Scratching a lot, abstaining from bathing can cause skin infections in people with chickenpox

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The article is professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II, Master Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Head of Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine, Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital

Chickenpox is a benign disease but there is no specific treatment, so in case of late detection and improper treatment, the possibility of dangerous complications will be very high.

1. Can I take a bath if I have chickenpox?

Although it is a benign skin disease, if not treated properly and promptly, chickenpox can lead to unfortunate complications such as convulsions, bacteremia, meningitis. ..
People with chickenpox, if unfortunately infected, can lead to the formation of deep wounds and scarring after healing, and make the treatment process longer and more difficult. Therefore, one of the important principles when treating chickenpox is not to let the patient get an infection.
However, the reality is that many parents have the wrong idea that when a child is infected with chickenpox, it is necessary to abstain from the wind and abstain from bathing. Abstinence from bathing not only does not reduce the disease, but also makes the chickenpox situation in children worse, many children come to the hospital, the acne is broken, spreading all over an area. Abstinence from bathing a person with chickenpox and overdressing is creating more opportunities for the chickenpox virus to spread.

According to specialists, the concept of avoiding wind and abstaining from bathing children with chickenpox is an old-fashioned and outdated view. During the illness, the child needs to be treated properly and kept clean. It is still possible to quickly bathe the child in a closed room. With clean water, a clean bath will also reduce discomfort and itching. snoring caused by disease.
In addition, during chickenpox treatment, parents need to cut their fingernails and keep their hands clean, this will prevent the child from scratching and making the skin scratch, infected and spread the virus to the muscle areas. other body.
Tắm cho trẻ
Kiêng tắm cho trẻ mắc bệnh thủy đậu là quan điểm cổ hủ, lạc hậu

2. Taking care of people with chickenpox helps to quickly recover from the disease

Building a scientific diet for chickenpox is also one of the methods to support the treatment of the disease, helping the patient quickly regain health and strengthen resistance.
2.1 Some foods people with chickenpox should abstain from Not knowing what chickenpox people abstain from will make the treatment process more difficult, more likely to occur, what should be abstained, what should not be abstained then apply it to the patient. Some foods that people with chickenpox should avoid include:
Foods rich in saturated fat: Foods high in saturated fat can make acne spots inflamed, increase the itching sensation for chickenpox patients and slows down the recovery process. Citrus fruits: People with chickenpox may have acne in their mouth and throat, so they cannot consume citrus fruits. In addition, the high acid content in these fruits can irritate sores, slow healing, and cause severe pain. Spicy and salty foods: Spicy and salty foods can affect the sores in the mouth of people with chickenpox, so limit the use of foods high in salt and hot spices. Foods containing arginine Trans fats
Đồ ăn cay nóng
Người bị thủy đậu nên kiêng ăn gia vị cay nóng
2.2 Some foods to eat During the treatment of chickenpox, the patient should only use frugal foods but still ensure adequate nutrients, should use liquid foods, easy to digest.
In addition, patients should increase the use of foods rich in vitamin C to help strengthen resistance, fight infections and prevent concave scars.
At the same time, to help speed up the recovery process, people with chickenpox should abstain from going to crowded places, avoid sharing personal items with others, absolutely do not scratch strongly or abstain from bathing, but need to protect themselves. Clean body, need to pay attention to wear cool, loose clothes to avoid rubbing.

Although it is a benign disease, the risk of complications from chickenpox is also very high, so prevention is essential. In addition to direct contact with the source of the disease, keeping clean, the chickenpox vaccine is a measure that helps bring high efficiency and safety to all subjects.

If you have unusual symptoms, you should be examined and consulted with a specialist.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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