Uses of Alputin

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Alputine is used in the supportive treatment of bacterial and viral infections. Depending on the therapeutic purpose, the recommended dose of Alputine is at different levels.

1. Uses of Alputine

Alputine belongs to the group of antiserum and immune drugs, with the main ingredient being Thymomodulin 80mg. This active ingredient has the following effects:
Immunomodulatory; Increases the number of white blood cells, especially T lymphocytes; Stimulates antibody production. Alputine is prepared in the form of hard capsules and is indicated for use in the following cases:
Support treatment of viral and bacterial infections; Treatment of leukopenia, both primary and secondary; Prevention of leukopenia due to drug toxicity or non-productive bone marrow; Prophylaxis of recurrent respiratory tract infections in adults and children; Treatment of allergic rhinitis; Support to prevent recurrence of food allergies; Support to improve clinical symptoms in people with AIDS. Support to strengthen the immune system in elderly people with weakened immune systems.
Alputine được ứng dụng trong điều trị một số tình trạng nhiễm khuẩn và virus

2. How to use and dose Alputine

Alputine is used orally, the specific dose for each case is as follows:
Support for the prevention of recurrent respiratory infections in children and adults: 120mg/day for 4-6 months; Allergic rhinitis: 120mg/day, using the drug for 4 months; Support for the prevention of people with recurrent food allergies: 120mg/day, using the drug for 3-6 months; Support HIV/AIDS patients to improve their symptoms: 60mg/day, take medicine for 50 days; Support the elderly with immunodeficiency: 160mg/day, taking medicine for 6 weeks.

3. Side effects and some notes when taking Alputine

Alputine can cause allergic reactions such as headache, irritation, red skin. Therefore, when there are signs of side effects, it is necessary to notify the doctor immediately.
People who are allergic to the ingredients of the drug and women who are breastfeeding should not take Alputine. Pregnant women should only use Alputine when prescribed by a doctor because the safety of the drug is limited. In summary, the use of Alputine is to regulate the immune system, stimulate the production of antibodies to protect the body against bacterial and viral pathogens, especially in the respiratory tract. You need to use the medicine exactly as prescribed by the doctor to promote the effectiveness of treatment and ensure safety for health.

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