Is it necessary to treat cervical ectropion during pregnancy?

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The article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor II Pham Thi Tuyet Mai - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
Cervical ectropion during pregnancy has always been an obsession and worry of women. The disease has the potential to affect the health and development of the fetus during pregnancy, and cause uncomfortable manifestations for the mother during the time of being infected. So what are the symptoms of cervical ectropion during pregnancy? What is the cure for cervical ectropion in this period?

1. What is cervical ectropion during pregnancy?

Cervical ectropion is an infection, ulceration due to the influence of bacteria, fungi or viruses and other pathogens, resulting in the destruction of the columnar epithelium located in the cervical canal. to the surface of the cervix outside the cervix.
Epilepsy can occur at any age, any subject including pregnant women. Cervical ectropion during pregnancy usually occurs in the first or third trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, in these stages, women must always pay attention to the problems of the private area in order to promptly detect abnormal manifestations and have treatment.

2. Causes of cervical ectropion during pregnancy

Causes of cervical ectropion during pregnancy include:
Due to unsafe sex during pregnancy. Hormonal changes during pregnancy are also one of the factors that can cause cervical ectropion. Do not ensure hygiene of the genital area during pregnancy, let the genital area be too wet or too dry. In mothers who have had a miscarriage, a history of abortion, or had a premature birth but then did not take good care of it, there is a higher risk of cervical ectropion than in other cases. Before becoming pregnant, the woman had a history of gynecological infections that had not been thoroughly treated. Abuse of detergents or cleaning solutions leads to an imbalance in vaginal pH, creating favorable conditions for other pathogens to penetrate. Due to excessively tight clothing.
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3. The problem of treating cervical ectropion during pregnancy

The question is, can it be treated for pregnant women with cervical ectropion? If yes, which method of treatment of cervical ectropion is safe for both mother and baby?
As mentioned above, cervical ectropion not only affects the health of the mother but also affects the fetus. Therefore, timely detection, diagnosis and treatment of cervical ectropion in pregnant women is really necessary.
Cervical ectropion is usually treated with electrocautery or cryotherapy. However, this method can affect the development and health of the fetus. Therefore, for cases of cervical ectropion during pregnancy, it is safest to treat with oral or suppository drugs as prescribed and guided by the doctor. It is necessary to see a specialist when seeing abnormal manifestations in the private area so that it can be diagnosed early, with appropriate treatment to avoid affecting the health of both mother and fetus.
During treatment, in addition to taking medication as prescribed by the doctor, pregnant women need to pay attention to hygiene to ensure effectiveness.

4. Prevention of cervical ectropion during pregnancy

Ensure hygiene before, during and after pregnancy. Choose a suitable vaginal hygiene product so as not to lose the balance of moisture as well as vaginal pH. Safe sex. If you have gynecological diseases, you need to treat them thoroughly before getting pregnant. Go for regular antenatal check-ups to detect abnormalities of the intimate area early. When you see abnormal signs, you should go to the doctor immediately, do not arbitrarily use the drug because it can affect the fetus. Cervical ectropion during pregnancy is not a malignancy, but if left untreated, it can affect the health of the mother as well as the development of the fetus. In particular, mothers with inflammation in the last 3 months of pregnancy can directly infect the baby during normal labor, leading to the baby being born infected with diseases in the eye area, respiratory tract. or other skin infections...
Cervical ectropion can be treated by many different methods, but because pregnancy is still related to the health of the fetus, it is necessary to examine carefully and consider before choosing the right treatment. Come see a specialist doctor for advice, examination, diagnosis and the most optimal treatment method.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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