the treatment of drug-resistant forms of chronic myeloid leukemia, squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (in combination with radiation therapy), chronic myeloid leukemia that cannot be autologated. body, melanoma, sickle cell anemia, cervical cancer, idiopathic erythrocytosis.

2. Usage and dosage of Hytoxa 500

Dosage of Hydroxyurea is individualized, based on the patient's body weight and fluid retention.
Treatment of solid tumors: Dose 80mg/kg, once every 3 days or 20-30mg/kg once a day. Head and neck cancer : Often combined with radiation therapy, dose 80mg/kg, once every 3 days, taking the drug at least 7 days before starting radiation therapy, then still using it during and after stopping irradiation, but must be closely monitored, and there are no serious complications. Chronic myeloid leukemia refractory to other drugs: Take 20-30mg/kg once a day. If the effect is evident after 6 weeks, the therapy can be prolonged. Treatment must be discontinued when the white blood cell count falls below 2,500/mm3 or the platelet count falls below 100,000/mm3. Re-treatment only when white blood cell and platelet counts return to normal. Sickle cell anemia: 15mg/kg once daily. Treatment of sickle cell anemia: The starting dose is 15mg/kg once daily. After 12 weeks, increase the dose once more by 5mg/kg, up to a maximum dose of 35mg/kg/day. Idiopathic erythrocytosis: Initial dose 15-20mg/kg/day.

3. Contraindications of Hytoxa 500

Hytoxa 500 is contraindicated for the following subjects:
Hypersensitivity to the drug's ingredients. Severe myelosuppression, white blood cell count less than 2500/mm3 or platelet count less than 100000/mm3. Severe anemia. Pregnant and lactating women.

4. Be careful when using Hytoxa 500

Active ingredient Hydroxyurea has high toxicity, low treatment index, if there is no complication, there is no response to treatment.
It is necessary to have a specialist with experience in the use of cancer chemotherapy to prescribe treatment and monitor the patient throughout the treatment.
People handling Hytoxa 500 must wear gloves, hats, masks to avoid contact with skin and mucous membranes.
The drug causes bone marrow failure, so the patient must be monitored hematological parameters before and during treatment.
Hytoxa should be used with caution in patients with liver and kidney failure.
Effects of the drug on the ability to drive and use machines: the drug can be used to drive or operate machinery because it does not cause drowsiness.

5. Undesirable effects of Hytoxa 500

Hytoxa 500 may cause some unwanted effects such as:
Common: Blood (myelosuppression, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia). Gastrointestinal: (stomatitis, vomiting, nausea, anorexia, constipation, diarrhea) Uncommon: Skin: (skin rash, papules, pruritus, dry skin, hyperpigmentation; skin ulcers). Gastrointestinal: (oral ulcer, gastrointestinal epithelial ulcer). Nervous system: (headache, dizziness, disorientation, convulsions, hallucinations, fever, chills, malaise, asthenia. High doses may cause drowsiness.) Rare: Difficulty urinating, Temporary decrease in renal tubular function, uric acid stones in the urine, increase in blood uric acid, increase in blood urea and creatinine. Edema of the palms and feet; hyperbilirubinemia; increased transaminases, acute respiratory syndrome, pulmonary fibrosis; hair loss.

6. Hytoxa 500 . drug interactions

Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before using with any other medicines including over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, herbal medicines.
Using Hytoxa with anti-tumor drugs and other radiation therapy causes suppression of bone marrow, intestines, stomach, inflammation of the oral cavity. Before or at the same time as radiation therapy, the use of drugs can increase inflammation in the skin. Fluoropyrimide and cytarabine cause increased drug toxicity. Antiviral drugs cause pancreatitis, hepatotoxicity, sometimes fatal, peripheral nerve effects. Taking Hytoxa with live attenuated vaccines and yellow fever vaccines reduces the immune response to the vaccine, increasing the risk of side effects, which can be fatal. The use of Hytoxa with ciclosporin, tacrolimus causes immunosuppression with the risk of lymphoid tissue formation. Above is important information about Hytoxa drug, before using, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use and follow the instructions of a specialist doctor. Using the right medication at the right dose and purpose will bring better treatment results.

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