Gestational luteal insufficiency: What you need to know

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The article is professionally consulted by MSc, BS. Nguyen Thi Nhu Trang - Reproductive Support Center - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital. The doctor has strengths and experience in performing specialized techniques in the IVF Lab such as ICSI, biopsies for preimplantation genetic diagnosis, thawing embryos, oocytes...
Gestational luteal insufficiency is a condition in which the corpus luteum does not secrete enough progesterone. Therefore, this condition can easily cause miscarriage. It is necessary to closely monitor and take early intervention measures to reduce the risk of unwanted consequences.

1. What is the luteal phase?

The menstrual cycle is divided into two main parts: the follicular phase (the follicular phase) and the luteal phase (the post-ovulatory phase). After ovulation, the follicle releases the egg and becomes the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum secretes the hormones estrogen and progesterone. In which, progesterone activates the uterine lining to transform to receive embryo implantation and development.
The average luteal phase lasts 12-14 days. However, it can also shorten by about 8 days or last up to 16 days, which is the period after ovulation and before the first day of the next menstrual period. During this time, the ovaries produce the hormone progesterone, which transforms the uterine lining from a proliferative to a secretory phase. If pregnant, the fetus will implant and develop and the host cells secrete hCG hormone to maintain the secretory activity of the corpus luteum. Without pregnancy, the corpus luteum regresses, progesterone levels drop, the uterine lining sheds, and menstruation occurs.
Some women with a short luteal phase may experience recurrent miscarriages (2 or more miscarriages in a row).

Hormone progesterone đóng vai trò quan trọng trong giai đoạn hoàng thể
Hormone progesterone đóng vai trò quan trọng trong giai đoạn hoàng thể

2. What is luteal insufficiency in pregnancy?

Luteal insufficiency in pregnancy is a condition in which the corpus luteum does not produce enough progesterone that the body needs, leading to a miscarriage. This condition is associated with many health problems including loss of appetite, intense exercise, obesity, endometriosis, thyroid disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome,...
To When it comes to treating this condition, your doctor will prioritize treating the problem that is believed to be the cause of your luteal insufficiency during pregnancy. Concomitant progesterone supplementation or low-dose hCG injections during the luteal phase of pregnancy.

Thiểu năng hoàng thể thai kỳ có thể xảy ra nếu buồng trứng không giải phóng đủ progesterone
Thiểu năng hoàng thể thai kỳ có thể xảy ra nếu buồng trứng không giải phóng đủ progesterone
When diagnosed with luteal insufficiency during pregnancy, the patient should follow all instructions of the doctor during treatment to reduce the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth.
To prepare for a healthy pregnancy and minimize luteal insufficiency during pregnancy, both husband and wife should have their reproductive health checked 3-5 months before pregnancy.
The wife should:
Get vaccinated before pregnancy (especially against rubella because rubella in pregnancy is extremely dangerous ) Genetic testing to screen for genetic diseases before pregnancy Check for secondary infections In particular, women over 35 years of age, if they want to become pregnant (especially if they have never been pregnant), will have to have a very detailed health check because pregnancy at this age often problems: Ovarian failure, premature birth, higher risk of birth defects, preeclampsia. The husband should:
Check reproductive health, detect diseases of testicular atrophy, physiological weakness, weak sperm... Sexually transmitted diseases, especially those that cannot be cured, are extremely dangerous. Vinmec currently has many comprehensive health care programs for couples, pregnant mothers and their unborn babies, including basic pre-marital examination packages, advanced pre-marital examination packages, and maternity packages. . Vinmec has a team of experienced doctors in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology, IVF, stem cells, gene technology, capable of synchronously and comprehensively deploying the most advanced assisted reproductive techniques today.
For specific information about fertility and maternity packages at Vinmec, please contact the hospitals and clinics of Vinmec health system nationwide.

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