Health benefits of cat's whiskers

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Cat's whiskers are considered a male medicine with many great effects on human health. People often use this plant to treat kidney stones, bladder stones. Not only that, dried cat's whiskers also have many other health care applications.

1. What is cat's whiskers?

Cat's whiskers is a herbal medicine with the scientific name Orthosiphon stamineus Benth mint family (Lamiaceae). It is a moisture-loving, light-loving plant and can tolerate little shade, often growing on humus-rich soils near forests, near water or in valleys. In our country, it is scatteredly distributed in some mountainous provinces such as Cao Bang, Lam Dong, Hoa Binh, Phu Yen, Vung Tau, provinces with cold climates...
Cat's whiskers are herbaceous, perennial, tall plants. from 30 to 50 cm (sometimes higher). Stems square, stiff, upright, usually purple-brown, with little hair, little branching. Leaves opposite, ovate, veins prominent on the underside. Inflorescences erect at stem and branch tips, flowers white or purple in color.
Cat's beard used as medicine is to use the whole plant on the ground, collected when the plant has not yet flowered and dried or dried. Dried cat's beard is used with other herbs or alone to treat a number of diseases.
Dùng toàn cây râu mèo khô trên mặt đất để làm thuốc

2. What is the effect of cat whiskers?

Cat's beard leaves contain some saponins, alkaloids, essential oils, tannins, organic acids and fatty oils. Among them, the activity is due to the high content of potassium and a bitter glycoside lorthosiphonin. Some effects of cat's whiskers are known as:
Diuretic effect: Extract of cat's whiskers in experiments by intravenous infusion has the effect of enhancing urine excretion and electrolytes Na + K + Cl . Kidney disease and kidney stones: In studies on patients, dried cat's whiskers have the effect of alkalizing the blood, the presence of active ingredients orthosiphonin and potassium salts in cat's whiskers have the effect of keeping uric acid and Urate salts are in soluble form, thus preventing their deposition to form kidney stones, combined with diuretic properties, this taste is used to prevent and treat kidney stones. Lowering blood pressure and reducing respiratory rate: The extract of cat's beard leaves has been shown to have antihypertensive effects, especially systolic blood pressure due to its vasodilator, cardiac afterload reduction and diuretic effects. A study in dogs by intravenous infusion at a dose of 0.179g/kg showed a hypotensive effect and a decrease in respiratory rate. Hypoglycaemia : Cat's beard leaf extract has been shown to have hypoglycemic effects in diabetic patients, but this effect is not always effective. The mechanism of action may be due to the fact that it stimulates the formation of glycogen in the liver. In addition, the ursolic acid component in cat's whiskers reduces blood sugar, so it is used to treat diabetes in some countries. Protects liver cells: Cat whiskers have also been shown to have a protective effect on the liver damaged by overdose of paracetamol. Increases resistance: The flavonoid active ingredients in cat's whiskers have antioxidant effects, fighting free radicals that damage cells and the body's immune system, so cat whiskers also have anti-oxidant effects. and increase the body's resistance. Acne treatment effect: When studying the effectiveness of acne treatment, it was found that an emulsion containing 2% cat's beard extract has the effect of reducing sebum and acne size on people with oily skin, It is effective in preventing and treating acne. Treatment of pain caused by gout: The drug has diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects, so it is very good for people with gout. Because some chemical components in this herb can reduce the amount of urea, chloride and uric acid in the body. According to Oriental medicine, cat's whiskers are sweet, pale, slightly bitter, and cool; has diuretic effect, clears heat, minus low, is used with strong diuretic effect, biliary tract. Applied in diseases such as kidney stone disease, gallstone disease, cholecystitis, oral treatment of acute and chronic nephritis, cystitis ...
Sỏi thận
Cây râu mèo khô có tác dụng tốt cho bệnh sỏi thận

3. How to use dry and fresh cat's whiskers

Some notes on how to use cat's whiskers:
Cat's whiskers often use flower-bearing branches when they are budding or not yet blooming with a fresh dose of 20 - 60g; Dried cat's beard from 12 - 30g/day, in the form of a decoction, made as a tea or processed into a high. Use alone or in combination with other drugs to increase the effectiveness of treatment but need to consult a doctor. Some ways to treat the disease: Used to treat kidney stones and gallstones: 15 to 40g daily dose of decoction, brake. Drink for 8 consecutive days, rest for 2 to 4 days. Used to treat gout: Use 5 to 12g of bran leaves with boiling water, divided into 2 times to drink 15-30 minutes before eating and should be taken while the solution is still hot or drinking water. Treatment of urinary tract infections: Use the flavors of cat's whiskers, jasmine (sea animals), dogs, serrated teeth, 30g each for sharp drink. Use for about a week. Treatment of chronic nephritis, cystitis, arthritis: Cat's whiskers 40g, lychee and lily of the valley 30g each. Color of drinking water. Use for 3 weeks and then take a week off. Note that with normal doses, cat's whiskers do not have acute toxic effects. But it is also not recommended to use high and prolonged doses to avoid effects on the balance of K+, Na+ ions... Cat's whiskers is a widely used male medicine with many good effects on health. However, the correct use and correct disease are very important, so you need to consult your doctor when you want to use this plant.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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