Uses of Intravesicular Mitomycin

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Intravesicular Mitomycin is an antibiotic, used in the treatment of cancer, by inhibiting the synthesis of cellular DNA. So what is the use of Intravesicular Mitomycin? What are the side effects on the body?

1. What are the uses of Intravesicular Mitomycin?

Intravesicular Mitomycin inhibits cellular DNA synthesis by cross-linking DNA, preventing cell replication and ultimately causing cell death. Using Intravesicular Mitomycin slows or stops the growth of cancer cells.

2. How to take Intravesicular Mitomycin

Intravesicular Mitomycin is given directly into the patient's bladder through a catheter. This catheter is left in the bladder for 1-2 hours.
Dosage and schedule for using Intravesicular Mitomycin will be planned by the doctor based on the patient's weight and height.
Intravesicular Mitomycin has a blue color, so it may cause blue urine during treatment. This condition can last up to 2 days from the end of the drug.
Clinically, there are also some cases of patients urinating more and more painful in 24 hours after treatment with Intravesicular Mitomycin. If this condition persists for more than 24 hours, notify the treating physician.

3. Precautions when treating with Intravesicular Mitomycin

You should limit drinking water the night before the procedure and do not drink water for 4 hours before taking Intravesicular Mitomycin to help minimize urination during treatment. At the same time, the bladder with less urine will also help to absorb the drug more effectively.
If you are taking diuretics, your doctor will ask you to stop at least 4 hours before the procedure.
Mitomycin is given into the bladder through a catheter. The tube can be withdrawn or clamped in place according to the doctor's instructions.
Intravesicular mitomycin should be kept in the bladder for 1-2 hours. You can change positions every 15 minutes to make sure the medicine reaches all parts of your bladder.

4. Post-treatment precautions with intravesicular mitomycin

During the first 6 hours after treatment with Intravesicular Mitomycin, you should limit urine contact with skin or other people. Do not use public restrooms or urinate outside the environment. After using the toilet, make sure you flush the toilet twice. Wash hands and genitals with soap and water after urinating to remove all traces of Intravesicular Mitomycin from the skin and reduce the risk of skin irritation. Drink plenty of fluids for the first 8-12 hours after Intravesicular Mitomycin treatment to clear the bladder. Limit other people's contact with Intravesicular Mitomycin by washing clothes separately, wearing rubber gloves when cleaning the toilet or after pouring urine.

5. Side effects when taking Intravesicular Mitomycin

Intravesicular Mitomycin can cause skin irritation by direct contact. Therefore, if the medicine gets on the skin, wash it off with water. Bladder infection: Some patients may experience this condition, symptoms may include painful urination, frequent urination, blood in the urine or fever. In rare cases, Intravesicular Mitomycin can cause a decrease in white blood cell count, increasing the risk of infection. Intravesicular Mitomycin is indicated in the treatment of bladder carcinoma under the supervision of a doctor. Medicines can cause a number of conditions that affect the patient's health. Therefore, always notify your doctor when experiencing any unusual symptoms.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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