Is colonoscopy painful?

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The article was written by MSc Vu Tan Phuc - Gastroenterologist, Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.
The rectum is an organ located in the abdomen, connecting the colon and the anal canal. The rectum is a straight segment of intestine about 11 - 15cm long, the first part of the rectum is shaped like the letter sigma, the last part of the rectum dilates to form a ball of the rectum. The main function of the rectum is to store waste. It also participates in the elimination process. However, this part often suffers from diseases such as ulcers, polyps, cancer, ...

1. What is anorectal endoscopy? Indications for endoscopy

Proctoscopy is a procedure that inserts a flexible endoscope into the anus, into the rectum to diagnose and treat anorectal diseases. Therefore, the indications for anorectal endoscopy usually include the following indications:
Blood in stools Defecal disorders: anal pain, bowel incontinence, difficulty defecation Disturbances of stool properties Inflammatory bowel disease rectal bleeding Crohn's disease Cancer Polyp Anal fistula Anal fissure Anal itching

Bệnh lý Polyp đại tràng
Bệnh lý Polyp đại tràng

2. Preparation before colonoscopy

The endoscopy process is very quick, does not take much time. However, for this to work you will need to do a rectal cleanse.
The patient is explained about the benefits and complications of anorectal endoscopy, then the patient will have 2 enemas (the night before and the next morning 3 hours before the endoscopy) or the Microlax pump 2 times ( the night before and the next morning). After the preparation is complete, the patient will go to the endoscopy bed and prepare for the endoscopy. First step: anorectal examination and then insert the lamp after lubricating the machine with lidocaine or silicone grease. Insert the light into the rectum, look and find the way at the same time. Colonoscopy is less difficult, can observe the entire rectum when combined with reverse rotation. Biopsy: When there is damage, the doctor will press with biopsy pliers, cut polyps when seeing polyps with stalks. The total colonoscopy time is usually about 5 to 10 minutes.

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Ống nội soi đại trực tràng

Actually, the rectum is a straight segment of large intestine. Combined with the flexible endoscope and the experience of the doctor, patients often feel a slight tightness in the lower abdomen during anorectal endoscopy and a feeling of having a bridge. But most patients can tolerate the entire colonoscopy because the endoscope inserted into the anus is only about 15 to 20cm. However, pain threshold is different for each person.
Hence some people have a lower tolerance to pain. In these people, in order to not feel pain during anorectal endoscopy, the doctor will pre-anesthetize the patient before the colonoscopy. During the endoscopy, the patient will sleep and not always feel pain.
This is an easy-to-implement, low-cost technique that offers accurate diagnosis, high intervention capacity and less discomfort for the patient.

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