How is brisk walking in the elderly good for health?

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Experts say exercise starts to decline as people turn 40. So here are some tips to make the brisk walking habit of older adults even more effective.

1. Exercise Habits Decline With Age Experts say people's exercise habits start to decline after the age of 40. And one study found that just 10 minutes of exercise a day helped. up to 15% reduction in the risk of premature death.
It is estimated that 4 out of 10 people between the ages of 40 and 60 do not walk briskly for only 10 minutes per month. And experts are trying to encourage middle-aged and elderly people to be more active, with the simplest exercise being a brisk walk.

2. Is brisk walking good for the elderly? Doctors all encourage patients to sit less and walk less. The walking routine is easy to get started.
According to Dr. Sushma Koneru (cardiologist at the Orlando Health Heart Institute in Florida): People think they need to go to the gym, but in reality, walking or jogging is good for heart health. circuit . As long as you walk in comfortable shoes it's fine.
According to Dr. Lola Abudu: Physical activity is an important part of maintaining good health. Inactivity in older adults contributes to 16% of UK mortality, similar to smoking. Meanwhile, elderly people who walk briskly for at least 10 minutes a day can reduce their risk of premature death by 15%. And if you exercise hard every week, this will bring countless health benefits.
đi bộ nhanh ở người lớn tuổi
Thói quen đi bộ nhanh ở người lớn tuổi cần được duy trì

3. What is a brisk walk? The habit of brisk walking in the elderly can start by: Walking briskly 30 minutes/day, doing it regularly 5 days/week. Walking at 100 steps/min or 4.8km/h is considered brisk walking. During the walk, you will feel like you are exercising, your body warms up and you breathe a little faster.
In addition, a speaking test can also be used. You are walking at an ideal pace if you are not so short of breath that you cannot speak properly.
At the age of 40, people are on the verge of developing bad habits that can lead to many deadly diseases. If you start walking now, you can still lower your blood pressure, prevent diabetes, and reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke.

4. How to make time for a brisk walk Most people can make time for a walk at any time of the day. You can park your car further away from the workplace to walk to work or spend time walking in the morning, afternoon, during lunch time,... Besides, the habit of brisk walking in the elderly. can become easier to do if you own a dog. That increases activity levels in older adults.
In addition, you can join other walking and movement groups. That way, you can walk to work, school, walk in the park, etc. with friends. With a companion, going for a brisk walk or exercising becomes easier.
The elderly are the target group being encouraged to practice brisk walking to stay healthy. This is a simple form of exercise, easy to do, so anyone can apply and receive its health benefits.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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