Does early miscarriage require chamber suction?

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Hello doctor! I have missed my period for about 10 days now. I took a pregnancy test on February 21, 2020, showing 1 bold line, 1 faint line. On February 23, 2020, I had bleeding, went to an ultrasound, the doctor said that the fetus has not entered the uterus, if there is little bleeding, it is a sign of pregnancy, and if there is heavy bleeding, it is menstrual blood. At night, I came out a lot like menstrual blood and clots. On the day I went to the Hanoi maternity hospital, I had a blood test with transducer ultrasound and there was nothing, the blood result was 119, the doctor diagnosed an early miscarriage. When he went to test his blood again, his beta increased to 142, the transducer ultrasound was normal, 2 days later beta increased to 159, 4 days later beta increased to 253. On March 10, he had abdominal pain, fatigue along his spine. spread to both legs with fever, headache and neck pain, so he was hospitalized in the district. On the 11th day, the child had a second bleeding, the doctor gave a beta test of 379. Fearing that he would have a baby, they gave a blood transfusion to stop the bleeding. On the 13th she was discharged from the hospital, on the 16th she went to the maternity hospital for a beta blood test of 419. Transducer ultrasound at this time the mucosa is 7.9mm, the left ovary has a 29x26mm cyst. The doctor made an appointment to check again in 2 days, if it still increased, he would give the chamber aspiration. Actually, I was very confused, in the first place there was no picture of the fetus in the uterus, so why did I aspirate the chamber? But I learned that smoking the chamber is very risky. Right now, I don't know if I'm pregnant or if I've had a miscarriage. The doctor asked me if it is mandatory to have a suction chamber? What if I use drugs? I hope your doctor can help you. Thank you very much doctor.
Tong Thi Ngoc (1996)
Hello! With your condition as described, you are definitely pregnant but have not determined where the pregnancy is located. Normally, after conception, the gestational sac will gradually move from the fallopian tube to implant in the uterus. Your case is a difficult case, it is possible that the gestational sac does not implant in the uterus, but because it is so small, it is difficult to see the ultrasound. However, it is still possible that you have an early miscarriage. To diagnose an early miscarriage or to reinforce the diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy, you may need a curettage for testing. Depending on the results of the test to determine the next course of treatment for you. If early miscarriage, no further treatment, only monitoring. If the pregnancy is ectopic, it can be monitored or treated medically with the chemical Methotrexate.
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Answered by Specialist Doctor I Truong Nghia Binh - Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Da Nang International Hospital
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