Relationship between kidney stones and kidney failure

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Kidney stones are considered the main cause of kidney failure. People with kidney stones without proper and definitive treatment regimen will easily lead to kidney failure complications, seriously affecting health.

1. The relationship between kidney stones and kidney failure

Kidney stones in particular and urinary tract stones in general are a condition where minerals are deposited in the kidneys and urinary tract due to a small amount of water excreted, causing stones. In the case of small stones and only in the renal pelvis, it has no symptoms or can be excreted in the urine without causing any dangerous complications. However, if the case is large, when moving, the stones will come into contact and rub against the urinary tract and cause pain.
When kidney stones rub and / or cause blockage of the ureter, it will make the mucosa more susceptible to edema, creating conditions for bacteria to have the opportunity to penetrate and cause infection. This condition, if left for a long time, can lead to fibrosis of the urinary tract and impaired kidney function, in other words, kidney failure, if severe, it can lead to chronic kidney failure.
Here are some risks due to kidney stones causing inflammation of the organs in the urinary system and leading to kidney failure:
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Acute pyelonephritis, urinary tract: Stones move and rub, damage the lining of the renal tubules and cause kidney and urinary tract infections. At the level of acute inflammation, the disease, if treated in time, can completely recover. On the contrary, if left untreated for a long time, it will easily lead to acute kidney failure. Chronic pyelonephritis and pyelonephritis: Acute pyelonephritis, if it recurs many times or is not treated, will lead to fibrosis of the renal interstitial organizations, causing a decline in kidney function. Acute kidney failure: When the stone moves down the ureter, it can block both sides of the ureter, leading to total water retention, and serious consequences is acute kidney failure. Chronic kidney failure: Finally, the most dangerous complication of kidney stones is chronic kidney failure. Due to the silent progression of the disease, nephritis recurs many times, causing fibrosis of the renal organization, reducing kidney function. Initially, the disease was only mild, however, the disease could not completely treat the cause.

2. Prevention of kidney failure due to kidney stones

For patients with kidney stones, special attention should be paid to the diet according to the doctor's instructions to prevent the disease from recurring and causing the most dangerous complication, kidney failure. Here are the points to pay attention to in the diet that kidney stone patients need to adhere to:
Limit salt intake: Consuming salty foods with high salt content will increase the concentration of sodium in the urine, leading to The excretion of calcium in the urine increases, thereby causing kidney stones.
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Limit sweets: Sucrose and fructose in sugar are the main causes of increased risk of kidney stones as well as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity... Limit red meat intake: Because it contains High in iron and protein, consuming too much red meat will lower urine pH and increase urinary calcium excretion. In addition, it also reduces urinary citrate, which is a substance that prevents the formation of kidney stones. Limit foods high in oxalates: After consuming foods containing oxalates, the body will filter and eliminate this substance through the urine. If the concentration of this substance is too high or the urine is too concentrated, oxalate will combine with calcium in the urine to form kidney stones. Drink plenty of water: Patients with kidney stones need to drink enough water (about 2-2.5 liters of water/day). Besides, after eating breakfast about 1 hour, the patient can drink 1 glass of lemon juice to support the treatment of kidney stones. If left untreated, kidney stones can cause kidney failure complications, seriously affecting health and life.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
Why do kidney stones cause so much pain? Why do kidney stones cause back pain? Methods to treat urinary stones
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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