Hand, foot and mouth disease in children continues to develop complicatedly in the southern provinces

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Compared with the same period last year, the situation of hand, foot and mouth disease in children in the South is progressing at a very high level. Parents need to actively learn and take measures to prevent and protect the health of their children.

1. About hand, foot and mouth disease in children

1.1. What is hand, foot and mouth disease? Hand, foot and mouth disease in children is an acute infectious disease caused by a virus. The disease is common in infants and children under 5 years of age. Because in this period, the immune system of the child is still quite weak, so it is easy to get infected with viruses. However, in reality, older children and even adults are also at risk of hand - foot disease. - mouth.
In recent days, hand foot and mouth disease in children is falling into an outbreak period. According to the annual cycle, the number of cases of hand, foot and mouth disease usually peaks in the first wave around April to June, and the second outbreak around August to October. The spread of the disease is quite fast. , sometimes becomes dangerous with complications such as meningitis, myocarditis, acute pulmonary edema... the baby can die if not detected early.
1.2. Signs of hand, foot and mouth disease in children Fortunately, most of the signs of hand - foot - mouth disease in children are very easy to recognize, including:
Skin lesions: Appearance of blisters, burning skin redness in some special places, such as the throat area (damage to the oral mucosa, gums, tongue), scalds around the mouth, palms, feet, buttocks, knees,... Fever: Usually fever light. If the fever is high and common antipyretics do not work, this is a warning sign of serious illness. Some children have symptoms of mouth pain, fatigue, vomiting, loss of appetite, increased salivation, fussiness, sleep or startling, lethargy, etc. When parents notice that their baby has the above signs, It is necessary to immediately bring the patient to the hospital for a timely examination, diagnosis and treatment by a doctor. In order to avoid spreading to the community, adults need to actively isolate sick children and only send them to school when they have completely recovered.
Tay chân miệng ở trẻ.
Dấu hiệu nhận biết bệnh nhi mắc bệnh tay chân miệng.
In addition, parents should learn information about hand and mouth disease what to abstain from so that they can limit the unfortunate consequences that occur when children are sick.
1.3. Hand, foot and mouth spread by which way? The disease can be transmitted directly and indirectly:
Direct transmission: Through the digestive tract when children eat together or come into contact with secretions from infected children. Indirect transmission: Through hands or hands, holding objects contaminated with the virus (usually toys, furniture or doorknobs), then children accidentally put their hands in their mouths. Some of the following factors increase the risk of hand, foot and mouth disease in children:
Poor personal hygiene: An opportunity for the virus to enter the body. Frequent contact with many children in public places : Increases the risk of disease due to its contagious nature. After knowing how hand, foot and mouth disease is transmitted, parents can actively prevent hand, foot and mouth disease for their children.

2. Hand, foot and mouth disease situation in some southern provinces

Ho Chi Minh City: The number of cases of hand, foot and mouth disease in children is increasing As noted by Dr. Nguyen Huu Hung, Deputy Director of the Department of Health, regarding the situation of children suffering from hand, foot and mouth disease in Ho Chi Minh City: “The cumulative number of hand, foot and mouth disease cases at medical facilities in the city has been accumulated since the beginning of the year. 2019 to mid-March is about 1,700 cases, up 65% year-on-year (2018 was 1070 cases).”
Community's awareness of hand, foot and mouth disease has improved, pediatric patients are detected early, hospitalized and treated promptly. Therefore, since the beginning of the year, no deaths have been recorded.
Phòng tránh tay chân miệng
Trẻ em cần được bảo vệ một cách chủ động để tránh bị virus gây bệnh tay chân miệng.
Binh Duong: Hand, foot and mouth disease outbreak On March 4, Binh Duong Department of Health said that the situation of hand, foot and mouth disease in the province is showing signs of increasing.
Specifically, data recorded in February 2019, the whole province of Binh Duong detected 168 cases, most of the pediatric patients are being actively treated. Areas where many new cases are currently breaking out are Thuan An town, Di An town, Tan Uyen town, Thu Dau Mot city,...
An Giang: Hand, foot and mouth disease in children has increased dramatically According to the Department's statistics An Giang Health, by the end of March 14, the situation of hand, foot and mouth disease in the whole province is developing quite complicatedly.
The number of pediatric hand, foot and mouth disease is 354 cases, up 148% over the same period last year. The locality with the highest total number of cases is Cho Moi district.
To cope with the increasing situation of hand, foot and mouth disease, the Department of Health is strengthening the inspection and close monitoring of the epidemic situation in the locality in order to detect early cases, isolate and treat them. thoroughly manage the outbreak. In addition, the Ministry has also fully prepared the necessary number of drugs, medical supplies, vehicles and chemicals to serve the prevention and treatment of diseases in all situations.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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