1. What is menorrhagia?
Women "lose blood" once a month. A normal menstrual cycle will only take 3 to 5 days till the end. But if your cycle lasts more than 7 days, you likely have menorrhagia. Menorrhagia (also known as heavy menstrual bleeding) is when your menstrual flow is heavy, exceeding the normal threshold of 80 ml/cycle or lasting more than 7 days. You may significantly bleed that you have to change your tampon or pad every hour for several hours in a row.
Heavy menstrual bleeding is common, affecting from 27% to 54% of women who still menstruate. Heavy menstrual bleeding can be serious if you lose blood so heavily that signs of anemia develop. Anemia is a condition that occurs when your body does not have enough iron. Anemia can be life-threatening if left untreated.
In addition, some medical conditions that can cause heavy menstrual bleeding, such as cancer, require early medical intervention. It is best to see a doctor if you notice any of the following signs of menorrhagia:
• Abdominal pain
• A cycle lasts longer than seven days.
• Pee blood clots that are the size of a quarter or larger. The blood may be red, pink, brown, or even rust-colored.
• Bleeding through 1 or more pads or tampons per hour for more than two hours in a row.
• Losing more than 80 ml of blood during the period instead of 35-40 ml usually.
• Symptoms of anemia as feeling exhausted, tired, or short of breath.
With anemia, you may also notice signs of a condition called pica. Symptoms of Pica include hair loss, pale skin, and the desire to eat non-food items such as paper, hair, dirt, etc.
2. What to eat when having menorrhagia?
2.1. Cereals
Cereals are at the top of the list of choices because they contain a large amount of fiber, minerals, and essential vitamins. Typical cereals are oats, brown rice, corn...
In addition, the low glycemic content in cereals also solves one of the causes of menorrhagia, which is reducing hormonal imbalance.
To overcome anemia and iron deficiency caused by heavy blood loss during menorrhagia, doctors still advise women to supplement with cereals because the high iron content in cereals helps promote the blood-forming process.
2.2. Foods rich in Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C
Vitamin B6 is one of the factors that play an important role in building new red blood cells, helping to compensate for the amount of blood lost due to long-term menorrhagia. Foods rich in vitamin B6 include: chicken liver, pork liver, beef liver, poultry, salmon, beans, brown rice, tomatoes, bananas, etc.
Vitamin C plays an essential role in helping the body absorb iron easily, preventing anemia due to iron deficiency. Foods rich in vitamin C include: tomatoes, kiwi, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, strawberries, papaya, cabbage, coriander, cauliflower, etc.
2.3. Foods rich in Magnesium
Magnesium is a common mineral element in the human body, it helps reduce bleeding during menstruation. In addition, magnesium supplementation helps women decrease stress, insomnia, and heart rate or blood pressure instability. If women lack magnesium, they may face high blood pressure, irregular heart rate, or severe premenstrual symptoms.
Foods rich in Magnesium include: sunflower seeds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, watermelon seeds, seaweed, avocado, tofu, mackerel, sardines, salmon, etc.
2.4. Foods rich in Omega 3
Omega-3 is a healthy amino acid (unsaturated fat) found in many types of fish. Omega-3 helps repair damage (reduce inflammation), improve cardiovascular health, and balance hormones.
Foods rich in omega 3 include walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, tuna, anchovies, caviar, etc.
2.5. Foods rich in iron
During prolonged menstruation, anemia easily happens, so people often feel dizzy, tired, pale, weak, etc. Therefore, foods rich in iron are an indispensable food source during this period. Typical foods in this group include red meat, liver, seafood, dried fruit, nuts, etc. To absorb iron, women should add foods rich in vitamin C to their daily diet.
2.6. Green vegetables and fruits
This food group cannot be ignored when you do not know what to eat when having menorrhagia because they contain a large amount of antioxidants and vitamins that help prevent infections. In addition, fruits also play a role in decreasing menorrhagia, helping to balance hormones and improve blood sugar levels.
2.7. Drink plenty of water
Our body is 80% water. Water is also an indispensable element for women's bodies, especially during menstruation. Drinking plenty of water not only helps women feel less tired, have a more comfortable mental state, and also have more vitality. Besides, drinking plenty of water also helps the body detoxify and have a better mood.
2.8. Ginger tea
Ginger tea is ‘hot’, so drinking a cup of ginger tea when you have your menstrual cycle will help reduce the amount of menstrual blood effectively. But you should not drink much because it can be counterproductive, since some ingredients in ginger can thinner the blood.
2.9. Cinnamon tea
Similar to ginger, cinnamon is also a familiar spice, often used as a remedy to help regulate menstruation, reduce menstrual cramps, and stop bleeding in women. Cinnamon powder contains hydroxychalcone, which regulates insulin levels in the body and has also been shown by researchers to affect maintaining menstrual regularity. To reduce menorrhagia, you can prepare a cup of cold water mixed with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder, and drink 3 times a day, it will help to gradually overcome menorrhagia. If you have a ‘hot’ body, you should not drink this tea because it can be counterproductive.
2.10. Chrysanthemum tea
In Oriental medicine, chrysanthemum tea is often used to improve mental stability and effectively improve sleep. Therefore, you can use this tea on menstrual periods to reduce discomfort.
3. Foods to Avoid
• Eliminate ‘hot’ foods such as chili, and sour foods such as pickles.
• Reduce the intake of fatty foods, processed foods, and fast foods because they often contain a large amount of salt and spices that will cause bloating, and flatulence and worsen menstrual cramps.
• Reduce foods with a high glycemic index
• Limit ‘cold’ foods such as squash, seaweed, pears, etc. because these foods will stimulate the blood and change the temperature of the blood, leading to menstrual blood not being able to circulate well and causing more severe menstrual cramps.
• Stop consuming soft drinks, caffeine because caffeine can reduce the body's absorption of iron by 50 - 60%. Phosphates in carbonated soft drinks also have a similar effect - they both make it difficult for the body to receive iron from other foods. If drink too much, it can be counterproductive and cause restlessness, and stress and stimulate uterine contractions, increasing menstrual cramps.
• Limit stimulants, refined sugar, and cold drinks.
• Avoid irregular meals, late-night meals, several meals, and snacks
• Eliminate drugs, alcohol, and nicotine.
4. Some delicious dishes during menstruation
4.1. Wormwood soup with catfish
Preparation: 12 grams safflower, 100 grams wormwood, 300 grams catfish, 120 grams black bean powder, 6 grams tangerine peel.
Implementation: Clean the catfish, cut off its fins, and put it in a pot to cook with black bean powder. Take a thin cloth bag, put all the remaining ingredients in it, then put it in this pot to cook, add 600ml of water, cook over low heat until it is all cooked, then take the cloth bag out, divide into 3 servings for 1 day. Eat continuously for 15 days.
4.2. Ginseng stewed pig's feet
Preparation: 5 grams ginseng, 1 pig's foot (should take the front leg), spices, soy sauce and wine.
Implementation: Grill the pig's feet, then scrape off the hair, wash and cut them in half, then put them in a pot with ginseng, simmer until the feet are soft, then add soy sauce, wine and spices, boil again. Eat this dish once a day and maintain it for about 5 days to help regulate menstruation and nourish blood.
4.3. Red apple, lotus seed and lychee porridge
Preparation: 50 grams rice; 40 grams lychee; 20 grams red apple; 70 grams lotus seeds; sugar.
Implementation: Peel and core the lotus seeds, remove the red apple seeds, wash the rice. First, cook the rice and lotus seeds until they become porridge, then add the lychee and red apple and cook for another 30 minutes, then add sugar. This dish is divided into 2 meals a day, maintained for 5 consecutive days to regulate menstruation and nourish blood.
4.4. Goji berry and goat meat soup
Preparation: 30 grams goji berry, 300 grams goat meat; spices, onions, ginger,
Implementation: Wash and chop the goat meat, then put it in a pot with ginger, goji berry, add a little water and boil until the goat meat is tender. Next, add more spices and green onions. This dish can be maintained for 10 days, not only to prove the health but also to nourish the kidneys and is very good for the blood.
4.5. Green beans cooked with sugar
Preparation: sugar, 200 grams green beans.
Implementation: Peel the green beans, wash and cook them until tender, then add sugar to taste. People should eat this dish about 10 days before period, 1 month/day to cool down and help relieve menorrhagia.
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