Uses of Acnotin 20 mg

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Acnotin 20 mg is used in cases of acne that is severe or unresponsive to conventional acne treatments. This is a systemic medication, so you need to be very careful when using it.

1. Uses of Acnotin 20 mg

Each capsule contains the active ingredient Isotretinoin (USP) 20 mg.
Isotretinoin is a retinoid used to treat systemic acne. The actual mechanism of action of Isotretinoin is not known, according to current knowledge, isotretinoin has the effect of reducing the size of the sebaceous glands and inhibiting the activity of the sebaceous glands, thereby reducing the secretion of sebum. Oily skin and Isotretinoin also have anti-inflammatory effects on the skin.
Acnotin is indicated in the following cases:
Oral Acnotin 2 helps treat severe acne cases. Treating acne that has not responded to other conventional treatments. Acne causes facial disfigurement, leaving many bad scars, seriously affecting career or psychology

2. Usage and dosage of Acnotin 20 mg

How to use: The drug is prepared in the form of tablets and taken orally.
Dosage :
Usual dose in adults and adolescents: Use 0.5-1mg/kg body weight per day (divided into two doses and taken with meals) for 15-20 weeks. The maximum dose is 2mg/kg body weight per day, this dose is applied to patients with very severe acne or acne that initially appeared on the chest or back instead of on the face. After about 4 weeks, the therapeutic effect will be seen, the maintenance dose should be adjusted in the range of 0.1 - 1mg/kg body weight per day, depending on the case. During the initial period of treatment with isotretinoin, if acne may appear slightly more frequent and transient, additional treatment with another method may be necessary. The drug is not suitable for the treatment of acne in children under 12 years of age.

3. When should Acnotin 20 mg not be used?

Acnotin 20 mg is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients with impaired liver and kidney function, patients with Vitamin A toxicity, patients with hyperlipidemia History of hypersensitivity to Isotretinoin or any any component of the drug. Isotretinoin should not be used concurrently with tetracycline antibiotics. Women who are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, women who are breastfeeding should not use. Note: Do not use the blood of patients who are using or have used Isotretinoin 1 month before for blood transfusions for women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. This may increase the risk of teratogenicity.

4. Side effects of Acnotin 20 mg

Possible undesirable effects when taking Acnotin 20 include:
Symptoms due to excess vitamin A: dry skin, dry mucous membranes, cracked lips, nosebleeds, eye conjunctivitis, reversible corneal clouding , cannot use contact lenses. Appearance of rash, dermatitis, pruritus, sweating, festering granuloma, periungitis and nail atrophy, alopecia, appearance of more acne, hirsutism, hyperpigmentation, skin sensitivity to light . Muscles and Bones: Causes muscle pain, joint pain, tendonitis and other bone changes. Psychiatric and central nervous system: Possible behavioral disturbances, depression, headache, increased intracranial pressure, seizures. Sensory: Visual disturbances, hearing loss, photophobia, dark adaptation disorder, cataracts, keratitis. Digestive system: Colitis, gastrointestinal haemorrhagic ileitis. Elevated liver enzymes are temporary and usually reversible, with occasional cases of hepatitis. In many cases it can return to its original value during the treatment period. However, there are some cases where the dose of the drug must be reduced or discontinued. Some other side effects: Bronchospasm, leukopenia, decreased red blood cells, increased or decreased platelets, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, increased cholesterol and increased serum triglycerides, increased blood uric acid, caused local infection or whole body. When experiencing side effects, you need to notify them so that they can be adjusted accordingly.

5. Notes when using Acnotin 20 mg

Do not get pregnant while taking Acnotin 20 , because there is a high risk of birth defects if you become pregnant while taking the drug. Use good contraception while taking the drug. You should only use isotretinoin as directed by your dermatologist and need to understand the risks of teratogenicity if it is used in pregnant women. Liver function should be checked before starting treatment, 1 month after starting treatment and periodically every 3 months thereafter. In addition, serum lipid levels should be checked before treatment, one month after treatment and after 3 to 3 months of treatment. Cases of depression, psychosis, or suicidal ideation and suicide have been reported in association with isotretinoin use. Attention is required and especially for patients with a history of depression. Acne is a disease related to androgen hormone levels, so it should not be used concurrently with oral contraceptives containing the androgen progesterone, such as a derivative of 19-nortestosterone (nonsteroid). Do not peel the face while taking isotretinoin and for 6 months after stopping the drug because there is a risk of keloids. For special patients: It is necessary to regularly check the laboratory signs for patients in groups at high risk of side effects such as patients with diabetes mellitus, overweight or obese patients, patients with alcohol abuse or patients with lipid metabolism disorders who are being treated with isotretinoin. Blood glucose levels should be measured frequently in patients with known or suspected diabetes. Although the association has not been determined, there have been reports of some cases with signs of rapid hyperglycemia, causing the risk of pancreatitis, enteritis, effects on the ear, musculoskeletal system and some cases. New cases of diabetes have been detected during isotretinoin use. The side effect of dry mouth can cause dental problems and worsen dental conditions such as cavities, gingivitis, and fungal infections. To limit dental problems, you can use saliva substitutes, some sugar-free candy lozenges. Limit exposure to direct sunlight. If topical medication is required, treatment can be supported with topical acne medications that have a mild effect. Acnotin 20 mg drug may interact with some other drugs such as: low dose progesterone and Phenytoin Acnotin 20 mg drug should be stored in a cool dry place, below 30°C. Avoid direct light and keep out of reach of children.
In summary, Acnotin 20 mg is a systemic drug and it is essentially a form of vitamin A, so there is a risk of causing an excess of vitamin A. So you do not arbitrarily use or use the wrong dose to avoid negative impact on health.

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