Adults with hepatitis: What to eat, what to avoid?

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A suitable diet for people with hepatitis will help reduce certain damage to the liver, minimize the symptoms of the disease as well as dangerous complications such as cirrhosis, liver failure, cancer. liver.

1. What should adults with hepatitis eat?

When you have hepatitis, the patient's liver will be weak, when too much food is not good, the liver will be overloaded. Therefore, hepatitis patients should eat foods that are good for the liver, including:
Protein-rich foods such as lean pork, beef, lean chicken, eggs, seafood,... Beans such as green beans, black beans, white beans, red beans, soybeans, ... have a good detoxifying effect on the liver, cooling the liver, providing a lot of energy for the body to be able to regenerate and recover Foods rich in vitamins and minerals help support Support liver recovery process takes place faster, in which green vegetables and fruits are the optimal choice for liver disease patients. Cow's milk, powdered milk is a good protein rich food for people with chronic hepatitis. Methionine in cow's milk helps the body synthesize choline, which enhances the ability to effectively prevent fat from accumulating in the liver. Sweet, powdered foods such as rice, honey, sweet fruits contain high natural sugar content, do not cause harm. harmful to the liver.
Người bệnh nên thay đổi chế độ ăn uống để có một lá gan khỏe mạnh

2. What to eat with hepatitis?

Some of the following foods, hepatitis patients should abstain, should be limited to ensure the health of the liver:
Animal organs such as liver, heart, intestines... contain a lot of cholesterol, which affects the liver process. filtering toxins, fat metabolism in the liver, and at the same time hindering bile secretion, very bad for people with hepatitis Goat meat contains a large amount of lipids, creating a burden on the liver, affecting metabolism metabolism, filtering toxins in the liver. Shrimp is not for people with hepatitis because shrimp provide a lot of protein and cholesterol, causing the liver to work harder to metabolize all of the substance. Bamboo shoots contain a lot of fiber, causing indigestion in the stomach, affecting the metabolism in the liver. . Fried foods with a lot of fat are the cause of hepatitis turning into fatty liver, cirrhosis. Egg yolk contains a lot of cholesterol, hepatitis patients should limit, preferably 1-2 eggs/week.
Món chiên rán
Hạn chế các món chiên xào nhiều dầu để tránh tình trạng gan nhiễm mỡ tiến triển

3. Nutrition for people with hepatitis

3.1 Patients with acute hepatitis In the period of acute hepatitis, the patient may have signs of fever, vomiting, pain, and loss of appetite. The liver continues to work when liver cells begin to have damage, nutrition for people with hepatitis needs to be gentle for the liver, stomach and intestines.
Patients cannot tolerate high-fat meals, some sudden changes in environment and climate. For patients with chronic hepatitis, it is necessary to pay more attention to proper diet and nutrition, to support the treatment of the disease, and to limit the risk of complications.
Patients with chronic hepatitis need to adhere to dietary principles:
Daily energy needs to be 35 Kcal/kg Proid: 1-1.5g/kg current weight/day Lipid: 15-20% total energy. Unsaturated fatty acids with one double bond account for 1/3, many double bonds are in 1/3 and saturated fatty acids account for 1/3 of the total lipid. Enough vitamins (especially vitamins of groups B, K) and mineral salts. Water: 1.5-2 liters/day Number of meals: 3-4 meals/day.
Ăn bữa nhỏ
Người bệnh viêm gan mãn tính nên chia nhỏ bữa và ăn đủ năng lượng mỗi ngày

3.2 Some reference menus for adults with hepatitis Sample 1: Ensure every day 1500Kcal, Protid: 59g, Lipid: 22g, Glucid: 262g
Morning: Beef noodle soup, ripe fruit 100g Lunch: Rice with 2 backs bowl, steamed lean meatballs 60g, squash soup 200g, orange juice 200ml Afternoon: Two bowls of rice, stir-fried beef with vegetables, papaya 100g Evening: 200ml fresh milk Sample 2: Daily energy 1770 Kcal, Protid: 82g, Lipid: 31g, Glucid: 288g
Morning: Meat porridge, ripe fruit 100g Lunch: 2 bowls of rice, mixed fried beef, 1 bowl of cabbage soup Afternoon: 2 bowls of rice, beans with tomato sauce, roasted shrimp 50g, vegetable soup 200g , ripe fruit 100g Evening: Milk 200ml Sample 3: Energy 2100 Kcal, Protid: 86g, Lipid: 44g, Glucid: 347g
7am: Egg bread, ripe fruit 100g 9am: 1 cup of black bean tea 11am: Rice 2 bowls , rimmed meat 50g, zucchini soup with young shrimp, ripe fruit 200g 15h: 1 box of 200ml liquid milk 17h: Rice, 80g roasted chicken, 200g boiled water spinach, 200g cooked fruit.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

People with hepatitis B should abstain and what should they eat? Diet for patients with hepatobiliary disease 9 guidelines to "live well" with hepatitis C virus
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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