Winter or illness?

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Winter with cold weather easily leads to health problems such as asthma, sore throat, joint pain or stomach ulcers. Especially in winter, the disease is common in subjects with low resistance such as the elderly and children. Therefore, winter prevention is very necessary to protect the health of these sensitive subjects.

1. Winter or illness?

Winter is the most susceptible time of the year because of low temperature, cold wind and lack of sunshine. Some common diseases in winter can be mentioned as:

1.1. Cold

A cold is a disease caused by a virus of the upper respiratory tract, mainly in the nose, very common during the cold season
Because it is a contagious disease, people can prevent colds by washing their hands often to help eliminate the effects of cold. disease-causing agent. In addition to washing hands properly, it is also necessary to keep the house and household items clean, especially when there are sick people in the house.
It is recommended to use disposable paper towels instead of hand towels to avoid having to wash hands and wash towels repeatedly as well as the risk of re-exposure to the virus.

Cảm lạnh là bệnh thường gặp vào mùa đông
Cảm lạnh là bệnh thường gặp vào mùa đông

1.2. Sore throat

Pharyngitis occurs quite commonly in winter mainly due to viral infections. In addition, sudden exposure to temperature changes when moving out into the cold can also affect the throat
Gargling with warm salt water is a measure that can be used to quickly overcome inflammation throat, although not effective in treating infections, has anti-inflammatory properties and soothes the patient's throat

1.3. Asthma

One of the causes of wheezing and shortness of breath in people with asthma is cold air. Therefore, people with asthma need to be careful during this time
During the days when the temperature is low and the wind is cold, people with asthma need to limit going out. If you must go out, wear a scarf and mask to cover your nose and mouth, store sprays with you and stay as warm as possible.

Không khí lạnh là nguyên nhân gây ra thở dốc, thở khò khè ở người bị hen suyễn
Không khí lạnh là nguyên nhân gây ra thở dốc, thở khò khè ở người bị hen suyễn

1.4. Athritis

Arthritis can be aggravated in winter due to poor blood circulation which reduces joint fluid and blood supply to joints. In addition, the high humidity in the cold winter will cause the tendons and joints to contract, making the joints dry and stiff, causing limited movement and pain.
To improve joint pain, patients can increase massage, apply heat for about 20 minutes, exercise regularly during this period.

1.5. Hypothermia

The elderly and children are the subjects most susceptible to hypothermia, especially in cold weather in winter. People with hypothermia will feel tired, not alert and have uncontrollable shivers, pale skin, dilated pupils.
The best intervention in the early stages of hypothermia cases is to wrap a blanket around the person until their body is warm again.

1.6. Heart attack

Heart attacks are more common in winter because the weather increases blood pressure and puts more pressure on the heart.
People with cardiovascular disease in winter should try to maintain the lowest room temperature at 18°C ​​and use hot water bottles and electric blankets to keep the body warm. When going out, wear a hat, scarf and gloves.

Mùa đông dễ bị tăng huyết áp và gây nhiều áp lực hơn lên tim
Mùa đông dễ bị tăng huyết áp và gây nhiều áp lực hơn lên tim

2. Proper winter disease prevention for children

Children are always the most susceptible to disease in extreme weather conditions, so parents need to take the following preventive measures to ensure their children's health:
Complete and correct vaccinations schedule Keep the child's body warm in the positions of hands, feet, chest, head, neck in cold weather, especially when going outdoors Avoid contact with people who are showing signs of flu, measles, Diarrhea or respiratory disease, restricting children to go to crowded places Provide children with adequate and nutritious food, lots of fruit to strengthen resistance Ensure regular personal hygiene, wash hands with soap and sanitize Daily birth of nose and throat Ensure environmental and accommodation hygiene

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