Diagnosis and treatment regimen for prolonged fever

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Prolonged fever can be a sign of health problems. This is a common syndrome or condition in the infectious disease department. There are many causes of prolonged fever, the best way is to take the patient to the nearest medical facility for examination, diagnosis and reasonable treatment plan.

1. Clinical signs

When the body temperature is over 38 degrees Celsius, it lasts from 1 to 3 weeks. Have been treated with antibiotics, common fever reducer but no improvement... are signs of prolonged fever.
Based on symptoms and duration of high fever to evaluate and diagnose the cause of prolonged fever:
Sudden onset: Body temperature rises rapidly, within a day or two the body temperature rises from 37 C to up to 37 C 40C. There may be a fever due to the inside of the body being infected with viruses and bacteria that make pus; Slow onset, gradual increase in body temperature over a few days: Fever that gradually rises over a few days: Salmonella illness, primary tuberculosis infection, Brucellose; Potential: Patients with low-grade fever without obvious symptoms may have mild infections, visceral tuberculosis, subacute endocarditis, and malignancy.
Trẻ sốt bao nhiêu độ thì co giật? (Phần 1)
Sốt kéo dài là khi nhiệt độ cơ thể cao trên 38 độ C, kéo dài từ 1 – 3 tuần

2. Diagnosis of persistent fever

Clinical analysis:
Extracting information from patients; Time of onset of fever; Anamnesis; Current illness; What vaccinations have been given; The patient has signs of prolonged cough and fever, weight loss, body fatigue; Ask age: Young children and the elderly are susceptible to persistent high fever of unknown cause. Clinical examination: Check vital signs: Check pulse, temperature, measure blood pressure, breathing rate, consciousness, take anal temperature and check temperature at least every 4 hours. Monitor the temperature chart:
Record the temperature chart, from which the diagnosis of persistent fever can be made:
If the patient coughs and has a persistent fever, plateau image: Possible typhoid, para-injury typhoid, acute bacteremia, tuberculosis, typhus, acute blood disease; Fever at different times of the day: Mild fever in the morning, high fever from 39-40 degrees Celsius in the afternoon: the patient may have a deep purulent infection, visceral cavernous tuberculosis, some forms of Brucellose; Fever stops; Fever with a clear cycle: Malaria; Fever without a clear cycle: Infections of the bile ducts, urinary tract, cholecystitis purulent stones, liver abscess, abscess under the diaphragm, bacteremia caused by dysentery bacilli E. coli living in the human intestine ; Recurrent fever: Lice regression fever, rat bite fever, repeated fever, spirochete fever; Fever waveform: Patient has Hodgkin's cancer - this is a malignant lymphoma, has enterococcal endocarditis or malignant reticulo-system disease; Mild fever: There may be localized infection, subacute endocarditis, visceral malignancy, colloid disease, necrotic cancer, infectious cancer.
Trẻ bị sốt siêu vi có uống được kháng sinh
Sốt nhẹ kéo dài có thể bị nhiễm khuẩn khu trú viêm nội tâm mạc bán cấp, bệnh ác tính nội tạng,...

3. Treatment of prolonged fever

Patients need to be hospitalized to monitor and check to find out the cause to treat persistent fever.
Use antibiotics when there is an infection:
Clinical signs of infection:
Fever > 38.3 degrees Celsius, accompanied by signs of rapid breathing or rapid pulse; Occurrence of 1 of the following manifestations: acute disturbances of consciousness, oliguria, metabolic acidosis, shock, mucosal bleeding, liver damage; Subclinical:
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes > 15,000/mm3 or < 5000/mm3 with increased neutrophil band > 10% ± toxic granules, vacuoles or CRP > 20 mg/l. Give the patient the antibiotic Cefotaxime 100-200 mg/kg/day, intravenously
If malaria is caused by the malaria parasite, give Artemisinin for 5 days.
To ensure safety and have an effective treatment regimen, patients need to go to a reputable hospital to conduct examination and treatment as soon as there are signs of prolonged high fever. Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the leading prestigious hospitals in the country, trusted by a large number of patients for medical examination and treatment. Not only the physical system, modern equipment: 6 ultrasound rooms, 4 DR X-ray rooms (1 full-axis machine, 1 light machine, 1 general machine and 1 mammography machine) , 2 DR portable X-ray machines, 2 multi-row CT scanner rooms (1 128 rows and 1 16 arrays), 2 Magnetic resonance imaging rooms (1 3 Tesla and 1 1.5 Tesla), 1 room for 2 levels of interventional angiography and 1 room to measure bone mineral density.... Vinmec is also the place to gather a team of experienced doctors and nurses who will greatly assist in diagnosis and detection. early signs of abnormality in the patient's body. In particular, with a space designed according to 5-star hotel standards, Vinmec ensures to bring the patient the most comfort, friendliness and peace of mind.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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