Take tartar to get rid of bad breath?

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Bad breath is a fairly common oral disease, seriously affecting communication, work and reducing quality of life. Bad breath due to tartar is one of the common causes. Periodic tartar removal, combined with clean oral hygiene is a measure to significantly reduce bad breath.

1. What is tartar?

Tartar (calcium) is hard plaque located above or below the gum line on the surface of the teeth. If tartar sticks to the gum line, they make it easier for plaque to stick and harder to clean. From there, it causes many serious diseases for oral health such as tooth decay or gum disease.
Tartar is actually the accumulation of food residues and food particles stuck between the teeth when we do not clean our teeth properly. Over time, stubborn plaques will form on the teeth or gums. Later, if this condition is not thoroughly treated, the plaque will combine with bacteria, causing the teeth to become yellow. In addition, they are also the cause of bad breath, affecting communication. So, to the question of whether tartar causes bad breath, the answer is: YES.

2. How to recognize tartar

Tartar is produced from minerals, so you can easily see and detect them on the gum line or around the teeth. The most noticeable sign is when we look in the mirror, we see on the gum line or around the teeth a brown or yellow color, firmly attached, not removed despite thorough brushing.
Based on color, severity - light, tartar is divided into 2 types:
Normal tartar: A common tartar, light yellow or milky white, firmly attached at the contact point between teeth and gums ; Serum tartar: It is a heavier form of tartar than normal tartar, with a reddish brown color. If left untreated for a long time, serum tartar can lead to gingivitis, bleeding gums.
Nhiều người bệnh gặp tình trạng hôi miệng vì nhiều cao răng
Nhiều người bệnh gặp tình trạng hôi miệng vì nhiều cao răng

3. Signs of bad breath because of many tartar

Normally, tartar plaque is not cleaned for a long time and bacteria present in the oral cavity are the cause of yellow teeth and an unpleasant body odor. Signs of bad breath caused by tartar are:
Bad breath and appear at different times of the day. Some people have bad breath in the morning after waking up, bad breath in the evening after coming home from work or when they are hungry, their body is tired, etc. There are cases of bad breath most of the time. day, causing a lot of trouble; Having oral health problems such as gingivitis, tooth decay, tartar, periodontitis,...; Teeth accumulate a lot of plaque, tartar, creating conditions for odor-causing bacteria to grow in the oral cavity.

4. Does removing tartar get rid of bad breath?

When tartar has a bad smell, causing bad breath, the patient is recommended by doctors to get tartar. The technique of removing tartar is one of the most popular methods of treating bad breath, which is performed by many dentists.
Because tartar is one of the direct causes of bad breath, the removal of tartar by the doctor, combined with the patient having a clean oral care and hygiene regimen after that, will help improve the situation. foul-smelling oral cavity. In addition, regular tartar also helps each person to prevent other oral diseases that may occur.
As recommended by dentists, you should get tartar once every 6 months. In case customers have severe and serious periodontal disease, tartar should be removed every 3 months to ensure the best oral health.

5. Notes after removing tartar

About the first 1-2 days after removing tartar, your enamel will tend to be more sensitive than usual. Therefore, to avoid creating conditions for bacteria to grow and attack again, you should not smoke; You should brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled brush, brush vertically, and use dental floss to remove leftover food stuck between your teeth after eating. Besides, you should use specialized mouthwash or salt water to clean the oral cavity. This both helps clean teeth and helps prevent bad breath; Get regular tartar at least every 6 months to ensure oral health.

6. Secrets to prevent bad breath

To ensure fresh breath, confident in communication, you need to pay attention to the following important issues:
6.1 Drink lots of water Water makes the body healthier and improves bad breath. The reason is because drinking water helps you avoid dry mouth - a cause of bad breath.
Therefore, during the day you should drink a lot of water, evenly divided at different times to help the oral cavity always have the necessary moisture to produce saliva and remove excess food stuck in the mouth. Saliva contains enzymes that help eliminate bacteria that cause bad breath. From there, your breath will become fresher.
Hôi miệng vì nhiều cao răng có thể uống nước để cải thiện
Hôi miệng vì nhiều cao răng có thể uống nước để cải thiện

6.2 Proper oral hygiene Proper daily oral hygiene is one of the effective solutions to prevent bad breath. To perform proper hygiene, you need to note:
Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day in the morning after waking up and at night before going to bed. At the same time, you should combine using more floss and specialized mouthwash to remove food plaque on teeth, reduce bad breath because of tartar; Periodic dental examination and tartar removal every 6 months. 6.3 Thorough treatment of oral diseases To help freshen breath, no bad breath, you should thoroughly treat oral diseases. In addition to removing tartar, a number of other oral diseases also need to be treated early such as tooth decay, gingivitis, bleeding gums, periodontitis,...

6.4 Building a scientific diet A scientific diet also contributes to overcoming bad breath. Pay attention to the following to reduce bad breath:
If in the daily diet menu there is less starch but more protein, it is easy to cause bad breath. Therefore, you need to build a reasonable eating menu; After eating and drinking, you can drink 1 cup of hot tea because tea contains antioxidants, preventing the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath; Eating yogurt is also a very good choice for you if you want to prevent bad breath. In yogurt, there are probiotic bacteria, which help the body reduce the amount of hydrogen sulfide that causes bad breath; Limit the use of stimulants, alcohol, beer, tobacco, ... to avoid bad breath. Bad breath is one of the conditions that causes serious loss of confidence in communication. Tartar is one of the causes of bad breath. Therefore, each person needs to pay attention to clean their teeth daily and periodically take tartar every 6 months to ensure fresh breath and no periodontal diseases.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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