Uses of Glotaren 20

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Glotaren 20 is on the prescription drug list. To ensure safety when using, you should know what Glotaren 20 does? Usage, dosage as well as safety warnings... Let's find out more information about Glotaren 20 in the following article.

1. What is Glotaren 20?

Glotaren 20 is a prescription tablet in cases of heart disease, ear - nose - throat disease. The drug is manufactured by GLOMED Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company - VIETNAM, registration number VD-22852-15.
The main ingredients of Glotaren 20 include Trimetazidine hydrochloride 20 mg and other excipients including:
Corn starch; Povidon; Talc; Opadry II red. Glotaren 20 pill box, white rectangular shape, red letters, each box has 2 blisters x 10 tablets/blister in the form of film-coated tablets.

2. What are the effects of Glotaren 20?

Glotaren 20 contains Trimetazidine 20mg as the main ingredient. Trimetazidine is an active ingredient that inhibits the beta oxidation of fatty acids by inhibiting the long-chain 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase enzyme that increases sugar oxidation.
In ischemic cells, the energy obtained in glucose oxidation will require less oxygen consumption than in beta-oxidation. The promotion of sugar oxidation will help optimize cellular energy processes, maintain energy metabolism when anemia.
In cases of ischemia, the trimetazidine contained in Glotaren 20 acts as a metabolite. It helps to preserve high energy phosphate levels in cardiomyocytes. In addition, Trimetazidine in Glotaren 20 has anti-ischemic effect but does not affect hemodynamics.
Glotaren 20 is rapidly absorbed and reaches peak plasma concentrations within about 2 hours and is excreted unchanged in the urine.

3. Indications for use of Glotaren 20

Glotaren 20 is indicated as adjunct/adjunct to current therapy in adult subjects with inadequately controlled angina or patients intolerant of other therapies. other angina.

4. Dosage, how to use Glotaren 20

Glotaren 20 use by taking the whole tablet with water, each time taking 1 tablet x 3 times / day at main meals. In addition, there are some manufacturer warnings about the dose of Glotaren 20 such as:
Patients with renal impairment: The recommended dose of Glotaren 20 is 1 tablet / time x 2 times / day in the morning / evening with meals. In addition, the dose can be adjusted according to the degree of creatinine clearance. Elderly patients: This group of subjects Glotaren 20 recommended dose is 1 tablet / time x 2 times / day divided morning / evening. In addition, when using, it is also necessary to evaluate the renal condition and sensitivity to trimetazidine before prescribing. Children: Use of Glotaren 20 for children under 18 years of age has not been indicated, therefore, should not be used in this population.

5. Contraindications to the drug Glotaren 20

Glotaren 20 should not be used for the following groups of people:
Allergy or hypersensitivity to any ingredients or excipients in Glotaren 20; Parkinson's patients ; Restless legs syndrome; Severe kidney failure. To ensure safety for your health, you need to take Glotaren 20 under the guidance and prescription of your doctor.

6. Warnings and Precautions for Glotaren 20

Trimetazidine in Glotaren 20 may cause or worsen Parkinson's symptoms. In doubtful cases, the patient should be referred to a neurologist for appropriate examination.
When experiencing movement disorders such as Parkinson's symptoms, restless legs syndrome, tremor, unsteady gait, the drug should be stopped. Although these are uncommon and can be reversed when you stop taking the drug for about 4 months, it is still advisable to be cautious.
If Parkinson's symptoms continue to occur more than 4 months after stopping Glotaren 20, a neurologist should be consulted.
In addition, according to the manufacturer's warning, caution should be exercised when prescribing Glotaren 20 to subjects with high sensitivity such as renal failure, the elderly.
Pregnant and lactating women, machine operators or drivers who use Glotaren 20 should be careful to note the following:
Do not use for pregnant women in the first 3 months because it can be toxic to babies, monsters. pregnant. If you have used Glotaren 20 before, it is necessary to inform the doctor for specific screening measures.
There is no necessary information on whether Trimetazidine is excreted in breast milk or not, but when used, there must be indications and instructions from a doctor.
Trimetazidine contained in the drug Glotaren may affect the ability to drive vehicles and use machines because it causes dizziness, drowsiness.

7. Glotaren 20 . interactions

There are no specific reports on the interaction of Glotaren 20, but when used with other drugs, it is also necessary to be cautious, notify your doctor for more specific advice.

8. Glotaren 20 . side effects

Glotaren 20 can cause side effects including:
Dizziness; Headache; Sleep disorders; palpitations/tachycardia ; Lower blood pressure; Stomachache; pruritus/urticaria; Attenuate; Hepatitis ; Loss of granulocytes. Notify your doctor/pharmacist immediately when there are side effects related to movement disorders such as parkinsonian symptoms, unsteady gait...
In short, Glotaren 20 is a medicine prescribed only as directed by your doctor. doctor/pharmacist in specified cases. The drug can cause other complicated side effects, need to be monitored when used to ensure safety. Store the medicine at room temperature, out of the reach of children and pets.

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