Uses of Fuxacetam

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Neurological tonic Fuxacetam 800mg supports increasing oxygen transport to the brain, treating symptoms of memory impairment, ischemia, stroke, after surgery,... Refer to the article for the exact dose Use of Fuxacetam to limit unwanted side effects.

1. What is Fuxacetam?

Fuxacetam is a product manufactured by Ha Tinh Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company - Vietnam. The main ingredient of the drug is Piracetam, which has the effect of supporting the treatment of symptoms of dizziness, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, memory impairment due to cerebral infarction. In addition, Fuxacetam supports the treatment of alcoholism, anemia,...
Fuxacetam is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets with a content of 800mg. The drug is packed in a box of 10 blisters x 10 tablets (1 blister each).
Store Fuxacetam in a dry, clean place, out of reach of small children, at a temperature below 30 °C, do not expose to direct sunlight.

2. Uses of Fuxacetam

Each drug is manufactured to work for each individual medical case, Fuxacetam is no exception.
Fuxacetam medicine to support the treatment of diseases caused by brain damage, symptoms of brain injury and brain surgery: hemiplegia, psychosis, ischemia, stroke. Fuxacetam drug supports the treatment of diseases caused by brain disorders: Symptoms from senility, coma, disturbances of consciousness. Fuxacetam supports the treatment of cerebral vascular accident. Fuxacetam supports the treatment of symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning such as: Shortness of breath, nausea, headache, loss of consciousness, convulsions, coma. The drug supports the treatment of diseases caused by disorders of the peripheral and central brain regions: severe delirium, headache, dizziness. Fuxacetam supports the treatment of cognitive decline, chronic sensory nerve impairment in the elderly. Fuxacetam drug supports the treatment of chronic alcoholism, involuntary myoclonic tremor, learning difficulties in children. The following patients do not arbitrarily use Fuxacetam for any reason without a prescription from a specialist.
Patients with severe kidney failure Patients with liver failure Patients with hereditary Huntington's disease

3. Usage and dosage of Fuxacetam

In order to use Fuxacetam to maximize its effectiveness, patients need to know how to use it and the dosage.
3.1. How to use Fuxacetam Take oral medication with a lot of filtered water Absolutely do not take Fuxacetam with filtered water in the refrigerator, carbonated soft drinks, beer, ... because it reduces the effect of the drug. 3.2. Dosage of Fuxacetam Usually, for adults, the starting dose is 800 mg, divided equally 3 times a day. If improvement, reduce dosage to 400 mg, divided equally 3 times/day.
In the case of elderly patients with psychosomatic syndromes: In the first weeks of using Fuxacetam, the dose can be as high as 4.8 g/day. Then reduce the dose to 1.2 - 2.4 g / day.
In case of patients with cognitive impairment after brain injury: The initial dose is 9-12 g/day, the maintenance dose is 2.4 g/day. Treat for at least 3 weeks.
Patients with sickle cell anemia: The indicated dose is 160 mg/kg, divided equally 4 times/day.
Support for the treatment of alcoholism: First, the dose is 12 g/day. Then maintain the dose of 2.4 g/day.
Support in the treatment of involuntary myoclonic fibrillation: The starting dose is 7.2 g, divided equally 2-3 times/day. If the patient responds to the drug, approximately every 3 to 4 days, increase the dose by 4.8 g/day until the maximum dose is 20 g/day.
In case of missed dose of Fuxacetam: If the missed dose is only 1-2 hours from the prescription, the patient should take the supplement immediately. However, if it is almost time for the missed dose of Fuxacetam, skip the missed dose and proceed with the next dose as usual. Never increase the dose to make up for the missed dose because it will lead to an overdose.
In case of overdose of Fuxacetam: In case of overdose, the patient should immediately notify the doctor/pharmacist and monitor the body for any side effects. In case of side effects, immediately go to a medical address for timely treatment.

4. Fuxacetam side effects

During the use of Fuxacetam, patients may experience some unwanted side effects. Immediately notify your doctor/pharmacist for effective treatment.
Common side effects:
Whole body: Fatigue, fatigue. Digestive system: Patients with nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, abdominal distension Nervous system: Feeling restless, headache, agitation, somnolence, insomnia. Uncommon side effects: dizziness, sexual arousal, tremor.

5. Note when using Fuxacetam

To limit side effects and increase the effectiveness of Fuxacetam, patients should note the following.
5.1. General Notes The Piracetam composition of the drug is excreted by the kidneys and should directly affect creatinine clearance and the degree of renal impairment. Therefore, caution should be exercised when using Fuxacetam in subjects with renal failure. In case of creatinine clearance 60 - 40 ml/min: Use only 1/2 dose of Fuxacetam compared to the normal level. In case of creatinine clearance 40 - 20 ml/min: Use only 1⁄4 of the dose of Fuxacetam compared to the normal level. To use the drug, this group of subjects needs to consult a doctor/pharmacist. Absolutely do not arbitrarily use lest affect the development of the fetus and newborn. There is no evidence that Fuxacetam causes drowsiness. So long-distance drivers, machine operators are allowed to use. 5.2. Fuxacetam Drug Interactions Concurrent use of Fuxacetam with thyroid essence will lead to the following symptoms: Confusion, confusion, and sleep disturbance. Many cases of patients with prothrombin tests stabilized after treatment with warfarin. However, when using Fuxacetam, the prothrombin test was increased. The article has fully listed the use of Fuxacetam in supporting nerve treatment and accompanying side effects. In the process of using the drug, if you find any abnormality, immediately notify a specialist doctor/pharmacist.

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