Mezaterol side effects

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Mezaterol medicine 20mg is a bronchodilator, intended to treat many diseases of the respiratory tract. Unsafe drug use can cause many unwanted side effects to the body. So what are those side effects? Refer to the article below for more useful information about Mezaterol 20mg.

1. What is Mezaterol 20mg?

Mezaterol belongs to the group of drugs used to treat respiratory diseases. The drug has 2 main ingredients, Bambuterol with a concentration of 20 mg and many other excipients. The Bambuterol component acts by selectively stimulating beta 2 receptors of the adrenergic system to help relax bronchial smooth muscle and inhibit the release of endogenous substances that cause spasm.
Bambuterol is a prodrug of terbutaline, a beta-agonist, selective beta-2 agonist. Bambuterol's mechanism of action stimulates the beta-adrenergic receptor (beta 2 receptor) of intracellular adenyl cyclase, an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to cyclic AMP. Increased cyclic AMP is associated with relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle and inhibition of release of hypersensitivity mediators from cells, especially mast cells. Pharmacokinetics:
Absorption: Approximately 20% of an oral dose of bambuterol is absorbed. Absorption of the drug is not affected when administered with food. Metabolism: After absorption, bambuterol is slowly metabolised by hydrolysis (by plasma cholinesterase) and oxidation to the active terbutaline. Approximately one third of an absorbed dose of bambuterol is metabolized in the intestinal wall and in the liver, mainly to intermediate metabolites. In adults, approximately 10% of oral bambuterol is converted to terbutaline. Elimination: Children have a smaller clearance of terbutaline, but less terbutaline is produced compared with adults. Therefore, children 6-12 years of age should be prescribed the adult dose, younger children (2-5 years) usually receive a lower dose. The maximum plasma concentration of terbutaline, reached within 2 - 5 years. 6 o'clock. Duration of action lasts at least 24 hours. Steady state is reached after 4-5 days of treatment. The half-life of bambuterol after oral administration is approximately 13 hours. The half-life of terbutaline is approximately 21 hours. Bambuterol and its metabolites, including terbutaline, are excreted mainly by the kidneys.

2. Effects of Mezaterol 20

Mezaterol 20mg is indicated for prescription in the following cases:
Support for the treatment of symptoms of bronchitis causing cough, shortness of breath, wheezing,... Combined with some other drugs For the treatment of bronchial asthma Indications to prescribe medication for the treatment of lung disease with spasms Emphysema

3. Mezaterol side effects

During the use of Mezaterol medicine, patients may experience some side effects. This condition affects more or less negatively affects the health of the patient, reducing the quality of life. Some side effects may occur such as:
Not sleeping well, insomnia at night and early morning. Trembling hands and feet. Headache pain. Allergic symptoms appear, skin rash, red rash, urticaria. Chest palpitations. Feelings of anxiety, restlessness, irritability. The above are not all the side effects of Mezaterol 20mg. Therefore, when there are any unusual signs suspected of being caused by this drug, the patient also needs to notify the doctor for timely treatment.
In order to limit the occurrence of side effects that reduce the effectiveness of the treatment, the patient needs to "take it to heart" the following notes:
In cases where the patient has some of the following medical conditions, caution and consultation are required. Doctors when using: severe physiological impairment of liver and kidney, cirrhosis, heart problems, arrhythmia or heart failure, diabetes, angina... Women who are in during pregnancy is not allowed to use the drug, especially in the first trimester. Women who are breastfeeding also need to consult a doctor before using the drug, to avoid the drug affecting breast milk, affecting the baby Drivers and operating machinery should be cautious when using the drug. Mezaterol. Because some side effects of the drug such as headache or muscle tremors can affect the process of work. Use the correct dose of medicine prescribed by your doctor, specifically: Mezaterol is used orally. It should be taken once a day before going to bed. The recommended starting dose for adults and children 6 years of age and older is 1⁄2 Mezaterol 20mg tablets per day. After 7 to 14 days, increase the dose to 1 Mezaterol 20 mg tablet per day. The recommended dose for children 2 to 5 years of age is 1⁄2 Mezaterol 20 mg tablets per day. Absolutely do not use the drug in case the user is allergic to Bambuterol or sensitive to other substances in the composition of the drug. Children under 2 years of age are contraindicated to prescribe Mezaterol medicine may cause some interactions when combined with the following drugs: Diuretics, Drugs containing steroid ingredients. Thus, the above article has helped readers answer questions about the effects of Mezaterol 20 and its side effects. Hopefully, it has helped readers gain more knowledge to use drugs safely.

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