Uses of Agi vita C

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Agi-vitac 500mg is a drug used to treat scurvy, prevent vitamin C deficiency that may occur due to an imbalanced diet or vitamin C deficiency. On the market today there is a lot of information. information about the drug product Agi-vitac. To learn more about the drug, let's learn more in the article below.

1. What is Agi-vitac?

Agi-vitac has Ascorbic Acid as its main ingredient - commonly known as Vitamin C, which belongs to the group of vitamins and minerals. Ingredients 1 tablet of Agi-vitac 500 mg includes: Ascorbic Acid - 500 mg, Excipients: Lactose, Corn Starch, Povidon, Sodium Starch Glycolate, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Talc, Titandioxide, Polyethylene Glycol 6000, Polysorbate 80, Erythrosine Lake Coloring, Tartrazine Lake Coloring just enough for one tablet.
Agi-vitac is often prescribed by doctors in the following cases:
Prevention and treatment of vitamin C deficiency (Scurvy), bleeding disorders caused by vitamin C deficiency in the body. Strengthen the body's resistance when suffering from diseases such as colds, infections, poisoning, fatigue. Treatment of iron deficiency anemia. Combination therapy with antiallergic drugs.

2. What are the uses of Agi-vita C 500mg?

2.1 Mechanism of Action Agi-vitac 500mg In humans, an exogenous source of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is required for collagen formation and tissue repair. Dehydroascorbic acid in the body is formed through the reversible oxidation of ascorbic acid. These are also two forms of vitamins that are thought to play an important role in oxidation - reduction reactions. Vitamin C participates in the following processes:
Conversion of folic acid to folinic acid, metabolism of tyrosin, metabolism of carbohydrates; Participating in the synthesis of a number of substances such as catecholamines, adrenocortical hormones. Catalyze the process of converting Fe++ to Fe++, so it helps to absorb iron in the duodenum (because only Fe++ is absorbed). Therefore, a lack of vitamin C will cause iron deficiency anemia. Synthesize lipids and proteins, fight infections, preserve the integrity of blood vessels and in cellular respiration. Increases interferon production, reduces the body's sensitivity to histamine, fights stress, so it helps increase the body's resistance. Antioxidant by neutralizing free radicals produced by metabolic reactions, thereby preserving the integrity of cell membranes (in combination with vitamin A and vitamin E). 2.2 Pharmacokinetic properties of agi-vitac 500mg Ascorbic acid is readily absorbed orally. In normal subjects, only 50% of an oral dose of 1.5 grams of ascorbic acid is absorbed. Vitamin C absorbed in the stomach and intestines can reduce symptoms in people with diarrhea or other diseases of the stomach and intestines. Vitamin C is widely distributed in body tissues. Approximately 25% of Vitamin C in plasma is bound to proteins.
Reversible process of vitamin C to form dehydroascorbic acid. Some Vitamin C is metabolized to the inactive compounds ascorbic acid -2–sulfate and oxalic acid which is excreted in the urine.
2.3 Contraindications of the drug Agi vita C 500mg Patients who are allergic to any ingredient of Agi-vitac Contraindicated high doses of vitamin C for people with glucose - 6 - phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency (risk of risk of hemolytic anemia) people with a history of kidney stones, increased oxaluria and oxalate metabolism disorders (increased risk of kidney stones), have thalassemia (increased risk of iron absorption). 2.4 Undesirable side effects of Agi-vitac 500mg Increased oxaluria - fatigue, headache, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, flushing, insomnia, and somnolence have occurred. out. Following oral doses of 1g or more daily, diarrhea may occur.
Theoretically, when taking more than 200 mg of vitamin C at the same time with 30 mg of elemental iron daily, it will increase iron absorption through the gastrointestinal tract. However, for most patients, the body is able to fully absorb oral iron without the need for concomitant use with Agi-vitac.
Concomitant use of aspirin with Agi-vitac increases the amount of vitamin C in the body and reduces the excretion of aspirin in the urine.
Concomitant administration of fluphenazine and Agi-vitac leads to a decrease in fluphenazine plasma concentrations. Urine acidification after administration of Agi-vitac may alter the excretion of other drugs.
High doses of vitamin C can destroy vitamin B12; Patients should be advised to avoid taking high doses of Agi-vitac within one hour before or after taking vitamin B12. Since vitamin C is a strong reducing agent, it affects many tests based on redox reactions. The presence of vitamin C in the urine artificially increases glucose levels if measured with copper(II) sulfate reagents and artificially decreases glucose levels if measured by glucose oxidase methods For other tests, reference should be made to the literature. specific data on the effects of vitamin C.

3. How to use Agi-vitac effectively

How to use:
Agi-vitac for oral use. The medicine should be taken with plenty of boiled and cooled water. When oral administration is not possible or when malabsorption is suspected, and only in very special cases, parenteral administration is recommended.
Vitamin C deficiency (scurvy): Prophylaxis: 25 - 75 mg per day (adults and children). Treatment: Adults: Dose 250 to 500 mg/day in divided doses, taken for at least 2 weeks. Children: 100 - 300 mg/day in divided doses for at least 2 weeks. In combination with desferrioxamine to increase iron excretion (due to the increased chelating effect of desferrioxamine) vitamin C dose: 100-200 mg/day. Methemoglobin - blood when methylene blue is not available: 300 - 600 mg/day in divided doses. With important information about the drug Agi-vitac, hopefully, it will bring you a lot of knowledge and help the medication process be more effective.

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