Why does my baby have eczema (cross milk)?

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Minh Tuan - Pediatrician - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
Baby has strabismus on the face with red and dry patches of skin, making the baby uncomfortable and scratching, hurting the skin and making the disease worse. So what is the cause of baby eczema, how to treat?

1. What is eczema?

Eczema is the first stage of atopic eczema. The disease usually occurs in children after birth to 6 months of age, appearing in healthy children. The most common baby has eczema on the face, cheeks and can spread to the limbs, or the whole body. At first, the baby only has pink spots, then blisters, red, cracked skin and exudates, scabs and peels off.
Eczema usually disappears after the child is 2-4 years old. If after the age of 4, the child has not recovered, it is likely that the disease will progress for a long time, or recur and become atopic eczema.

2. What is the cause of baby eczema?

The cause of the disease is quite complex and difficult to detect. Some of the following factors are considered to be the causes of the onset of eczema in children:
Heredity: Eczema is a family disease, if parents have allergies, asthma, or allergic rhinitis, eczema organs, the child is also likely to be born with the disease; Allergies: Children are allergic to foods such as milk, eggs, poultry, peanuts, seafood...; dry weather, changes in humidity; dusty environment, pet hair; chemistry...

Chàm sữa là bệnh có tính chất di truyền từ gia đình
Chàm sữa là bệnh có tính chất di truyền từ gia đình

3. How is baby eczema treated?

Eczema is an allergic disease, so the aim of treatment is to normalize the skin, prolong the healing time of the child, limit the recurrence of the disease, because this is a difficult disease to completely cure. .
Treatment of eczema should note the following points:
Do not use high-dose antibiotics to treat the disease, unless the child has a superinfection. However, caution should be exercised because antibiotic use is very likely to cause anaphylaxis; For red or exudative lesions, liquid and mild antiseptic drugs can be applied; For red, dry, and scaly lesions, low concentrations of corticosteroids can be applied and should only be applied for a short time (5-7 days). To ensure the safety of children and avoid aggravating eczema, parents should consult a doctor; Do not use high concentrations of adult corticosteroids to apply to your baby because it can cause skin atrophy, discolouration, long-term use can cause adrenal insufficiency; Keep your baby's surroundings from getting too hot, too cold, or changing too quickly. Besides, the baby's living environment needs to be cool, clean and not too dry; If the child sleeps in an air-conditioned room, it is necessary to check and ensure the humidity in the room; Taking care of children with severe eczema needs to keep the baby's body dry and clean, avoiding sweat and moisture on the baby's skin; Regularly change diapers, change clothes for babies after bathing. Apply a daily moisturizer to keep the skin moist and use a special baby shower gel; For children over 6 months old, do not give them foods that are easily allergic such as eggs, fermented foods, peanuts, tomatoes, seafood... because babies may have eczema caused by atopy. response. Eczema can be caused by children having allergies and inherited from parents. Babies with eczema need to be taken care of carefully and thoughtfully to avoid recurrence and worsening of atopic eczema.
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