Uses of Auricularum

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Drug Auricularum is a drug with main ingredients including Oxytetracycline hydrochlorld, Polymyxin B sulfate and Nystatin. These are groups of antibiotics and antifungals used in the treatment of otitis externa or chronic otitis...

1. What is Auricularum?

Auricularum is a drug manufactured by the French pharmaceutical company Laboratoires Grimberg. The drug is packaged in the form of a box of one powder vial and one 10ml ampoule of solvent. When using, the patient mixes the powder and solvent to make a suspension for ear drops.
Ingredients of the drug include:
Each vial of powder contains:
Oxytetracycline hydrochlorld 100mg. Polymyxin B sulfate 12.3mg. Nystatin 1,000,000 IU. Dexamethasone sodium phosphate 10mg. Excipients just enough 326mg. Each tube of solvent contains:
Sodium chloride 90mg. Pure water just enough 10ml.

2. Effects of the drug Auricularum

Effects of ingredients include:
Dexamethasone sodium phosphate is essentially a synthetic glucocorticoid, so it has strong anti-inflammatory effects. Nystatin is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent that is active against most yeasts, filaments and many other fungal pathogens of the ear canal. Oxytetracycline hydrochlorld and Polymyxin B sulfate drugs of the group of topical antibacterial antibiotics. These two antibiotics combine to increase the antibacterial spectrum and work against both Gram-positive (+) and Gram (-) bacteria (these are common pathogens in the outer and middle ear canals).

3. Indications of the drug Auricularum

The drug is indicated for the following cases:
Patients with otitis externa caused by bacterial and/or fungal agents. Chronic ear infections. Used for the purpose of drying and cleaning the secretions in the ear canal before performing ear surgery. The drug can be used after surgery with perforation in the mastoid bone and/or reconstruction of the tympanic membrane.

4. How to use Auricularum

How to use Auricularum medicine as follows:
Auricularum is used for ear drops and should not be injected, or taken orally. When using, avoid direct contact between the stopper and the ear or fingers because of the risk of infection.
How to mix medicine before use:
Should put the vial of powder upright with the tip of the medicine up and put the powder towards the bottom of the vial. Open the vial of powder medicine, then uncork the vial containing the solvent and proceed to put the solvent into the vial of the powder medicine. Close the stopper of the medicine bottle and start shaking it to dissolve the medicine. Drop the medicine into the ear, it should be shaken well before each instillation. The drug after preparation can be used within 8 days after. Store the medicine at room temperature in the refrigerator. Small way:
Each time in the refrigerator, we should warm the vial by holding or rolling the vial in the palm of our hand, then shake it well before instilling. Tilt your head towards the unaffected ear and place the drops drop by drop into the affected ear. Let the drops go deep into the ear and pull the earlobe several times. Hold the position and wait 5 minutes for the medicine to take effect. When straightening the head, blot and wipe away any spills. Remember to close the cap tightly after each use. After the end of the course, if there is any leftover medicine, it must be discarded, not reused for the next time or for another patient.

5. Dosage of Auricularum

As directed by the doctor or refer to the dose as follows:
Instill 1-2 times a day, each time from 5 to 10 drops. Duration of treatment: Usually 7 days, can be up to 15 days for fungal infections. If symptoms persist after 10-15 days, re-evaluate the pathology and treatment. May be combined with antibiotics. How to handle a missed dose, overdose
When a dose is forgotten, the patient should take the dose as soon as he remembers. Skip the missed dose if it is almost time for your next dose, take your next dose as scheduled. Do not take twice the recommended dose.
In case of overdose:
No symptoms of overdose have been reported. If you accidentally overdose and have serious side effects, immediately go to a medical center for timely treatment.

6. Contraindications to the use of Auricularum

Auricularum is not used in the following cases:
People with hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the drug. Perforation of the eardrum due to infection or trauma. The drug can cause some side effects as follows:
Burning sensation or local reactions such as allergies, irritation. Feeling dizzy. Residual brown powdery deposits inside the ear canal. If you see any side effects, the patient should immediately notify a qualified doctor or pharmacist for timely treatment.
Drug interactions: Currently, Auricularum has not been recorded to interact with other drugs.
For safety and effectiveness, tell your doctor about all other ear medications and existing medical conditions.

7. Note when using medicine and how to store it

Pregnant women: Use this medicine in pregnant women only when absolutely necessary and consult your doctor. Nursing Mothers: Can be used by lactating women. People who drive and operate machines: No influence on the ability to drive and use machines. Other special note:
Need to check the tympanic membrane before prescribing. Medicines with Oxytetracycline: an antibiotic of the Cyclin family, which can harm the teeth of children under 8 years of age and is sensitive to light. However, the powder form may be less common but is not completely eliminated. Corticosteroids do not prevent allergic reactions to antibiotics, but help reduce clinical symptoms. Discontinue the drug immediately upon signs of skin rash or any symptoms of local or systemic hypersensitivity. This medication contains Dexamethasone sodium phosphate which results in a positive doping test in athletes. Pay special attention to hearing aid wearers due to reduced effectiveness of the device due to side effects. Therefore, it is recommended to clean the outer ear canal to limit the retention of brown powder deposits inside.

8. Storage conditions for Auricularum

To ensure effective use and avoid unwanted side effects, it is necessary to store Auricularum in the following conditions:
Temperature below 30 degrees Celsius. Protect from light. Keep out of sight and reach of children. Do not use after the expiry date printed on the package. Auricularum is a drug with the main ingredients including Oxytetracycline hydrochlorld, Polymyxin B sulfate and Nystatin. These are groups of antibiotics and antifungals used in the treatment of otitis externa or chronic otitis... To ensure effective treatment and avoid side effects, drug users need to strictly follow directions. doctor's instructions.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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