Children with fever should eat what?

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Proper nutrition when your baby has a fever plays an important role in helping to treat the disease. Therefore, parents should learn about the foods that should and should not be added during the period when the baby has a fever to help the baby recover quickly.

1. What should a child with a fever eat?

When a baby has a fever, what to eat is a question that many parents care about. Here are some foods and drinks that parents should actively add to their children to help reduce fever and heal quickly:
1.1 Drinking a lot of sauce will cause the body to lose water. Therefore, when the baby has a fever, parents should give the baby more water than usual to replenish the lost water. Rehydration when fever will help the baby not to be exhausted and help cool down faster.
In addition, parents can also replace filtered water with cooled boiled water mixed with oresol to rehydrate and electrolytes. However, many children do not like the taste of oresol because it is quite difficult to drink. Therefore, parents can choose orange and strawberry oresol flavors to make it easier for children to drink.
1.2 Liquid foods Liquid dishes such as soup, porridge, pho, thin food cooked with chicken, pork, and beef are not only easy to eat and digest, but also add essential nutrients. essential for the body. In particular, parents can try to cook green bean porridge for children. According to nutrition experts, green bean porridge is one of the suitable dishes when children have a fever. Can help children less pale mouth and also treat anorexia, lazy chewing in young children. Porridge also provides more energy for children, and green beans have anti-inflammatory effects, so they will help reduce fever quickly. Therefore, when the baby has a fever, parents should cook a delicious and nutritious bowl of green bean porridge to help the baby get well quickly.

Bé bị sốt nên ăn gì? Bé bị sốt nên ăn các loại thức ăn lỏng
Bé bị sốt nên ăn gì? Bé bị sốt nên ăn các loại thức ăn lỏng

1.3 Coconut water Coconut water is a nutritious, refreshing drink, rich in electrolytes, so it is very suitable during the period when the baby has a fever, especially when the baby refuses to drink oresol. In addition, some studies also show that coconut water contains high levels of antioxidants, which are very good for the body. This type of drink is also less irritating to the stomach than acidic drinks such as orange and lemon juice.
1.4 Fruit juices, smoothies Fruits such as oranges, lemons, strawberries, mangoes, bananas...are rich in vitamins. They are the preferred choice during times of fever. When the baby has a fever, he will always have a feeling of loss of appetite. If the baby continues to refuse to eat, the body will be more tired, lethargic and take longer to recover from the disease. Therefore, parents should try to make dishes that are both delicious and beautiful to stimulate children to eat more. A delicious fruit smoothie provides additional vitamins, helps reduce fever, and compensates for lost electrolytes. In addition, parents can add a little yogurt to the smoothie to increase the deliciousness and nutrition. Yogurt contains probiotics that are good for your baby's immune and digestive systems.
1.5 Eat a lot of green vegetables Vegetables such as tomatoes, spinach, water spinach, amaranth, vegetables,... are very good when the baby has a fever. Parents can process it in the form of boiled or cooked soup, both of which have the benefit of cooling down and helping the baby recover quickly.
In particular, some parents also wonder what mothers should eat when babies have fever so that they can recover quickly. The principle of nutritional supplementation for mothers with feverish newborn babies is the same as above. Mothers should also actively drink lots of water, eat lots of fruits and vegetables to supplement vitamins and electrolytes needed for babies through breastfeeding.

Bé bị sốt nên ăn gì? Bé bị sốt nên ăn nhiều rau xanh
Bé bị sốt nên ăn gì? Bé bị sốt nên ăn nhiều rau xanh

2. What should be avoided when the baby has a fever?

2.1 Drink a lot of ice, cold water When having a fever, if parents give the child too much cold water, the body temperature will not only not decrease, but also may have a higher fever. Especially in the case of fever, the function of the digestive tract is reduced. Therefore, drinking water that is too cold will also be very dangerous to your baby's health.
2.2 Eat garlic, chili, pepper Spicy spices, spicy foods can cause heat in the body and make the baby more uncomfortable. Therefore, spices and hot spicy foods are foods that parents should avoid when their baby has a fever.
2.3 Drinking tea Tea is high in tannins that can cause body temperature to rise. If you give tea to your baby, it will make the brain in an excited state, increasing blood pressure, leading to an increase in body temperature. On the other hand, the tannin in tea can precipitate with some substances and reduce the effect of some medicines. Therefore, you should not give your baby tea during a fever.
The above article has helped parents answer the question of what to eat when a child has a fever to recover quickly. However, when the baby shows signs of persistent high fever and does not respond to fever-reducing drugs, parents should quickly take the baby to the hospital for medical examination, diagnosis and timely treatment. Because high fever can lead to many dangerous complications such as convulsions, severe dehydration, delirium,...

Parents can bring their children to Vinmec International General Hospital for examination and treatment. The pediatric department at Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for receiving and examining diseases that infants and young children are susceptible to: viral fever, bacterial fever, otitis media, pneumonia in children ,....With modern equipment, sterile space, minimizing the impact as well as the risk of disease spread. Along with that is the dedication from the doctors with professional experience with pediatric patients, making the examination no longer a concern of the parents.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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