Rezurock side effects

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Rezurock is a pharmaceutical drug that inhibits enzymes that promote cell growth. They can be used to treat some inflammatory diseases. However, the drug Rezurock brings dangerous side effects to users. The information shared below will help you better understand the drug Rezurock.

1. The effect of the drug Rezurock

Rezurock is used to inhibit Kinase. This is an enzyme that promotes cell growth. Thanks to the control of the drug Rezurock the stages of cell growth are also reduced. When using the drug a protein that binds to Rho 2 will be blocked. From there, the body can reduce the risk of inflammation caused by Rock 2. Organ transplant surgeries will be considered using drugs to prevent rejection of the new organ.

2. How to use Rezurock

Rezurock is available in pill form to be used once a day. You can drink it with food or with a glass of water. The drug should be swallowed whole to avoid biting and crushing to affect the effect as well as the dose. The time to take the medicine should be the same so that the drug can be maximized.
If unfortunately forgot to take the medicine and discovered in time that the next dose is not yet due, you can consult your doctor to take the medicine for the full dose. After that day, your doctor will advise you to continue taking the medication as prescribed. Absolutely do not take a double dose if you forget to take the medicine because that action does not make up for the dose, but it will lead to a dangerous overdose.
Each time you use it, carefully double-check the prescribed dose. It's also a way to remind yourself to drink enough and in the right dose. You will minimize the risk of an overdose that is dangerous to your health, because the drug affects its effectiveness or has unwanted side effects. In some cases, the doctor will be able to increase the dose to 2 times / day and still take 1 tablet each time.

3. Notes when using the drug Rezurock

When prescribed to use Rezurock, you may experience some changes in blood counts. Regular routine blood tests will help detect and improve potentially dangerous problems early. According to current indications, you should perform a blood test at least once a month after taking Rezurock and note the liver-related index in the results.
Rezurock medicine is stored in sealed packaging. However, when using it, it should be noted that the medicine should be stored in a dry place to ensure that the temperature is not too high. Medicines when sold will come with a box, so keep the medicine in the box. At the same time, do not leave the desiccant tablet included in the medicine to avoid the medicine from getting moldy.
Rezurock is prescribed so not all pharmacies are available or sold. Ask your doctor where to buy or buy right at the hospital after being prescribed if available.

4. Possible side effects when taking Rezurock

Infection will occur when white blood cell and neutrophil counts decrease. Infections caused by a low white blood cell count will affect the patient's health. There are serious situations that even threaten the patient's life.
Infections can be prevented by following some of the following recommendations:
Clean hands and feet, possibly using antibacterial soaps Limit public appearances to avoid cross-contamination from others Wear clothes Protect yourself if working in an environment where there is a risk of infection Avoid handling pet waste Always clean and disinfect skin wounds carefully Clean your body and take care of your teeth regularly Remove cuticles or abnormal nail growth should be treated by a doctor. After infection, you may appear vomiting, prolonged fatigue. These symptoms are common if a patient has signs of cancer during treatment. Therefore, you need to rest properly and do not forget to build a suitable diet that balances the necessary nutrients for the body.
If fatigue does not improve with treatment, attention may be given to the risk of electrolyte imbalance. You should add ions and mineral salts to the body. Through the results of blood tests, the doctor will notify the deficiency of micronutrients and offer intravenous solutions to help the body quickly absorb and regain balance.
In addition to the common side effects, patients may experience pain, swelling, and even abnormal bleeding. Especially for pregnant women should avoid using to prevent the risk of birth defects.

5. Rezurock drug interactions

There are some drugs or foods that will interact with the drug leading to changes in the concentration of Rezurock in the blood. To know which ingredients cause this condition, you can contact your doctor for specific advice and support. In addition, it is necessary to inform the doctor about the medications you are taking and your medical condition and genetic diseases to screen for the risk of interactions during use early.
Rezueock can cause dangerous side effects for users. Please consult your doctor carefully before using the medication.

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Reference source:
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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